
The goal of this blog is to motivate myself and others for further practice as well as provide details that might explain what's going on..

Thursday, February 28, 2019


The colleague to whom I've rented a room, probably caught a flu and was taken to the hospital today.

Burned some incense and invested into garlic, lemon, ginger as well as a bunch of herb tea.

Found myself a bit tired today, as well. Though, in a different way. Suspected a geomagnetic storm. According to SolarHAM, the Kp index reached 5 twice today. Not too spectacular but still something.

Anyway, today I noticed that I would see things differently. In my mind's eye, I could look at objects from many angles at once, and I could zoom in or out. For example, as I observed the table, then I got an overview of the emotions that have lingered around it, as well as a vague hint about when people have been around it, etc. The same with the floor, the ceiling, the trees outside the window, as well as the blood vessels and skin in this body. Additionally I noticed that I could maintain a calm blank mind for longer.

Seems like the good old side-effects of OBE, even though I don't think I had any last night. Only had shallow dreams, which is why I woke tired, I think.

Also, yesterday evening I balanced a frying pan spade and tried psychokinesis on it. I saw the psi or whatever it is that looks like smoke or shadows caused by light shining through warm air .. around the cold spade which was balanced on a cold pan cover. Regardless of what I saw around it, the spade didn't even twitch.

Wednesday, February 27, 2019

OBE: Flying around

Had a few minor geists yesterday. Phone occasionally lost 4G without an indication. In the evening I tried calling a colleague but the call didn't reach them. Later the phone worked just fine again.

Found this post yesterday evening:


It's about a guy who found psychokinesis on wind after a successful astral projection. The topic turned into a flamewar (rather typical, I guess).

Later helped a student debug issues related to his thesis.

OBE: Road to school

Had an OBE last night. Hovered over a road not far from home. I used to take this road to school and back more than 10 years ago. I was oriented towards the school so that on my left, there was a kindergarten and on the right, a small transformer building and an empty field of grass. With no lamps around, the road was very dark. I slowly floated forward for a while.

At some moment, I saw a person reaching the road that I was on. A girl with a large piece of red cloth. In my attempt not to spook her, I turned around and started flying as fast as I could in order to hide behind the transformer building. I was a bit frustrated about how slow I was (hadn't been flying for a while). Anyway, made it behind the transformer building just in time. Kept hiding until she had crossed the street, then I turned forward again and started flying towards the field of grass.

Crossed the field and road while accelerating. Eventually developed a more-or-less reasonable speed and the experience ended.

All the little details seemed correct, except for the girl with red cloth, which seems improbable, especially that late at night.

Sunday, February 24, 2019

Vivid dreams

Cleaned a bit, slept extra during the day and played Dota yesterday. Celibacy fail as well, which may have gotten psi moving again.

There was a common topic throughout most of the dreams: pk.

Dream: Heavily organized Christmas

There was a family Christmas party at the old barn house. Though, this time it was heavily organized. A busy schedule with all kinds of family performances with proper audio, video technology. I also had to participate there but hadn't had much time to prepare, so I practised it a little in the bushes behind the house. It was some kind of a ritual song. During the practice, winds picked up and formed a spiral around me.

Dream: Informal conference

Some kind of a conference in a small room. Me and Mom were in the audience (I guess), and I think she had invited quite a few powerful psions to present there. Or perhaps I was one of the organizers, as I definitely wasn't presenting anything. Some kind of a video summary of someone's experiments was being shown on the screen when one of my professors appeared. The same professor who gave anti-witch speeches regularly at courses that I took, as well as at my graduation ceremony. Anyway, he calmly watched the video to the end. Once the presentation was concluded, the professor went in front of the podium and admitted that he was mistaken about these phenomena.

I was genuinely surprised, for I had already judged him as not capable of reconsidering his beliefs in the great religion of science.

Remembered that while looking at these videos, I wondered how these guys could control their geisting.

Dream: Amateur server for sports event

Visited a cousin who was busy setting up some kind of a server for a cycling competition of some sort. I didn't think much of it, but later it turned out that the official servers experienced a blackout and for a few minutes, cousin's setup was serving as a hot backup.

This was probably inspired by a colleague's radio amateur station being used for spacecraft comms.

Dream: Both open and closed

It was winter and I was walking down a small road at a random time in a random country, towards a patch of woods. The region had been notorious for some kind of shady psionics experiments and was just recently opened for the public as a museum, theme park or something similar. Anyway, a car passed me in the same direction as I was going and I recognized it as belonging to the military. Figuring that this region might not be open after all, I turned around and started going back. Saw more civil cars with military personnel heading into the woods.

While on my way back, I saw several abandoned buildings (which I had not seen while walking in the other direction). From all the former experiments, the region was littered with radiation, chemicals and bad aura due to the way people were treated there.

Fled. Found a strange building (freshly painted but unrealistic for a home .. target practice, maybe? Or maybe a part of the museum?). There were a bunch of paintings on an exterior wall. Looked through the paintings and then left.

Wednesday, February 20, 2019

Pancakes and asymmetric space

Made pancakes yesterday evening. I've managed to make better ones, but they were still ok-ish. Forgot that I had promised to help a student debug some issues with their thesis. We had agreed on the time when I was flipping pancakes, totally carefree. Anyway, once I got to helping the student, a neighbour ringed the doorbell twice, wanting to print something. I turned the neighbour down, twice. Due to debugging some strange GPS and NTP issues with the student, went to bed late. Before going to bed, I found that Dad had sent me an SMS about some kind of relatives reunion happening. He had sent this while I was busy flipping pancakes.

Today I had promised to implement some software for work before I'd need to leave for giving a seminar. Neighbour ringed the doorbell, wanting to print something. Well, I told him it was not a good time but since he insisted, I let him in and tried to continue writing software. Minor issue: ran out of blue toner.

Not very good emotions due to the way I handled the neighbour. Left for the seminar, taking the garbage out while on my way. Suddenly a strong storm, with garbage flying around. Lifted the bio bin upright, poured some potato peels and onion shells in it. While enjoying that, the bag with plastic and cardboard packaging flew away. Instead of simultaneously chasing multiple garbage bags, I decided to stick to one task at a time. By the time I got to the bag that had flown away, the whole street was littered with my shtuffs. So I chased the rolling bottles, flying wrappings and plastic bags one by one and eventually delivered them to a garbage bin. What a lovely way of spending the few minutes I had before the bus. Must've been an interesting show to watch, I wonder if I had any audience tweeting rofl at me.

Other than that, a nice day.

Dream: Wake from the matrix

Last night I had a dream where me and Dad were taking a bus back home from some event. That reunion of relatives, maybe? Anyway, we were not just heading back home but it was some rather specific version of home. It was located somewhere between the realms, and the path there was quite unstable. The bus driver spent quite some time looking for the bus stop that was supposed to be close by but he kept missing it. Since we were somewhere between the bus stop and home, we asked the bus driver to let us out there.

We entered home. While things looked normal, I noticed that there was an asymmetry in the corridor. When I looked towards the corridor from one side, I the room on the other side looked normal. However, when I looked towards the corridor from the other side, then the first room looked mirrored. Pointed it out for Dad as well.

We became lucid and woke up as some degenerate beings in some enclosures. These beings had never opened their eyes, mouths and had never moved around. There was some other civilization taking care of these degenerate beings. The few members of that civilization whom we saw, were quite surprised to witness a couple of degenerates waking up and then developing their motorics and language skills this rapidly. We were demanding them to free us, but they couldn't understand our language. They expected us to learn their language, in order for them to take us seriously.

Monday, February 18, 2019

Importance of breathing

I know that my anxiety issues are caused by breathing irregularities (wasting breath). Breathing becomes too superficial and then due to running out of oxygen, the body starts hyperventilating at some point.

Yesterday evening I practised breathing in deeply but quickly, then breathing out as slowly as I can, while pushing all the air out of the lungs at the end of each breath. In addition to breathing with the lungs like that, I would also involve the stomach in the breathing process. While doing so, I tried to release as little warm air as I could, by extracting the heat before breathing out. Haven't practised that for a while. From the last serious practice, I know it takes about a week 24/7 for me to get the body to automate it.

While at it, quite a bit of nerve pain was released. Couldn't keep it up throughout the night, I fell asleep. Restarted in the morning. Couldn't keep it up throughout the day, stress. Ate a lot more than usual. Restarted the breathing practice in the evening again.

Experienced a minor euphoria while taking a shower.

Cheered for the birthday of an acquaintance. Felt mischievous and wanted to post a ridiculous image of a birthday-related pony with a rainbow. That's because he's a guy and into death metal (and unicorn ponies and rainbows obviously go well with death metal). I couldn't find the perfect pony image for him, but I found one that went into my favourites. If only I could paint that well -.-

Luna's Birthday Gift
by AnticularPony

As it turned out, his sister had given him a present in the following bag:

The perfect pony

Jus putin this here

Anyway, I found it an interesting synchronicity.

Wednesday, February 13, 2019

Random hike

Today the clairvoyant colleague (or one of them) described how she seen another colleague's grandparents' house in dreams. She described the layout of the building, the paintings on the walls, as well as the way the grandparents looked and what kind of habits they had. Amazing.

Dream: Plumbing

Managed to unclog some pipes .. toilet, I think.

Dream: Hike

About 2.5 or 3 days of hiking with random people. There were several groups picking the routes independently but all of them met up at waypoints. I only remember something about the last 1.5 days or so. When we reached a town (couldn't recognize), someone / some entity popped up and started chatting with me. This slowed me down enough that I lost sight of the rest of the group. Finished the chat and sped up. Still reached the accommodation in time. There were a lot of small houses reserved for the hiking groups. Found mine. Slept until morning, then set out so early that I ended up going with another hiking group. About half a day more and the dream ended.

Woke tired, feeling a slight vertigo. I was hungry but had no appetite for breakfast. Ate a little (probably not enough), got a mild headache at work. Other than that, a rather successful day I think.

Dream: At home

It was 2 nights ago that I was doing something in my room. Sometime in the morning I left my room and came across sister as she was cleaning the living room. Since I hadn't noticed her come in, I asked when she had arrived, she said at 2 AM.

Asked what she dreamt that night. She said she slept long but didn't really remember what she saw.

Sunday, February 10, 2019

Caputi's experiment

Helped a colleague move yesterday evening. Some physical workout after a long time with no sports. It was good.

Some weekend work, after which I tried Caputi's weather experiment today which I mentioned in the previous post. I would prefer to have longer epochs and less of them. However, I understand why the 10 active + 10 passive configuration was used (statistics, reducing uncertainty). With longer epochs it would be easier to become entrained to the target (especially since it's not shown) but the whole experiment would take a lot longer as well. Additionally, I would prefer to have the test end with a passive epoch in order to mitigate accumulative effects that I observed with my Crookes radiometer setup.

Edit: Wrote to the provided e-mail address with a few ideas. Hopefully it's not a witch-hunt trap :-).

Following the experiment I became quite tired and slept for ~3 h. Haven't practised pk for a while.

Watched Bandersnatch and found it to be interesting and well-made but somewhat frustrating as well. Frustrating due to the lack of choices. This is also what I found lacking when playing a selection-based adventure book as a kid or RPGs at a later age. I would've preferred for the protagonist to pull himself together and fix the bugs in the game. I used to work on a PC game engine for text-based selection adventures maybe 15+ years ago until a schoolmate introduced me to his MUD which I found to be superior.

Saturday, February 9, 2019

Sorry X

If there were a r/wallstreetbets for finding girlfriends, I would probably feel at home with all my losses. Perhaps I could even brag about being this bad at it. Whatever, decided to return my focus on the more interesting things: work and hobbies.

Yesterday I praised a former colleague X to high heavens and expressed my worries about him being swamped with work-stress. Today I got the info that my former colleagues have been assigned to a tough project. While I'm glad I'm not stuck in that hamster wheel anymore, I feel bad for them. In the previous project that we worked on together, I tried to alleviate the stress but failed and now it's even worse for them at their new jobs. Sigh.

While chatting to a student about my current work, anxiety kicked in. For some reason, it tends to happen when I discuss topics that I'm enthusiastic about with someone I don't fully trust.

Visited a pizza store, sat down and decided to check the stocks and reddit. Phone displayed 31% battery (the 6+ Ah battery would typically last for a few days). Enabled 4G and phone froze, then rebooted itself and displayed 19% battery. Skype has caused some serious android lag before but the phone hasn't frozen and rebooted like this before. Whatever.

Read O12's post about accidentally blowing his PC power supply yesterday evening.

Not nice, and apparently not a healthy read, either. This morning my laptop froze 3x. Eventually determined that it was Spotify. Maybe something to do with the "aursync -u" and "pacman -Syu" I performed a few days ago? But yesterday I listened to Spotify for hours without any issues. Dunno.

Learned quite a bit about weather from the video (thanks O12 for sharing):

Link to Caputi's live experiment: https://deltaaware.org/weather/.

Dreams haven't been anything special as of recent.

Monday, February 4, 2019


Visited grandpa's birthday party (or rather, 3-4 parties in a row) on the weekend. Helped them with the events.

  • Grandpa: "Poor Sussch, being ordered around like that"
  • Me: "Nah, that's what I came here for .. to, err .. take out the trash and stuff"
A lot of elderly people who expressed their fandom. One of them (a friend of a friend of grandma's) was interesting. I could see her mind and observe her memories without trying. She was a music teacher with a very vivid visualization skill.

In my opinion they're crazy with those parties. I'm too lazy to even bring a cake to colleagues at work on my birthday, let alone organizing a single birthday party with more than 2 participants (me and sister's cat).

Also helped a few people with computer issues. Seemingly random non-trivial issues that I somehow randomly managed to resolve. Issues with misbehaving printers, mostly.

Survived a potential wet dream and had a headache during the day. Impure psi propagated up the central channel.

Bought a bus ticket for which I needed my new ID card. I had pondered about taking the PIN codes with me but decided not to. Having only glanced at the codes twice some days ago, I was worried that I might've forgotten them. I was glad when my memory of numbers provided a pleasant surprise again. Hexadecimal, polynomial series, physics constants and formulas are very helpful in remembering long sequences of numbers. Hmm .. perhaps should use something similar for remembering my random-generated passwords. Though there's dozens of them.

Read the newspapers and happened on an article describing the Dyatlov Pass incident back in 1959. Found it exciting. Picked a random movie to watch on the 2.5 h bus trip back home. That random movie was Devil's Pass (2013). Apparently not really random after all, since the movie was about the same Dyatlov Pass incident. One of my favourite horror-rated movies thus far. It was surprisingly good, and it made me seriously paranoid about space-time anomalies.

So much so that I kept analyzing these things through the night. Experienced a noise very similar to what I've encountered before OBE before. I was somewhere in nowhere, with a storm raging inside me. I was afraid to focus on the storm, for I had been pondering space-time anomalies before falling asleep. Not safe.

Friday, February 1, 2019

Saint Sis

Instead of staring at the cellphone or reading magazines, I chose to stare into the pot where I was boiling rice. Several jolts of consciousness.

Saw things differently today, compared to the previous days. Touched corners / edges of consciousness that I had not touched for a long time.

Cooked something out of the ordinary today. Though, made it a bit too spicy because already the sauce was more spicy than I had anticipated .. and adding chilly pepper didn't really help much XD. However, in general I've found that my digestive system enjoys spicy food more.

Had quite unusual dreams last night.

Dream: Saint Sis

Sister happened into a TV show of some sort, which me and Mom were watching. Sister baffled the host by levitating across the stage. She also had that impressive spiritual cool. Next scene, and she's floating over a golden bridge with all sorts of people (including monks and nuns) making way for her.

Dream: Smog

I was in some foreign city for some kind of an event (conference, maybe). Anyway, there was an excursion to some place atop a hill. When we reached the hilltop, I noticed that there was a lot of smog on top of the city. However, the smog was somehow kept in place with an electric field or something. The building in front of us, however, lacked electricity and there was quite a bit of smoke around it. From the inside, the building looked charred. We went a few storeys up and there were some clean and inhabited rooms up there. I found it a bit too crowded, though, and went back outside.