
The goal of this blog is to motivate myself and others for further practice as well as provide details that might explain what's going on..

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Dream of levitation

Uncle asked us to watch films yesterday evening. I really liked one of them: Adam's Apples (imdb). The "coincidences" in the film seemed quite familiar. It was as if the higher self of Adam kept trying to teach him his power of manifestation while he was ignorant about it. One of those few films that brought tears.

Went to bed late yesterday and saw a cool dream today morning. I was walking somewhere down the street in a semi-foreign place. The weather was cloudy and asphalt was slightly wet and reflective after rain. I ended up at a road crossing and tried to jump over it. I was amazed that I could do it and looked back at the distance I had just leaped. I continued walking and at some moment I noticed that there was some heavy wind around (probably from reading owltwelve's journal). I decided to try to levitate and use the wind for pushing myself forward fast. So, I ended up flying really fast instead of just levitating. I wanted to stop before the end of the road I was flying parallel to and became slightly worried about coming to a stop at this speed. It took some effort, but I could easily slow myself down and descend onto the road. The speed was still great and when my feet touched the road, I had to slow down further by running.

I woke up, but didn't open my eyes. Before my eyes was the last image from the dream that looked like an afterimage on the retina. It seemed weird that there was such an afterimage after a dream, perhaps I was still dreaming to some extent..

Constructs are really die-hard. I can no longer put radiometer spinning at slow speed - it just won't start. When it arrived, it would start spinning at slow speed even at twice the distance from the lamp. When father entered my room, it started spinning again slowly and came to a halt right after. It seems like it's also spinning about 2x slower at full speed than it did a couple of days ago.

I visualized dissolving the stasis field construct from around the radiometer vanes and it started spinning more freely. =P spins quite well at slow speed again now. Though, I wasn't able to stop it anymore.

Slept and meditated some in the evening. During meditation I started seeing all kinds of places (similar to this meditation) and feeling being somewhere else. I could see trees and a grassy plane covered in fog. I thought it was related to one of Drunvalo Melchizedek's videos we watched before I started meditating. Although what he said in the video seemed logical and his experiences felt real, I'm still skeptical about everything that comes from him (a lot of claims without references).

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