
The goal of this blog is to motivate myself and others for further practice as well as provide details that might explain what's going on..

Monday, August 2, 2021

Jets and train

Tried a bit of pranayama yesterday evening. One of the UPSes triggered and startled me a bit.

A few dreams from the recent weeks. In addition to what I've described in greater detail, there was a dream of urban exploration at a radioactive site, and a dream of military routine. In general, I think these reflect how after the vacation I decided to work towards the attitude which I used to have about 10 years ago.

Dream: Jets

A couple of fighter jets were circling around at the summerhouse. Observed their flight, and then flew after them. Followed them until the pilots took a break and went somewhere to eat. One pilot was younger, and admitted that he would've preferred a different career but there was nothing available. It turned out that he was also interested in flying saucers and alternative means of propulsion.

At that moment, I joined in on the conversation. I said that I was also interested in these. He then asked if I had read any books by Jüri Lina. I had not, and while I had heard the name, I thought he only had books on illuminati, freemasonry, etc. Apparently he also had something on UFOs.

While floating at an edge, I described my thoughts and plans. The older pilot then pointed out the potential ethics issues which I had considered previously. While we agreed about the issues, none of us could think of good solutions to these. Then at some point I just suddenly poofed (disappeared) and woke up.

Dream: Train

Last night I had a dream where me and a couple of other guys were going somewhere on a train. At our stop, we hopped off and the train continued along the tracks. I looked at the tracks and found a few interesting stones, some of which were unpolished crystals. The other two guys: what are you doing? Come on!

Dream: School

Another dream which I had last night. People were on the streets somewhere, taking a lesson on something technical. We were given a task of some sort, but I didn't understand what it was that I was supposed to do, because instead of a slide about the task, the teacher projected a lewd meme on the screen, expecting everyone to get it (and it seemed as if they really did). Well, I did not, and asked him about the technical details.

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