
The goal of this blog is to motivate myself and others for further practice as well as provide details that might explain what's going on..

Saturday, January 30, 2016


Received Emotiv headset and played with it a bit. Needs quite a bit more concentration practice to make use of it in games. Currently it reminds me of the "chest" exercises I used to do a while ago - very difficult to keep anything stable. Would be cool to improve the clarity and intensity of generated EM patterns so that eventually I could use the headset from a distance (without actually wearing it).

Today was an incredibly productive day at work. With the help of a good concentration, I managed to track down and patch tens of memory corruption issues in my testing software. Throughout the day, there was quite a bit of energy boiling somewhere in the body. At first in the abdomen, then after lunch it propagated up to the heart.

A couple of nights ago I had a dream where a science & technology competition was held for primary school, after which there was grilling and sauna. There was a young genius girl whom I followed out of curiosity. She came up with the means for producing a light-amplifying fabric. Some of the other participants misbehaved (mildly put). So this girl hid in a nearby building to quietly observe what the others were up to, without getting involved. She would've wanted to switch on the light but then she would have revealed herself spying on the others. This situation triggered another idea for the opposite - fabric that could be used to absorb or dissipate light depending on its intensity. The more intense the light shining on it, the more it attenuates.

Last night in the dreams I was visited by Hyena. He pointed at the wall behind the door, highlighting the spot where entities sometimes leak through. I said: "I know, it's not a very serious issue, so I haven't done anything about it yet." Thought it wouldn't hurt to look into it right away. Photographed the wall with flash to reveal whatever darkness was hiding there. A poster with malevolent subliminals (satanic sketches, which formed out of barely visible patterns in text and background). Apparently a long time ago I had thought it was cool and installed it without realizing the meaning of the subliminal messages. This was not the only similar dream last night .. a lot of darkness was being dispelled / released.

Thursday, January 28, 2016


Sat and waited today morning, as I didn't want breakfast. Sat and waited. And stared .. at the old and heavy cupboard in the living room. The cat also sat and waited at the other end of the room and stared .. at me.

At some moment, the cupboard made a snapping sound. Then another object closer to me also made a snapping sound. The cat looked confused and a bit spooked. He looked at the cupboard, then at me, then at the other object and then at me again. This he repeated for a few times, then left the room.

A strange day. Didn't get much work done because the whole day was packed with meetings. Then somewhere in between the meetings, I filled the customs declaration and payed the VAT for the headset that I ordered. A bit frustrated at how much it cost me in total:
  • headset ~360 USD
  • EEG firmware ~300 USD
  • transport ~90 USD
  • 20% VAT ~150 USD
~900 USD? Wat.

Oh well. Another viewpoint: I'll receive it tomorrow and it's going to be worth every cent in hobby research and gamedev. This means the more it costs, the more it's worth ;-)

That was out of topic.

Today I noticed an exceptionally high sensitivity to subconscious signals. Moved my chair and as I heard the sound, I couldn't help but feel it was unwelcome. It turned out there was a TV interview with a colleague in the hall just around the corner. Then at some moment I suddenly remembered I had booked a thesis meeting with a student and he should've arrived by then. Hey'd him on Skype, asking where he was. Apparently he had just arrived through the front door. Thought of calling the other student as well, who had a related thesis work. Err.. almost bumped into him on the stairs.

While standing and waiting for a bus in the evening, I recognized a colleague seeing me from the distance without me seeing him. Wondered about it, when I saw him walking across the parking lot. It's a nice and stormy evening. Today he said "Fantastic weather," with 100% irony. I responded "Indeed," with full sincerity.

Recently I've been utilizing waiting for practising concentration and clarity of mind. I would picture myself standing like a warrior, who (and whose mind) is not swayed by anything. I would strictly follow rules (including those set by myself) just because I can, and find it as a way to discipline my mind. I used to practice this before the army training, but it's even a bit easier after that.

Lights flickered 3 times, with clicks of UPS triggering.

Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Void salad with radishes

A few nights ago I focused on the space in my room. Fell asleep and in the dreams, I focused on the vibrations within the air in my room. I put some music playing and tried to feel how the vibrations interact in the air. The experience was cut short because the playlist only had one song.

There's a girl at work, who joined fairly recently. Anyway, she's one of these people whom I "know" or recognize as an old friend. One of Mom's many friends, perhaps. Enjoyed a chat about diets, psychokinesis, yoga.

A bit inspired, bought radishes, lettuce and sour cream. Hadn't made that salad for months. While cutting radishes, I couldn't help but notice some sort of an electric vibration or buzzing in the fingertips when they touched the radish. A couple of hours later, I noticed this familiar emptiness that I could either focus on, or ignore. A few minutes of focus brought forth the familiar calmness and the sensation of space-time wobbling around the head. Also felt the same electric vibration or buzzing (same frequency, similar amplitude) just above the heart chakra. I wonder if it was those radishes, salt, or maybe the inspiring chat .. I don't know, but I'm thankful for the sense of emptiness.

Thursday, January 21, 2016

Not serious

Today at work one of the projector lamps in the EMC test chamber suddenly went out. The colleague who manages the chamber and EMC tests, said: "Heh. One of the lamps just burned out." I acknowledged but didn't really pay attention because recently this has been happening so often. He was really surprised when he later flipped the switch and the lamp was working just fine.

Last night featured at least 5 hours of quality sleep, yay! Despite all those years at university, still nervous about exams =/. Tried to come to an agreement with ego, stating that the body has nothing to do with it. Although it had an effect, it seems it was temporary. Probably not detached enough from the ego. Keeping the body clean of semi-conscious accumulation of tension is not the job of ego, it's my job.

Quite vivid dreams, best of which during the first 5 hours or so. I had gone outside for some specific task. It was no longer winter .. spring perhaps, or summer? Looked back up at the apartment block and noticed something ominous about the clouds. Some of the clouds had thousands of tiny dark spots flying around in them. These dark spots greatly affected the mobility of the clouds, and the clouds had the potential to move really fast. To a regular eye, they would look like regular rain or thunder clouds. However, I definitely didn't want to get those dark .. things raining on me, at least not today. There were two of these clouds in the sky, speeding past the other clouds as if chasing each-other. Went back inside. Looked outside the balcony window and the trees were in fresh green leaves. Very pretty day.

A couple of nights ago I walked in the back yard of the old barn house. A lot of stuff there. Went to the storage hut with the new thatched roof for sleep. Three other people appeared there. Two at the back and one just next to me (had the appearance of an old classmate and friend). I had been preparing for sleep when a light bulb burned out. Friend went to replace it. He extracted the bulb, which then flickered a bit and lit in his hand. He came to show this to me, but geisting became worse and he got quite an electric shock from the bulb. He lost consciousness but it didn't seem very serious, at least not in the dream. Since dreams aren't really serious ... right? ;)

The waves of heat from the abdomen have still been radiated every now and then, but on a smaller scale. Still enough for me to remove the coat while walking around. Once also cooled myself by poking a tree branch until a pile of snow landed on my face and around the neck. That felt really good.

Monday, January 18, 2016

Short of 300 kV?

Yesterday I also encountered a strange transition in background noise. Mind was foggy, until at some moment it was as if somebody had switched off a server. Only then could I tell the difference. Couldn't tell the source of the noise, though. It was as if the noise had come from the next room, only that there's nothing there that could make the noise. Or maybe it came from another floor? Or maybe the noise was in the mind? Weird, but there I was, finally able to focus better on cramming for the exam. Almost no internal dialogue, either.

The previous post on the personality switch reminded me of an exercise that I sometimes performed several years ago. I would take a meditation posture, close the eyes and observe the density of focus in the brain. For most of the time, there was heavy focus in the left hemisphere but nothing in the right one. Realized it being a weakness, I shifted focus to the right hemisphere. A few days of practice and I could activate the right hemisphere. Then I moved focus to the exact center, trying to keep it there without gravitating towards the left hemisphere. This exercise worked very well with pranayama, allowing me to open and close the Ida and Pingala breathing channels on will.

Anyway, tried the same last night. Couldn't focus on the right hemisphere very well at first. As if the head was locked. Heard a spontaneous semi-subconscious thought: "Grant me access". Right when I thought it, there were two synchronized cracking sounds at the top of the neck, one to the left and the other to the right of the spine. It didn't take long, until I felt prana started moving .. digestion activated and stuff.

In the first dreams, there were recurring elements :- flickering and dimming of lights and a walk outdoors in the snow. During each walk, I passed a transformer. As I approached it, I couldn't help but notice the loud high-pitched buzzing. It sounded as if the transformer was at its peak. Too much load. As I came even closer, I could feel the air and the transformer surroundings buzzing. Eventually I saw that the transformer was arcing. Not safe. Somehow I couldn't avoid this place and ended up there at least 2 times. Eventually woke up, sweaty and internal heat radiating from different parts of the body. While awake, the internal heat seemed well under control - not sure why so dramatic dreams. The abdomen seemed to be the source of the heat, which then propagated up the body, melting "icicles" within the body. The heat faded before I could melt all of them. Today it was rather hot outside, too (-1 *C). Last week there had been around -20 *C.

This is the buzzing:

A successful tantra and tummo practice.

Anyway, a strange day. Found it a bit difficult to word sentences for some reason. Due to lack of sleep? Ego was near panic for quite some time .. while at the same time, the body was very calm and relaxed.

Stood at a park in the morning. Counted 4 simultaneously dead streetlamps around me, all within a 20 meter radius. Still geisting those, apparently.

Sunday, January 17, 2016

Personality switch

Geisting has become a bit "sharper". A moment ago there was a sharp snapping sound emitted from somewhere within the laptop. Semi-conscious geisting, as I felt it in the biofield.

While cramming for an exam, I played with a piece of self adhesive hook and loop fastening tape on the mouse cable. Then noticed that, and stopped because all such habits draw cat's attention. I think he was sleeping on the clothes drying rack, so that I was blocking his view of the tape. A single "visual" thought of the cat chewing on the tape was enough to trigger the cat. He leaped onto the table, creeped up to the same tape, bit it once and then left. Exactly as the "visual" thought portrayed. Even though there's a larger strip of such tape on the laptop adapter cable, the cat just crawled over it .. it was only interested in the small one attached to the mouse cable. Guarding one's thought patterns is what cats teach well.

Noticed something about my dreams that I've previously missed. On Saturday morning, I visited an exhibition or market hall twice. There were a lot of wooden bars and supports everywhere, which gave the place medieval looks. The first time was at night. Couldn't resist the desire to climb around, jump and stuff. Ended up at the same place with friends later in the morning. It was still so early that the place was empty, but it was quite bright already. Friends asked me to come and climb around a little. I said: "Hey, I was here just a few hours ago. Climbed around and stuff." Thought it wouldn't hurt to climb some more .. but something was different. Everything seemed very realistic and I didn't feel confident in my climbing abilities at all.

The personality must have been different. It seems it depends on time. At around midnight, there's a switch, and somewhere at 4 AM there's another. This was also evident during the hiking competition of the crazies or somesuch. Anyway, the asymmetry seems to be a problem here. The 20 h personality has too long duty cycle and the 4 h personality too short. For one, this produces a certain unsatisfied longing. But it also results in exhaustion and tiredness during the day. The 20 h personality can't maintain its peak performance.

On another subject, I want to re-share owltwelve's post on the psychokinesis forum:

An amazing story about a poltergeist case.

Friday, January 15, 2016

Global Illumination Glitch

Found "Boku dake ga Inai Machi", for which I sincerely thank the Facebook Anime page. The anime seems very promising.

Thanks to Metavo, I found another "local" guy who has conquered cold:

Recently I've been reading a lot of Reddit stories on matrix glitches, paranormal experiences and stuff. Today on the way to work, I noticed something that I've read about but hadn't experienced yet. A winter morning, so sun was still rising and sky was gradually becoming brighter. Then suddenly within a split-second, everything became remarkably brighter (and stayed brighter) and the sky started looking a bit different as well. I found it strange that the time and the movement of cars were smooth .. which would prove against a time glitch. Thought it could have been a car that passed with headlights on and caused some kind of an effect on the eyes. Observed passing cars for some time but didn't find an angle at which there would be a similar effect.

Monday, January 11, 2016

Dream acrobatics

Something's different.

Dreams were ok, and again I felt quite refreshed after just 4 hours of sleep. Still, tried hard to sleep more.

Today I wasn't in a very good mood for some unknown reason. Tried to turn it into detachment, focus and concentration instead of releasing it as disappointment, whine or anger. The attempt was successful, some channels opened up and the ability to concentrate increased quite a bit. For a few times today I thought I could smell the bindu fluid inside the body. Also encountered the faint familiar sensation of the space-time wobbling around me and saw some faint waves around the head.

A few details from some of the dreams I've had recently:

A few days ago I was playing some sort of a co-op with others in the dream. Then got bored, flew through the window, leaving the game. Just wanted to fly around. This behaviour has not been very common (not for me, at least).

Last night I was moving up and down stairs, which is pretty common. But what made it uncommon was the large amount of people slowly moving up and down the stairs. Sort of like a traffic jam. Well, I wasn't in a hurry or anything, but I simply couldn't resist jumping around, climbing the rails and stuff .. on my hands. Eventually made it up to the attic where I sought for another challenge. Found some kind of a chain going across the floor there. The floor was all dust and gravel with a little bit of hay. Laid down and started pulling from the chain, dragging myself forward on the floor. This was quite a workout but it made me happy. After I don't know how long, I woke and found myself sweating. Again, this workout is quite different from anything I've done in dreams so far. It's so absurd even within the context of the dream that it's a sweet challenge :).

In another dream, I was at the summerhouse, hanging around with the kids there. There was about to be a visitor, so the kids wanted to play hide and seek. They turned the place into a fortress where they couldn't be seen but they could always see the visitor. That's something I've played a lot in the dreams. Helped them in moving the furniture and designing the fortress. Although the urge to play was quite strong, I left for the morning wake-up alarm. Hmm .. never mind.

Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Floating light

On my way home, I spotted a plane. Or so I thought. A yellow light, with a faint light blinking underneath. It seemed to be flying away from the local airport and gaining altitude rather slowly. It seemed quite far, too. Observed it for a few seconds, then crossed the street, looked back and it was gone. Looked for it for some time, then wondered if it had gone into the clouds.

Once I reached a darker corner, I looked at the sky to check if the sky was clear. There were tiny ice crystals falling, so everything was in a slight haze and couldn't see the stars. There was indeed a cloud of smoke at where I had seen the light, but the cloud did not seem thick enough to block the lights that suddenly.

Checked the airport time schedule and found that there shouldn't have been any planes arriving or leaving at around 19:20. The last arrived 17:05 and the last left 18:15. Moreover, the light was moving towards West, not North. Also remembered that the airport in this town is so small that the passenger planes have propeller engines. Judging by the fact that I've heard them from similar distance before, I should've heard it as well.

So, I'll tag my first (or one of the first) Unidentified Flying Object(s) here .. until I find a friend sharing a drone video or somesuch =D.

Tuesday, January 5, 2016


For the past few days I've been trying to turn work and the playing of video games into meditative experiences. Mass Effect 1 was rather glitchy in the end so I had to cheat just to get through the Conduit. Mass Effect 2 seems better in quite a few aspects. The atmosphere is more absorptive, there are different philosophies (mentality of different races) that run throughout the game design. Some of them rather ingenious, in my opinion. Dialogues have also improved. Not quite comparable to Shadowrun or Fallout 2 yet, but coming close.

I think it was on Monday that I saw a reflection of blue light on the snow. Saw it three times, always in the periphery to my left. Interestingly enough, I haven't had those sightings for that long yet. The reflection stayed for seconds before it disappeared.

I've been seeing a lot of different animals in the dreams ever since I let those birds in. Last night it was like a zoo outside. There was also something about water tap falling apart in my hand and water leaking everywhere. Ovens, stoves and food are also quite popular in the dreams.

With a misbalanced sleep cycle, on Sunday night I hit the deep dream states right after going to bed. I was out for 4 hours, then spent the rest of the time waiting for the alarm.

Last night I didn't reach the deep dream states. For an hour or two, I simply laid there, with secondary attention on the crown. Mind was rather peaceful and quiet. Last night I also realized one of the mistakes that I've been repeating quite often. I've gone to sleep without paying attention to the fact that the mattress is cold (cold drafts of air run through it). Combined with the cold cobweb of dark shields within the body, it's quite unhealthy. Tucking into a tube of blanket and dissolving some of the cobweb helped quite a bit.

Recently stumbled upon The Kilimanjaro Darkjazz Ensemble: