Note: Can't remember the date - just picked a random date as close to the actual event as possible.
During a weekend I thought I would try to meditate the whole night. One of my friends said his brother had done it once. At first my body began to itch and hurt in a few places. I didn't give up and meditated on without moving. I then started to yawn violently, I tried to suppress that also.
At some moment, it felt as if my body had fallen asleep and I was still awake, meditating. My pulse and breathing had slowed down and I noticed that I could "think" outside of the body. I tried to pull myself out of the body in order to experience an OBE. I tried to rotate myself out of the body, lean out of it, levitate out and so on.. nothing seemed to be working (I was still stuck).
So I tried to visualize myself sitting about a meter to my right. I failed at visualizing it well enough at first, but after a while, I started to actually feel myself in two places simultaneously. I felt someone sitting to my right in the place I visualized myself sitting. At the same time, I also felt myself sitting where I had visualized myself sitting and someone sitting to my left. I got confused and didn't recognize that it was me (realized it a few days after the experience) sitting right next to me and I asked in my mind: "Who are you and what are you doing there?" I thought it weird that I received absolutely no response from him.
I thought "Whatever", woke my body up (it seemed somewhat confused about me waking it up at the middle of the night) and went to bed.