
The goal of this blog is to motivate myself and others for further practice as well as provide details that might explain what's going on..

Monday, May 28, 2012


Remembered that when that entity healed my feet, I guess the feet chakras opened up. Had that familiar unbearably good feeling in the feet. The pleasurable feeling occasionally moved up the channels and caused muscles to twitch. After wearing good running shoes for a couple of days, my feet no longer look like ham sandwiches.

Not too successful attempts at exiting the body yesterday evening. Forgot to relax all of the muscles beforehand.

Noticed that there was a small glass lantern hanging from the ceiling. Attempted to lift it with pk .. it twitched a little. Released it and just looked at it. Almost lost awareness of my body and started to see and feel the surroundings from the lantern. The positioning was pretty ingenious .. the view was great, though dark and foggy (as usually during my RV or OBE attempts).

On a bus today, I experienced that control over my thoughts has plunged a lot during the service. Ego has been "mainstreamized" a little - thoughts of money, girls, cars popping up frequently. At some moment, something "exploded" and there was a strong sharp pain in the chest. For about half a minute, the pain echoed with every heartbeat. Observed the area .. nothing there. As if the psi channel suddenly opened up at heart chakra.

Edit: Remembered that yesterday evening I also tried to enlarge "the flame inside of me". It was so tiny that it was barely lit. Managed to boost it a little.

Felt pretty alienated on the bus. Really nice people around me and then I'm having problems with hooliganism in my thoughts. It looked like my thoughts disturbed other people. They reacted by giving me weird looks when an uncontrolled thought got free.

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Forgot to post

Owltwelve's last OBEs have been pretty inspiring (forming an astral body on the run, running down a corridor, jumping through the window and flying into upper atmosphere) .. makes me want to focus more on OBEs again. =P

Some stuff that I've forgotten to post.

On Friday, right after becoming civil, we went to a supermarket to celebrate. Chose an ice cream, but accidentally looked at the discount price. Didn't have the discount card. Since the lady at the checkout didn't know the full price, she just used her own discount card for me. That was quite a surprise for me.

Before the theatre performance yesterday, I was staring out of the window, when something white flew up into the sky. Targeted it for some pk practice. I think it was a hot air balloon or something .. it was pretty responsive to pk. Moved to right, left, away from me.

Sorry mates

I care too much about others and tend to feel responsible for what other people do. Well, perhaps this shouldn't be any of my business. Should let them do what they want and have the world evolve like it does.

Sorry for anyone, to whom I might seem like a granny who constantly keeps an eye on their personal stuff.

Watched the one of the cousins perform Hotel des deux mondes again. Even though it was the 2nd time already, I still got chills from it.

Saturday, May 26, 2012


Yay, got into reserve yesterday. Slept a lot again.

A lot of thanks to an entity, who helped heal my feet. Wearing boots independent of weather causes trench foot.

Realized one big flaw in my practices. In order to keep my use of psi economic, I have been reusing it all the time. It seems that actually the point is to always circulate fresh psi in the body. Perhaps there's some sort of a natural system that cleans dirty psi.

Understood the logics of Feng Shui. As for rivers, the river bed reflects the path that the river flows most often, psi also flows along the paths already trodden .. doors, windows, pipes and so on. Used to be really skeptical about Feng Shui. Perhaps the same logic applies for astrology as well? Used to be very skeptical about that too, well, I still am to some extent.

It turns out I was really lucky in everything. As others commented on it, I experienced the best 8-month service.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Lev practice

Got a city permit just before release. Slept for about 12 hours and practiced some psi-manipulation and levitation .. until I became dizzy. Practiced doing somersaults in the air in the dreams. I think I've been spending a lot of dream-time on some sort of construct forging inside the body.

Something was different about yesterday's levitation practices. This time I created a steeper gradient of consciousness, to draw the line of what would become weightless and what not.

I'm feeling a bit strange and dizzy today, as if the head were thick of psi. Perhaps the flow of psi from root to the crown is restoring? Entrained to something non-physical?

Monday, May 21, 2012


Tired.. sleeping, being lazy, sleeping and waiting for going into reserve. Some facepalms and some more struggling with pecking sleep. Could probably sleep for weeks. The ecstacy of freedom was short, 2 days only.

A lot of failed levitation attempts in the dreams in the morning. While awake, I stared at some buildings until they felt small enough to jump / fly over.

We were unloading stuff today. Someone said: "I hope we manage to do it quickly and get back for lunch." - "No, most likely we get back for supper," I replied. A lot of delays and that's what happened.

One of the roommates said: "I don't care, the food most likely sucks anyway. Probably macaronies and sausages." .. supper arrives and it's macaronies and sausages again..

Some roommates seem to have caught the 11:11 phenomena as well.

Yay, the 555th post.

Saturday, May 19, 2012

Healing a buddy

During the exercise, one of the roommates fell ill. Similar to the pneumonia that I had. Attempted to sneaky-heal him one night. Via empathy, I could tell that he didn't like it; he was slightly afraid of stuff he didn't believe in and quite confident that he would become well on his own. When the exercise was over, 2 weeks later, he asked me (verbal communication) if I knew some kind of magic that would make him feel better. I said "Imagine being well." My pneumonia was a really tough one to heal and I'm still not sure it's completely healed or not.

Felt pretty lightweight yesterday, close to flying. Perhaps it was the happiness and joy of endex that made me feel so light.

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Too bad

Aand that's it for this exercise. Stuff's all broken, which means we're idle. Tough geisting? :(:

Edit: It turned out there were no orders for us today anyway, so it doesn't matter if stuff worked or not. Lucky synchronicities..

Yay, about 1 more week and I'm in reserve, back to civil life.

A while ago, I attempted to hug myself astrally. For about 4 hours, it was difficult to hold the tears. Strong pressure was being applied to the throat chakra. Couldn't resolve all of the problems with it. Caught cold and lost my voice for almost a week. Noticed that self-hugging made me a bit more selfish and arrogant. At least the heart chakra felt better after that.

For some reason, my ego still likes it when life is difficult (and not only for me). On the other hand, the soul likes to keep things simple and minimalistic, which I think might be the reason for my geisting.

Two days ago we had the chance to take a shower (it's been a while). Though, I had already been there and without this body .. 2 or 3 years ago, I guess. Recognized OBE symptoms in that dream (disorientation with 360 degrees sight, dark fog, no interaction with other people).

A pack of peanuts and dried fruits jumped off the table while watching a movie yesterday evening.

Edit: Wow, love the weather in this "desert". Thunder and rain. The air is so warm and moist today, the smell of the flowers and small pines is really refreshing.