
The goal of this blog is to motivate myself and others for further practice as well as provide details that might explain what's going on..

Wednesday, December 27, 2017

Dream guardian

Sister has an allergy to cigarette smoke. Luckily none of the family smoke.

Came back from Saaremaa. Built a phone-controlled robot with the kids there. Arduino really makes things easy .. it took just 1 day to get it driving. Then 0.5 d more to add structural elements and improve on it.

Checked O12's post on the nature of space-time by HoverBrothers (youtube video). While the idea seems very good, the video does not convey it that well, in my opinion. Although I liked the hints  Stephen Wolfram's blog post does a better job. Intuition indicates that he's pretty close. Got really psyched.

Follow-up dreams

Having come from Saaremaa, my false-awakenings defaulted there.

With a colleague, we designed some kind of a device for a client. The next morning, the colleague handed me his prototype. Tested it, and found an unexpected side-effect - it had anti-gravitic properties and shifted around in space. It consisted of a couple of powerful coherent RF transmitters and some kind of a resonant tube between them.

Woke in a bed (not mine). There was a beautiful piece of art on the floor, and a girl sitting next to the bed. The picture on the floor had a dark space background, full of distant galaxies and nebulae. In the foreground, there was a pretty girl with a cigarette. The smoke of the cigarette faded into the distant nebulae. Something about that smoke did not seem right, but at first I tried not to let it disturb my sleep. I think there was a computer screen right next to the bed, and the girl sitting next to the bed, was watching something there (so I thought). Anyway, laid back to bed but the smoke from the picture on the floor rose all the way to my nose, and irritated the nasal hair or something. In other words, not good. WTH .. stood up, looked at the picture, and mentioned my peculiar observation to the girl. The girl covered the picture with her palm, and started erasing it psychically. Tried doing the same, but soon realized that I had become too rusty in pk. Instead of helping, I made it more difficult for her. So, I let go and soon after she had erased the smoke, the ciggarette and the girl from the picture. It was now just a picture of space with distant galaxies and nebulae (not a shadow left of the erased girl).

Embarrassing .. couldn't even take care of myself by wiping the picture myself.

Friday, December 22, 2017

Pool construct for healing

Right after Robotex (previous post), I got a bit sick. Started blowing my nose and coughing a lot. Tried the visualization techniques from "Project Superman" for self-healing. First, a pool of water that glows blue, and provides gradual healing for pretty much no effort. Plunged into the pool, and felt better. Then, for a short while, I "upgraded" the pool so that it glowed red and healed much faster.

The mattress was full of dust mite exhaust. Verified this by taking my sleeping bag and sleeping on the floor for a few days. A heaven unlike anything else I've witnessed during the past few years. No more nose-blowing, and barely any more coughing.

The end of the world (2012) came up in random chat with a friend. Decided to look up an old post in the blog. It took 30 minutes but I was genuinely amazed and humbled at the content. I had forgotten most of the things by now.

One evening (a few weeks ago) when chatting with sister, I suddenly saw her energy field in my mind's eye. Awesome.

Found a conical hole from my astral body today. Healed it.

Sunday, November 26, 2017

Robotex 2017

We got the AR demo working, yays!

My nose gave birth to some mutant blemishes, especially for the event. Cheers for looking like an ugly witch. Nothing I could do about it, so I paid little attention to it. The place was pretty noisy, so had to shout throughout the day, for 3 days in a row.

Interesting people. A couple of kids hanged around for a whole day, always coming back with more awesome questions. Kids are really amazing these days. I hope I managed to amplify the enthusiasm of one of them with a brief description of what drove me to study physics .. and look into astral projection and psychokinesis. :: me imagines me looking like a witch with a large bulge on my nose, while having a creepy smile on my face and talking about psychokinesis experiments ::

Old man with gray hair

For 3 years, there has been a gray-haired old man (probably in his 70s or 80s) talking strange stuff. He has not been very coherent .. keeps hopping from one topic to another, often using incorrect terms and coming off with illogical arguments. I have taken him as a practice of patience .. whether there are other people waiting or not, I try my best at deciphering this old dude, his ideas and problems. It does not matter who says things, or how they say things, there is always the possibility that it contains pearls. Often the person speaking does not see the pearls by themselves. Also, some of these pearls are difficult to spot, unless one listens attentively. This old man is interesting because at his age, he is very enthusiastic about learning new things. Each year he has researched things that I have told him the previous years. He also puts forth an effort in explaining his challenges in my terminology (though, he often makes mistakes). Anyway, he's very difficult to decipher but he's a really interesting guy.

On Friday, I witnessed another student put up a display with a webcam and neural nets demo. The setup looked dangerous - likely to fall over. On Saturday, the old man accidentally tipped the screen. At the same time, a kid was looking at the display and caught it. Together with the old man, we then managed to set it back up but in the meantime, the kid got scolded by his dad -.-

Regardless of us saving the setup, the students forgot to switch it off in the evening and the system (actually its X server) had crashed by the next morning.

11 hours of sleep

Finally got to sleep a reasonable number of hours on Friday night. Forgot the dreams by the morning, though. What I do remember though: I was in some kind of a realm with beautiful scenery and unearthly creatures.

The rest of the dreams are from Saturday night.

Dream: Burning plant

Read goosebump-inducing stories on reddit before going to bed. One of them happened to be creepy as well - related to some kind of a dark pagan cult rituals somewhere.

In the dream, I popped up at the summerhouse, approaching the yard from the seaside / pasture. Most of the family was waiting for me at the well. All of them were in black clothes with red ribbons (I think). Many of them held red roses for this event / occasion. I did not have a red rose but someone mentioned that a candle would also do. Did not have a candle, either, so I plucked a "flower" that had caught my attention. It was a strange one. It didn't look particularly pretty, it reminded me of a typha only that it had thorns like a rose and there was a small flame on its tip (not sure if the flame appeared when I touched it or if it was there before). One of the family members asked: "Why did you pluck this one? It typically cuts up the skin pretty bad." I replied: "That's not a problem because I have gloves on. See?" and showed them my healthy hands with very simple white gloves on.

Held the plant in my right hand (the hand that I plucked it with), waiting for the event or somesuch. The plant caught fire and started burning top-down. It burned pretty fast, and when the flame was about to touch my hand, I let go of it. I was standing on a slab of limestone, so that it could burn the way it wanted without damaging anything. Well, it missed the limestone and with a tiny piece of glowing coal it lit the grass, which also caught fire. Quickly extinguished the grass and woke, covered in sweat and feeling a bit too warm to sleep properly.

Dream: White rooms

Shallow dream about exploring a building full of completely white rooms with white doors, white floors and ceilings. Actually, there were 3 of us exploring the building, trying to avoid being caught. The other 2 more like looked around without moving much. Noticed a janitor through a door with a glass window. Fled through the nearest door only to realize that was where the janitor had come from. This place had no shadows, nowhere to hide. Haven't had hide & seek dreams for a while.

Dream: Discussion on hacking networks

Popped up at a room with people discussing stuff. There was a young self-taught dude who described his methods and amazement at how easy it is. Looked like an interview or some friends discussing things. Totally lacking experience and theoretical knowledge in security, I floated around and listened with great interest. Also, I was surprised at how clear and detailed his facial features were. He stood in front of a window, and while the rest of the surroundings were dark and blurry, he himself was very clear.

Remembered the dream at a random moment today.

Synchronous geisting?

Listened to music with headphones on the way back home. The friend who was driving, was listening to a podcast. ::my music stopped and his podcast started glitch-looping:: Friend waits for it to recover but it does not, so he timeouts and reloads the podcast. An hour later, a stress-inducing song comes on and his car's on-board computer goes blank. He tried different things, but eventually waiting for all the systems to stand-by, then locking the car, unlocking it and restarting all the systems helped.

Saturday, November 18, 2017

Dream: Languages

Pretty random - spent most of the night / morning studying Japanese for an exam.
Woke tired. Tried to meditate for a few minutes in the morning but cat didn't let me - started chewing on network cables each time I sat down. Not the brightest of days.

Wednesday, November 15, 2017

Quick OBE

Focused on relaxing the stomach. Peeled off layer after layer of tension, some of the knots I moved up to the crown. Felt the effects propagate throughout the nerve system. Started feeling pretty lightweight and floaty eventually.

Started seeing the ceiling through closed eyelids. At some moment I noticed the pulsation of a high pitched sound - as if two sounds of different frequencies were been added together. Focused on a particular point on the ceiling, observing the sound. I guess a standing wave of psi was formed, and the amplitude kept increasing. One of the audible frequencies appeared to be modulated by psi density so that the pulsation frequency increased as well. Continued building up psi density until I realized that I didn't have a good idea what to create or manifest. Instead of releasing it I decided to gradually decompress the psi until it was easier to manage and pull it back. Ended up being pulled from the body. Looked back as I flew out - didn't look like my body. Looked around as well - although very similar, it didn't look like my room. It had two walls covered in bookshelves. Seems like a good idea, so I might eventually redesign my room like that. Downside is dust, tho. Books love dust, I don't. Anyway, ended up shifting through the wall. Skidded and turned back towards the body again. Orbital dynamics FTW.

After that I couldn't sleep for a couple of hours. Heard the cat play with the water bowl again. Decided to remove the bowl for the next day (he / it prefers drinking from the toilet anyway). Then had regular dreams.

Monday, November 13, 2017

Focus inward

Still wondering about that owl about a week ago, I realized that I'm worried about someone else's dreams whereas I should really focus on my own issues first. Ought to be more selfish and pursue my own path without always trying to drag anyone else down the path. Also, I noticed the uncanny similarities between us - I've also been downplaying my family relations. He helped me realize that it's an impossible task. No matter how alienated I may feel, I'm still a part of my family and I'd better take it into account.

Then bumped into a redditor who offered help in interpreting dreams. Many thanks to nova029 for the enlightening words:
... you were in this projection with this teacher to make sure you dont fall into the same trap. figure out what logic he is missing and dive into it

Without nova029, I would've missed this point of view.

Anyway, after about a week of focusing inward each night, I started having problems sleeping. Tried to leak jing on purpose - has typically helped. This time it did not .. caused me to feel tired but still couldn't sleep (red eyes throughout the day). This helped me re-realize something else. I've gotten way too lax and comfy in everyday life. I know that it's my counter-reaction of compulsory service. However, lax and comfy seems like the inverse of focus and concentration. Instead, should specify rules for myself and follow them. This would be a lot more efficient in helping me tame my own mind. Perhaps that's the point of order? Naturally entropy is always increasing, so decreasing the entropy would be more of a challenge.

It's small things like always sitting with a good posture, properly cooking meals instead of just snacking, acting polite, sleeping in a vampire posture and so on..

This has been occuring for months, but I haven't really mentioned it much thus far. Today I attended a meeting in the morning, then had to go to the office ~20 km away. Asked a colleague if they're going as well. She didn't plan to, had lunch together and then she thought she would take me there. In the evening I asked another colleague if she could drop me off at a specific place in the town. "Uhm, that would be quite far from where I'm going. No, I almost forgot, I was supposed to pick up my son so I would be going down the same road anyway." Just that this has become more and more frequent.

Watched pirated editions of Dreamscape and The Fury yesterday.

Dream: Passing storm

Not kidding, actually had a dream this morning (~6 AM, just 1.5 h before the alarm).

Most of the family is together at the summer house. Although a bit cloudy, it's a lovely day and I'm chatting with one of the uncles in the front yard. ::Although I remembered the topic in the morning, managed to forget it during the day::. I suspect it might've been about another really inspiring student project that's going on in the country - student formula. I had more-or-less finished when it started raining lightly. I went inside, whereas he and others preferred to stay outside. From the inside, I saw the wind pick up, and it quickly transformed into a heavy storm. The doors and windows were banging as the storm hovered straight over the building and faded as quickly as it appeared. I stepped to the back yard. With great enthusiasm, father explained that I had just missed an awesome sight. He said it was not a storm like any other - it was some kind of an alien spacecraft that caused the peculiar weather phenomena as it flew over.

Wednesday, November 8, 2017

Staring owl

Last night for the first time, I visited a particular colleague. Actually no longer a colleague, either. I've never actually visited him. On Saturday I think I accidentally caught a glimpse at his soul. A very thick mask that seemingly sets him apart from his family.

Dream: Owl

We chatted for a while in the darkness (well, it was night so it's normal that it was dark), then he showed me where I could spend the night in the living room. He happened to glance at one of the windows and said "Oh look, an owl!" Anyway, spent the night on the couch. He always wakes up early in the morning, so I woke up too. He went to make tea and some breakfast. Started putting socks on and stuff, noticed how difficult it was. The dream / astral body is not really used to clothing, I guess. He came to the living room to ask me what I would like for breakfast, I guess. Then he happened to glance at the window again, froze and said: "WtF, the owl is still there, staring!" The owl was not my creation (it was as if only he noticed it), so I tried to normalize it: "Perhaps they have a nest there or something?" A bird nest appeared above the window due to the positive feedback loop. I disappeared. Projection clock said some minutes past 4 AM. Yep, he wakes at 4 AM.

I wonder what the owl was about. It just sat there on that branch, looking into his apartment. Basically, the owl was the only symbol with a meaning in the otherwise mundane dream. It seems that dream dictionaries disagree about whether it symbolizes just wisdom or whether it's a bad omen. I assumed the former but judging by his reaction, for him it might've meant the latter.

Dream: Eyes

Woke up somewhere, checked a mirror. Eyes looked very unrealistic. Probably because I semi-subconsciously expected them to (realistic eyes are supposedly difficult to model in an astral body). Difficult to verify anything with all the positive feedback loop going on.

Monday, November 6, 2017


Although I was a mentor, I still lacked sleep. Not because I lacked time for sleep, but because I found it difficult to relax the racing mind.

Other than mundane coordination and quickfixes, managed to teach willpower and concentration to one guy, I think. Accidentally also helped one guy learn the lesson that "being really someone" amounts to nothing during a hackathon.

The last evening I handed over some leaflets to the winners and decided to catch up with others from our gang. They were taking rollups from ground floor up to our room, which was on the 6th floor on the other side of the building (two corridors and an elevator). Walked up to the corridor, looked around and since they were reaching the other end of the corridor already, I decided to run to catch up with them. Previously I have observed the aerodynamics of the posters on the walls, and I know that there is one door that opens into the corridor (dangerous for running) but there's most likely nobody in there. Felt like the typical physical limitations wouldn't apply this time. Started running, then accelerated, accelerated more and went just slightly beyond the typical physical limits of the body. I was in socks, without shoes and would've been silent if I hadn't had the large backpack with things moving around inside (as well as posters flapping on the wall behind me). At some moment, the Jiu Jitsu girl looked back and "Holy sh*t, did you see that?" Stopped and started braking, or, basically just slid with the socks on the polished concrete until I had closed the gap. They took the elevator, I ran up the stairs (though, nothing abnormal about that) because the elevators are slow.

TL;DR: Sometimes I've had the feeling that I could run abnormally fast (no air drag, fast motorics, barely any effect on stamina). It's a small feat before the almighty light-stepping, floating, levitation .. and probably blowing around like the wind.

Thursday, November 2, 2017


A small detail that I've wanted to b-log down but it hasn't really fit anywhere.

Last Friday it felt as if something came from the left. My ears started ringing and at the same time, the trash bin at my right made the sound as if something had hit it.

An entity through the head?


Was tired. Failed to extract cat from the room. Closed the door and went to bed anyway. Somewhere through sleep I remember sister opening the door and letting the cat out.

I guess I had caught some cold. Stomach was at dis-ease, due to which I woke up at around 3 AM again (same thing happened yesterday). Focused on the central channel, which got psi flowing again so that food would digest and I could resume sleep. Felt better.

Felt lighter. Semi-subconsciously produced a squeak-like sound and lifted off the bed by perhaps 50 cm. Slowly descended back to bed, shifting slightly away from the pillow .. afraid to hit the back of my head against the plank at the head of the bed. Very smooth but I suspect that the body plunged into deep sleep right after comforting the stomach, so that I basically just levitated out of the body. This also explains the squeaky sound - ejecting from the body often tends to produce an astral (non-physical) sound. Moreover, I didn't notice a blanket while levitating - so, I must've gone through the blanket which should be far easier without a body. Interestingly enough, the realm seemed identical to reality, which had not happened that often during my OBEs. Was so happy for a moment .. well, sigh.

Another very specific sound - like breathing in through a half-shut throat. Woke out of body. Stood up, looked around the room and touched things. Similar to but not quite my room. Like a messy pull request between my old bedroom and the storage room that is there at the moment. Anyway, stepped over things on the floor and looked around for a mirror. Sister had removed all of them. Well, raised my hands and looked closely at my palms, then. Very realistic, and persistent as well. Shifted my palms relative to each-other, until I found that the vein patterns formed a shape that should be easier to remember and verify against the physical body. Returned to body for shallow dreams.

Took a shower at work and checked the veins on my palms. The veins are not as clearly visible as they were in that dream / OBE. But it's pretty clear that the vein patterns did not match. In the physical body, the vein patterns make a bit more sense. Haven't really looked at the palms from such a perspective.

Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Local news highlight

A man with two knives attacked a police officer at Freedom Square, Tallinn. The officer fired 3 warning shots and then hit his chest, killing him. It's cold outside and he was barefoot and wearing just a sweater and shorts. Witnesses claimed that he had "Stupid" written on his forehead, a rope around his neck and that he looked confused. He had BSc in Computer Science from UT, MSc in Computing from University of York and worked as a consultant for a company that is planning to automate governments. Moreover, he was the brother of one of the cofounders of TransferWise. His recent posts on Facebook and Twitter contained cryptic messages about artificial intelligence and mind-control.

This world could be improved a lot in so many aspects, that's for sure .. but running towards police officers with knives is definitely not going to improve anything.

Monday, October 30, 2017

Dream: Shielding


Posted this on the forum yesterday:
Related to the Otherlife movie, which reminded me of some old dreams from perhaps 10 years ago or so.
All of them had a "dungeon master" presence or some kind of a being that had designed the dream and observed my behaviour. The dreams were always designed to keep me preoccupied with something for a specific amount of time (until the alarm, typically). Some examples of what they tried:
  • Taking my own memories of places, other people and trying to create drama in there. Their representations of the places and people were always off, though.
  • Taking my memory of a place, and putting something in there that would catch my attention. For example, a piece of electronics or some kind of schematics or something. These guys did not know electronics nor could they draw schematics. They also tried with mystical-looking languages but rushed and also messed up with those.
  • Suppressing my memories and stuffing me into a cell, smirking to see if I can find my way out.
  • Replacing my memories with fake ones, confronting me and pointing out that I've done something bad. They then observed the internal conflict, hoping that I would take the bait.
These guys were pretty pissed at me because of how complicated I made their task. At least, that's what their emotions betrayed. They always had to come up with new dreams in order to avoid me waking up because it was their job. One night I woke up with the body still half-asleep and caught someone whispering things to the subconscious mind. Haven't had anything of the sort ever since.

Except for a bit different case, perhaps. Woke in a pretty dark realm with memories replaced. Lived in a wooden building and the townsfolk had figured out I was a witch or something, and came with pitchforks and torches and stuff. Created a chain of portals, each one to as bright a realm as I could imagine. About 30 portals later, I could remember that I had simply gone to bed and fallen asleep.

Has anyone else had similar dreams?


Went to bed, visualizing myself in a warm pool of psi. Woke in some kind of a room with red walls. Sensed the intent of a psychic attack. Drew shields and maintained focus for until the focus of the attacker waned. Woke up and checked time. It was about 3 AM, I think. Fell asleep again and experienced very bright and vivid dreams up until the morning. Flew around a lot, had fun discussions with people and stuff. Each time I woke up, I saw the grid of light overlay. Even though I hadn't slept much, I felt pretty refreshed.


Minor precognition. Thought of taking headphones and listening to music while on the bus but felt like another colleague was going to take the bus. Enjoyed a nice discussion.

Sunday, October 29, 2017

Small things

Shadow, probably Wednesday

Finished a letter before going home. By the time I got it done, it was nearly pitch-black dark. The wind was somewhat chilly.

I was briefly thinking about my age when I saw a shadow move and heard a lot of leaves rustling on the other side of the road. Stopped .. still rustling. Clapped, then pointed phone backlight in the direction. A car came soon after.

Not sure if my eyes played tricks on me or it was indeed something large (like a deer, a boar or something).

Water meters

On thursday evening I thought I would take smartphone photos of the water meters again. Reached for the phone and apparently it was smart enough to start the camera so that I didn't have to press any buttons. Handy geist.


Watched Otherlife yesterday. An awesome movie in many ways (experiences != brain chemistry, people by themselves decide when to leave, brain chemistry and mind manipulation can be overcome, etc.). On the other hand, they did use the eMotiv headset wrong, they programmed shaders not nanobots and the code looked a bit spaghetti. At about 60% I was about to be disappointed in the movie but then things turned.

Anyway, visited an old friend for tea in the evening. Had missed several of the tea evenings he proposed (lacked time, then forgot and all sorts of pathetic reasons). Anyway, we discussed stuff and at around 1 AM we got to quantum mechanics. He described a paper about quantum teleportation in a chip. I described the Chinese QUESS mission. Then casually mentioned that it pretty much smacks my old quantum mechanics lecturer in the head. That felt so wrong. I suspect that it actually manifested. A couple of seconds later, the lights went dark for a split-second. Sorry.

While writing this, heard these lyrics: "and she's a slave to the smack and once you gone, can't come back".

Sunday, October 22, 2017

OBE self-healing attempt

Dream: Quarantine

Somewhere in Russia, a village was suddenly quarantined. There had been a base nearby, so the place had a lot of fences and cameras. Some of the people still in the village were getting desperate due to having been cut off for a long time. Found that the soil and groundwater had been polluted with radioactive waste.

Dream: Short chat with grandpa

Friday marked a week since the funeral. Like clockwork, grandpa showed up in a dream that morning. I was minding someone's business in the summerhouse living room when grandpa poofed in. We had a chat on subjects that I forgot on wake-up. He left as suddenly as he appeared. I think he took something, held it and poofed away so that the object fell to the floor. Probably spun before hitting the ground to make it even more cool. Grandpa was roughly the same age as his photo at the funeral. All in all, he was happy and energetic.

Dad's visit

Dad visited to check the progress with his old laptop and show MacBook Pro. The graphics artist, structural engineer, electronics engineer and audiophile in me approved it. The touch bar is awesome, though, somehow very familiar from somewhere (immediately associated with dad). The structure is solid though pretty heavy, very good thermal design, amazingly clear sound for such small openings, very good display. Although the keyboard is good as well, it's not meant for programming, though.

Err .. got sidetracked. Asked if he also saw grandpa on Friday. He said grandpa is inside him. Makes sense.

He also mentioned an interesting observation about his brother's reincarnation. Just a year old and with the motorics of an adult. Very fast and very accurate movements. Perhaps reincarnating fast comes with a few perks.

We discussed some of the concepts and ideas from my dreams and stuff. He talked about his OBE 20+ years ago again. Although I had heard the story many times, this time I saw it differently. Back then he had somehow gotten the following task:
  • Astral travel to work, go to 2nd floor, enter a room with some kind of balloons or something and make a mess. The balloons had to be tipped over so that they would explode when nobody is in the room.
He had tried many times but due to his preconceptions he could not learn psychokinesis (and failed to tip the balloons) in time. A girl lost her eyes and one of her arms.

Not the brightest memory for starting out in OBE and PK.

OBE: Healing

Meditated, then took a nap. Got vibrations from the head downwards. Pulled out head-first, sat on the edge of the bed and started touching different surfaces to maintain lucidity. Touched the floor, then the cupboard from bottom up. By the time I reached the edge of the mirror, I was also seeing around in first person. Never opened my eyes, though .. it was as if the eye lids gradually became transparent. Looked around, then glanced into the mirror. Actually saw my own image there, as if I had a real body. Looked like I was wearing something gray that was different from anything in the wardrobe. Anyway, I also looked outside and noticed that the sun was shining through the clouds a bit brighter than how I previously saw it with the body. All objects in the room were in the place they were supposed to be. Turned towards the body, slightly afraid of popping right back. The body was not clear. It looked like a dark foggy something. Black aura. Started cleaning it, but popped back soon.

Friday, October 20, 2017

Tulpas => Bugs

Dream: Bugs

Rose from bed to look at a bug crawling around on the floor. Started seeing more and more bugs of various kind. All of them carried some kind of an emotion or picture with them, which I think indicated that they're physical manifestations of thoughtforms. Specific kinds of thoughtforms. For example, there were ants that seemed to have had a piece of my mind, acting out some thoughts that I've had. Similar to how some Amazonas tribes started ceremonies where they built mock-up planes imitating the arrival of Gods. The simpler astral entities (in this case, bugs) were imitating my thoughts that I had carelessly just left somewhere.

Oh, woke up for real and an hour later a fruit fly wanted to play, and then landed on the spot where I first saw a bug in the dream.

Random thought: ancient UI

Yesterday evening it occurred to me that I was thinking of user interfaces from a functional art perspective. Perhaps back in the ancient times, user interfaces were art that was functional? For example, a bowerbird (likes to collect blue things) for a data logging application. Its eyes could indicate that it's connected to hardware, its feathers (or their shine) or some kind of blue dots could indicate data acquisition. Hovering mouse over its eye might cause a transparent popup with status and info of the device connected. Clicking on the eye could disconnect the device. Stroking a new line on the feathers might create another data path (new measurement channel or whatnot). And so on, so on.

Random thought: Cyclic time

It was also yesterday evening that I happened to entertain the idea of cyclic time. What if there was no past and future but just an infinite cycle? For example, what if Atlantis not only was but will be (again). Or perhaps the ancient artifacts are remnants of the future?

Pretty absurd, but I think that was one of the ideas referenced in Star Wreck.

In any case, this would put an interesting twist on the concepts of karmic cycles and reincarnation.

Monday, October 16, 2017

Lesson about the body

Was quite tired yesterday. Took a 30 min nap during the day and hit deep sleep within just a few minutes. Woke up to check the clock and hit deep sleep again within just a minute or two. Went to bed early.

Dream: Internals (graphic content, from an engineer's perspective)

At the summerhouse, with the flat-stack of a satellite. In other words, a bunch of different subsystems connected with cables. In the dream, all the PCBs were connected with white ribbon cables. The flat-stack was powered on and some kind of test were going on. LEDs were blinking and stuff. The usual.

A small lamb walked next to the flat-stack and laid down. Aunt is a vet. She came to check the lamb and "opened" the lamb in half (WTF?) without damaging it, just to show me something. High similarity to the horse scene in The Cell (aunt found the scene highly disturbing), except for the split axis. Anyway, judging the content from a neutral point of view. Both the lamb and the flat-stack were laid out in an identical manner. Both were powered on and in idle mode. Obviously instead of LEDs, the lamb had other kinds of indicators. Connectors were different as well. Noticed a great similarity between the nerves in the spinal column and the ribbon cables of the flat-stack. I think the spinal cord and its connections to all the lamb subsystems was what the dream was supposed to highlight to me.

Sunday, October 15, 2017


Several wondrous synchronicities, manifestations. Got lucky with ferries and their timing, especially because there was going to be a racing event on the island during the weekend. We had a workshop, and it later turned out that we only got the room because the lady at the reception had made a mistake.

In general, I remember noticing from within the dreams that the dreams are gradually falling apart. The light shines through the dreams quite bright, and there are less and less dreams of being entangled to something.

There was also a dream where I taught lucid dreaming to another dreamer. An inspiring sentence. Forgot what it was, though.

A cousin had trouble with forgetting things. His dad suggested him to practice mnemotechnics. Described a few methods to him.

Dream: Jing leaking into dream body

After purposefully leaking jing each week, managed to get the body cleansed enough. Skipped it for a couple of weeks. Suddenly had a dream where I was leaking it bad. Became sick and it was coming from everywhere. Barely made my way to the toilet to sit it through. It was dripping from all around the body like sweat. As the drops reached the floor, they vaporised and dissipated like smoke from an incense stick.

It would have been easy to turn it into a pleasurable dream. I didn't want it to, because it was a karmic trace that I had to just endure in order to overcome it.

Dream: Group of physics olympiad participants

It was rather dark (a night, after all), and I went through a narrow corridor. There were a handful of physics olympiad finalists in the corridor, for whatever reason. Passed them.

Dream: Puddle

A very bright and beautiful scene. I'm walking across a swamp-like landscape with a lot of stuff (cameras, laptops, etc.). Tried to hop over the small puddle but the puddle became a pond and ::plop:: I dropped in the water with all of my stuff. Stepped out of the pond and looked at my feet. Everything normal, except that in the water some kind of a life form had gotten stuck to my left leg. It was curled up like a spiral shell. As I tried to remove it, it spread its tentacles out of the leg and did not want to come out. Tried extracting it 3 times and then aborted the dream.

Dream: Late

Second day with a wake-up alarm at around 5 or 6 AM. Before the alarm though, I had a bright and beautiful dream of a sunrise where I checked the time. It was 11, next time I checked, it was 12 AM. With about 5 hours of driving, there would've been no way I would've made it to the workshop anymore. So, I was no longer too stressed about it.

Dream: Direct virtual reality

Dark (night). A friend had subconsciously painted a picture of how they imagined the future of virtual reality. Looked at it and used the chance to figure out a few good ideas for products. Products that would define the future of virtual reality when the technology has advanced far enough. Got a bunch of good ideas, none of which survived the wake-up transition.

This dream was triggered by the discussion that we had in the car the previous day. Discussion about the post-death existence and partial reincarnation of the next generations in the digital environment. Serial Experiments Lain irl, basically. Seems almost inevitable, tbh.

Discussions with skeptics

In the past few days, I've happened to chat on OBE, pk and related subjects with skeptical people. Last week books happened thanks to such a chat with someone.

This week, a chat started from books. During the chat, the two of us discussing things were about to cross the road a bit too late. I decided to stop on the island in the middle. He decided to run across the road. I wanted to chat, so I thought I would rather prefer that he stayed on the island. He had already gone past me and wasn't looking back. Then suddenly some crazy dude ran past him, yelling really loud and crossing the road under the red light. The friend (or colleague, or student .. or however he should be called) froze and stepped back onto the island so I could continue talking.

Since they were skeptical about everything not normal, I hope I managed to convey at least a few ideas that they could find useful in some way.

Selling the idea of meditation and concentration

Sister loves selling. So why shouldn't I enjoy it too?

I think I managed to sell meditation and concentration practice to a few cousins. Last time I tried it, they were just a few years old and it did not work out. Back then they could not sit down for more than a couple of seconds. This time was very different, though. Had a walk and a chat with one of them, then soon there was one more listening in, then four, then six or seven following me.

Some observations from the funeral

Grandma, father, aunts and uncle were quite heartbroken. I liked that none of them were too pathetic about it, though. Just needed some patience and forgiveness to cope with them. A couple of questions about politics and conspiracies were enough to get father's and uncle's eyes gleaming again. Poured aunt over with books from home. Oh, a book for father as well. Grandma was happy that I had managed to reduce the blemish infestation on my face.

Almost half of the grave had been a multi-tonne granite rock, which they had dragged into the graveyard wall. The rest of the soil was clay-like soft rock (precursor to limestone). This was quite different from the soil just a couple of meters away (uncle's grave).

Again, during the preparations and priest farewell speech wind picked up a lot. Once lowered into the grave and everyone had poured their farewell sand into the grave, the weather became silent. The graveyard is so close to the sea that a silent weather is very rare. Clouds broke apart and clear sky came out.

The moment I stepped out of the church, there was an exceptionally strong gust of wind and I saw grandpa right in front of me for a split-second. Might have even walked through him.

Serious respect towards the family priest. He's really cool. Although he has exceptionally good improvisation skills, speaking about grandpa was difficult to him. He simply didn't know grandpa all that well personally. I realized how difficult a priest's job really is.

A cousin told his Mom he considers becoming a priest because he wants a hooded coat like that. ;-)

Tuesday, October 10, 2017

Compassion to LV

Had the nagging suspicion that I had forgotten the most important thing I wanted to post.

Last night before bed I watched some of the Las Vegas shooting videos that I had wanted to check a while ago. Watched the videos and spread love and compassion to the people at the concert. In addition, visualized a shield that bounced off bullets. There's no way to verify if the shield worked or not. However, something interesting happened with the visualization of love and compassion. Literally felt it flowing. At first it drained the chest from the warm psi, then experienced some tingling on the edges of the drained region, after which the production of this energy was increased. Haven't felt that before. Not sure if it was the emotional reaction or simply lack of psi that enabled this sensation.

Grandpa's funeral on Friday. Rescheduled all meetings at work. Then asked a cousin for transportation. He said he would most likely go on Wednesday evening or Thursday morning. Since I had just scheduled all meetings for Wednesday and Thursday, I said I would probably take a bus on Thursday evening. About 10 min later, he says that the plans have changed. He will go on Thursday evening because on Wednesday and Thursday he has some important meetings at work. I'm humbled.


One night I stared at the ceiling with my eyes open, and observed the golden waves expanding from the left hemisphere and contracting into the right hemisphere.

Today morning I saw pictures in my chest (in my mind's eye), and realized the meaning of yet another saying in the local language. Literal translation (not really making a lot of sense) would be: to take something into a thing of the heart. Released the things.

Today I encountered the sensation of bindu flowing in the left hemisphere.

Happened into a department store where a lady was selling books. "Kids books," I thought .. but then spotted an Igor Volke's ufology book. Bought it. Was about to leave and spotted Graham Nicholls' book on Navigating the OBE. Awsum. Bought that as well.

One morning I felt pretty lightweight and floaty. In general, a lot of dreams with flying. Also a dream where I met Hyena again.

Dream: Hyena

In the capital. Was about to walk past a bus stop when I saw Hyena coming from there. I would have ignored him if he hadn't stopped and greeted me. He seemed quite a bit happier than the last time I saw him. We had a long chat about who-knows-what. Somehow it's the details of long in-dream discussions that I've often forgotten.

Letter sealed with wax

To make up for the missing post related to grandpa, here's the dream that I had a month or two ago:

Dream: Sealed

Was in some kind of a small library room where grandpa said he was leaving.

I knew that for years he had contemplated on whether or not to write a book on his past. He always stopped writing, thinking that these are the horrors of the past, and nobody needs to re-experience them.

The next moment I was holding a wax sealed letter, really sad (crying) and disappointed. Instead of opening it, I folded the letter and poured it over with wax. Ended up with a wax cube that had the letter buried deep inside somewhere.

Saturday, October 7, 2017

YAS - Yet Another Summary

Dream: Anomalies

The paper linked in one of the previous post mentions a wizard transferring writing to enclosed objects. In reference to that, I was brought to an anomalous region on Earth, and shown that one can produce such anomalies by transferring symbols to Earth. Realized the implications only when writing this down here.

There were some other dreams as well, but need to re-member them.

Dream: Old barnhouse falling apart

I saw the old barnhouse properly renovated and then falling apart. Realized that I had grown attached to it.

A small building spawned right next to it. Entered the building and played parkour over a chair that had been placed against the wall. Rotated the direction of gravity, hopped onto the wall, did a 180 degree flip and gravity back downwards. Or something like that.

Minor pk

Swayed the label of a tea bag at work. Turned weather more sunny for a few times as well.

Mentioned how O12 sometimes "blows around like a wind" to a sensitive (colleague) who has had minor geisting issues. That day I felt close to "blowing around like a wind" myself. Didn't happen, though.

Grandpa's death

Apparently grandpa passed away yesterday. The only dream that seems related occurred at least a month ago. Might have skipped that post.

AI Rant


Finished Alien: Isolation. Lousy implementation of a good idea, imho. The ending song is good, tho:

Puke Rat summed up quite a few of the issues with the game. Some of my rant as well: it's basically a Hollywood-style game that has any plot and idolizes stupidity. By idolizing stupidity, I mean that pretty much none of the humans on-board make any sense, they're all retarded. They never think things through, never work together, and they're only able to make lousy decisions (even random decisions would have a better success rate). Map design is just a single path maze with more-or-less randomly distributed buttons, switches and randomly chosen names for things. Looks ridiculous at least in terms of architecture, physics, space technology, computer engineering. Moreover, it's all buggy as well.

On a brighter side, the idea of stealth against intelligent unkillable monsters is good. It is also well balanced, so that hiding is never really a solution - the monsters will eventually get you from any closet. The concept of a large station that has been built gradually in all three dimensions - well done. Graphics, sound, music are very good. Also, I enjoyed the design of the 70s or 80s, combined with high technology. Then those androids were just perfect.

The game would've had a lot of potential.

Friday, September 29, 2017


It has been years since the last time I've had no fire to extinguish. I've been swamped under a heap of urgent tasks for the whole time.

Yesterday evening I had some free time and didn't know what to do about it. Stumbled upon an interesting paper, then started following the paper trail and got inspired. This: https://archive.org/details/CIA-RDP96-00792R000300370001-4
Decided to start enhancing the density of the psi field again.

Maintained the inspiration throughout the night and during the morning. Finished up with documentation and submitted, then sat down waiting for a meeting. No response. Well, no meeting. Now what? Re-checked all the tasks in issue tracking, checked all the e-mails, work-related chats. Now what? Ok, to another meeting. Became bored and started looking into a bonus work-related job that I could do as a hobby. A couple of hours later I finished with the research. Now what? In contrast to the prior years, this time life did not swamp me with further work. Thank you.

Got to re-learn how to relax properly (not just during the night).

Tuesday, September 26, 2017


Had a dream where I was on a bus, sitting in one of the rear seats. Looked around and decided to take a shower. While it did seem like nobody cared, at some point the lady sitting in the next row slowly turned her head and looked at me. I just, you know, paused for a second and looked back at her, and then continued humming and scrubbing. Seriously, the most awkward dream thus far. Seemed strange already while dreaming it.

Wednesday, September 20, 2017

Dream: crappy hostel

Was on a bus. Some other dude was talking about a rumor that I lived in a lousy neighbourhood (big deal, right?). Did not pay attention to any of that, until we passed that place. An apartment there had my family name on it, so I left the bus and started looking around. "I've never even been here before, so I wonder who lives here."

Looked in through the windows in the first floor apartment. An exceptionally small room with barely any room to sit and meditate. Mom's backpack! From the outside the room looked like a normal 4-walled apartment room, just unsecure and exceptionally easy to enter. Entered. From the inside it looked like a tent made of blue trashbags. No doors or windows. The room still had an exit, though - a very small opening to crawl through. The opening was so small that one had to leave all belongings inside and crawl out. Didn't want to break anything so I left my backpack in there as well, and then crawled through the exit .. accidentally breaking some of the blue plastic. Actually, the plastic had already been torn from another place - suspected Mom had left through a wall.

A narrow corridor leading to a shared kitchen. Most of the people living there were somewhat low on culture - junkies and drunkards, mostly. Looked like an exceptionally humiliating place to live for a normal person. A serious test of the humble hermit in everyone of us (for spirituality and stuff).

Went upstairs. A more-or-less normal floor. Still plain walls, but at least painted with some crude details (as if to imitate a luxurious palace). A bar and some tables to play poker.

Next floor. Luxurious palace with gold-lined pillars and crystal chandeliers. I'm like "What? A bunch of thieves and junkies with just a stairway to this place?" That same dude (who had been chilling with me through the place) said something along the lines of "similar to a masonic lodge". No idea.


Woke up and realized that one would probably progress from the first floor all the way to the top floor, while always being able to see the next floor for inspiration. A catalyst for spiritual progress.

Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Pillar of smoke

Chest ached yesterday evening. Had caught cold. Lit an incense stick and walked around the rooms with it. Visualized it cleaning the lungs. Occasionally put it on a shelf, sat down a couple of meters away and stared at the smoke rising.

The smoke was very responsive to pk. Could easily lean it in different directions, calm it down (a straight line of smoke to the ceiling), make smoke rings with it, or cut the smoke (smoke started rolling off to the sides instead of going upwards). At some point I started trying to keep the smoke calm, while visualizing that the column of smoke is the central flame in my spinal column. This improved healing even further. Though, got a bit dizzy eventually (too much incense).

Felt much better the next day. Also, have been listening to heart chakra healing music for the past few days.

Monday, September 18, 2017


Mom had contacted sister to ask what's going on in the town. One of her old friends had complained about aircraft noises and dogs barking throughout the night. Neither me nor sister had noticed nothing of the sort.

First of all I find it strange that there would be aircraft noises during the night. Except for the helicopter post, it's very rare. Also, were these aircraft noises, then dogs typically wouldn't bark about it. Unless it was deafening (the dog at the summerhouse is traumatized by all the low-flying jets). Mom thought it was the magnetic storm, but again, we didn't see anything out of the ordinary.

Dream: Burning branches

Was at the summerhouse, piling up branches and burning them. Noticed that there was an older pile that did not burn so well. In fact, it had almost become extinguished. The pile had large tree stumps sticking out of the ashes. I could tell that there were still some glowing pieces of charcoal underneath, so I nudged one of the stumps a bit. Instead of catalyzing the burning, I managed to unleash 2-3 hornets. The hornets darted at my right palm and stung it. In order to escape the emerging cloud of hornets (because typically that's how it happens with wasps), I flew away. However, I was somewhat disappointed in the speed of flight. I was so slow that I had to push myself from tree branches and roof edges.

Dream: Training

Some kind of a large stadium or field. Spent the rest of the night training with someone else. Trained strength, stamina, agility, concentration, etc. The dream deterioriated in the morning when more people started showing up. Eventually some guy thought he was the trainer and started bossing around. I realized that I didn't have proper shoes and clothes for the training. Spent the rest of the time sprinting around with parkour while looking for them. Found them where I had placed them before the night of training (had just put them aside because they weren't needed). The boss trainer of the morning did not tolerate people training without flashy outfits.

Morning walk

Walked to the bus station again. Felt lightweight and tireless. Walked a lot faster than usual and made it on the bus that leaves earlier, with perfect timing.

A very rainy and stormy day.

Sunday, September 17, 2017

Moody Weather

Mayhaps not as exciting as the previous two posts but weather was a bit moody today.

Concentrated on work while listening to soothing music. At some moment I looked out of the balcony window and it was a sunshine with clear sky. Some time later I got confused about the raining backdrop in a song. It sounded so realistic that I looked at the balcony window and removed the headphones. Although it was actually raining outside, I couldn't have heard it with the headphones on. The song ended and it was sunny again. Stared at the fidget spinner for some time, heard a loud gust of wind. Looked out .. barely any wind. Took a nap and woke up. Cloudy but cleared up in just a few seconds. Then sunshine until sunset.

Managed to fool the cat so that he let me install the leash (about 10% success rate). With effort, managed to take the cat for a walk. Kept staring at the cat while it was trying to hide under a tree. As the darkness settled, at some point there was an empathic connection with the cat. He finally enjoyed sitting there, looking around .. feeling like a ninja or something. Though, it's still evident that the cat doesn't read my mind properly. Took the cat back home and left for shopping. Cat was confused "Do I need to come too or not?" He has a miss/fear relationship to r/outside so I knew I would no longer have to shoo him from the door today.

Saturday, September 16, 2017


Yesterday I randomly remembered remembering flashbacks of something. Yep.

I remember years of studying something involving strings of small dots of light. While I think they had colors as well, for me colors were irrelevant. It was the patterns and the interaction of these patterns that was important. More important than anything else (pffamily or whatever).

I think I remembered this either while taking a bus over a bridge and seeing dots of light reflect from the channel. Definitely I was thinking about this memory when walking to a store in the dark with Mom, Dad and sister. Was a few years old.


If that's a glimpse of a past life, then my tendencies and habits in this life make sense. Still suspicious, though.


Couldn't sleep properly on Thursday night. There had been 6+ hours of emotional lessons learned discussion. I wasted my breath a lot, whereas the dude sitting opposite to me meditated for most of the time and rarely spoke anything. During the discussion, mindfulness meditation was mentioned once. Though, to me it seemed rather out of place so I did not comment on it. Moreover, since an ex-colleague mentioned on having had meditative coding experience(s) and found mindfulness meditation to be unexpectedly easy, I decided to save it for inspiration. He's the one I recommended meditation for overcoming his health condition and I'm glad he's better.

Oh, and before the discussion I scanned some documents at home, and read some old Japan tourism booklets while the scanner was working.

OBE-ish dream

Anyway, that night I focused the consciousness cloud into the shape of my body. This started healing some areas previously scarce of attention. Then sister came home (around 2 AM), started moving stuff and cursing me. I think I fell asleep somewhere between 4 AM and 5 AM. Woke up confused about the orientation of the bed (rotated in respect to the body, I think). Checked the clock, but since it showed something like 7:69 or whatever (something illogical with a 7, don't remember exactly), I stood up and went to the living-room to check the time. Noticed that movement was very OBE-like (couldn't walk, had to float & fly). Dad was there, at the computer (pretty much only happens in dreams). Asked him what time it was, because it felt as if I was somewhere outside normal space-time. I think he looked at his watch and then ended up looking confused. "We're somewhere outside normal space-time, right?" It seemed as if he agreed.

Tried to remember what it was that I had on my list of things to do whenever I get an OBE. Aborted the operation with a 10 second timeout, roughly. Just "left the scene". Arrived at a place that looked like a Shinto Shrine. Saw my surroundings in 4D. At the same place there was the shrine, some kind of ruins, and an urban area with poor population. Climbed the ruins and looked towards the shrine tower (simultaneously a building). I was a bit surprised that the urban area was empty during the day. Well, empty with an exception. There was a lady on the 3rd floor (I think), cooking. To me it seemed that she had two kids who were not home. She saw me through the window / door and asked me to come and help her. She had the impression that I was lost, even though I was pretty sure that I wasn't .. I was just aimlessly wandering around, looking for whatever I might find interesting. Flew in and helped her with the cooking somehow (don't really remember the details). The food was somehow special and she offered it to me as well (couldn't try regular food anyway). Though, most importantly, she told me something about my history and asked my grandma to fill out the details for me.

Poofed to wherever grandma was. A large field of grass with some kind of a building, next to a gravel road. Did not recognize the place. Anyway, had a lengthy discussion about history (don't remember the details).


This seems to imply that I still am a part of the family lineage even though I don't feel like it. To me it seems like a boring lineage. While perhaps a bit more interesting than the average but still.

But then again, it just seems to imply that.

A very interesting dream / OBE in any case. One of a kind thus far.


Had had perhaps 3 or 4 hours of sleep. Contrary to my expectations, I did not wake tired.

Wednesday, September 13, 2017


Came home and straight to bed yesterday. Woke, ate, checked forums and back to bed.

When relaxed, there's a subtle buzzing all over the body, as if the body were purring like a cat. Pain and tension is released from the areas that are buzzing.

Last night I spent cleaning the body of stress and tension again. In the dream I created / found a garage-like room behind 5 portals. It had other portals as well, but through these it was even more difficult to find the place. Somehow I let the place clear itself of unfavourable entities, then entered. The place was dark but clean and quiet. Set up work stuff .. a nice place to work in dreams without distractions. Though, without the entities the place was no longer as stable. Noticed several inconsistencies (stuff missing) while packing for the morning alarm.

Saturday, September 9, 2017

Compassion to electronics

Ever played skip a rock with keyboards on a sea of old TVs and CRT displays?
I did, and felt bad about it. Threw away a lot of old electronics. They have served me well but how did they earn such a treatment? Came home and watched Animatrix (hadn't seen it before). Rage against the machines, then revenge of the machines. Although a bit random, I think it's very good. Found the runner and the haunted house stories the most inspiring.

Last night I had a bright dream with very disturbing content. Reference to the movie "The Beach," I think. A ferry brought people to some kind of an island. It was well known that the island is dangerous, so I observed my own actions carefully, trying to adapt to the surroundings quickly. The dream ended when I had finished installing the shoes. No point in describing the graphic content around me, just that people were really careless and ended up being hurt or killed. "The Beach" was in my opinion one of the most realistic movies out there, at least plot-wise. Don't know why the dream, though. Watched the movie like a month ago or something.

Before the dream, I had been staring at the singing bowls, trying to make them vibrate with the mind. Did not happen but got a good concentration training out of it.

Thursday, September 7, 2017

Mansion with a trolley

Read a reddit post about an old mansion becoming embedded into an office building yesterday evening.

Had a dream where I leaped off a skyscraper and flew to a nearby lake. Hadn't flown for a while (and didn't feel all too confident), so I aimed at the closest one. Landed somewhere on the street, and went exploring. A nice sunset over buildings with sandstone walls. Narrow alleys and small stores with neon lights and lit advertisements. I think I found a park with an old mansion converted into a museum. It was open, so I entered. I was busy observing the architectural details when an old friend greeted me. Haven't seen him for a long time. I commented that the architecture of the place is unusual. He nodded and said that the mansion actually consists of two buildings, while sketching a simple map onto the wall with his index finger. Logically, the buildings should be interconnected somehow, he said. I proposed that perhaps there's a small underground trolley between the two buildings. Somehow it seemed very typical, although I haven't seen such solutions in the waking life. I think he temporarily removed some parts of the floor or something, which revealed a low tunnel with a simple trolley. He did not want to test the trolley, afraid of an ambush on the other side (he has a military background). Learning everything he wanted to know about the place, he disappeared. So, I started putting back the removed pieces of the floor. A lady walked past the doorway, saying "Dear Lord" or something. I think she indicated how rude it had been of me to destroy the floor at the museum. In any case, the dream environment was not very stable anymore (things kept changing), and I guess that the museum was actually nowhere near the place with the skyscraper because the events happened during a cloudy day.

It's nice to randomly bump into old acquaintances whom I haven't even thought about for years.

Tuesday, September 5, 2017

Math of projected realities

A dream where I was shown Saturn (I think), then some kind of futuristic spacetech labs, some kind of a planet surface with its multitude of projected realities / dimensions / parallel universes.

Flew towards the Saturn-like planet through space. Flew perhaps a 90 degree arc around it to get a glimpse of the area in the shadow as well. I think it was either an animation or with heavy overlay, because there was something brown between the ring and upper atmosphere. Probably a highlight to illustrate something that I could not comprehend.

The guide was explaining something about future space probes sent to Saturn. He then walked me past some sort of labs, which looked like 20 or 30 years into the future. Heavily automated with robotics but otherwise still looked fairly similar.

I was then shown around on the surface of a planet. While there were some kind of bases (artificial light sources) on the planet, this was not what the guide wanted to show me. Everything looked weird .. saw things in 4D. It looked as if there were some specific regions where different 3D realms were intersecting as if projected together from different projectors. It was evening / night, so there was barely any light. Everything looked dark brown, rocks and dust everywhere. Then these artificial sources of light in the distance, surrounded by what looked like blurry jets (upper atmospheric lightning) spreading in very specific angles in 4D space. It looked as if the intersection points were aligned to a planetary grid of some sort.

Being brought back to a room with three other people (I think), one guy asked what it was that I learned. Embarrassed, I tried to come up with some kind of an analogy. Not a very good one, and don't even remember it anymore. The guy commented: "Man, you have an awful memory." Me, slightly frustrated: "Well, thank you for the compliment." The guy then showed me a lot of papers with a lot of mathematical concepts and formulae. Without using that kind of math for a great many years by now, I felt embarrassed again. So, the dream ended in being taught "basic" math. Argh. Sigh. I wish were adequate in these things. Might learn something interesting or practical.

Monday, September 4, 2017

Good day

Reading the dialogue boosted the internal heat for me. Boosted it further, then went to sleep. Couldn't sleep. Just a few shallow dreams but spent most of the night healing and boosting internal heat.

This reminded me of the dream I had had the previous night.

Tension doesn't burn

Me and youngest uncle cleaning the old barn house. There were some kind of wooden ribs on the floor. Uncle asked me to clean the floor. I figured I could just burn the wood or something. Don't ask .. dream logic or something. Took a matchstick and as I put it closer to the wood, the flame was blown out. Realized that karma does not burn lightly. One needs constant strong heat to even melt it. So, I just removed the wooden ribs and threw them out.

Book exchange

Exchanged yoga books with a colleague. She got the dream and sleep yoga book. I got a thought yoga book. Wanted to ask about a dream that I had in 2010, I think. In that dream she was driving her dad's van (Blogger search is not very helpful). She answered the question without me asking. She said she was going for driving school. So, probably she has not had the dream yet.


Her father was kind enough to take me to the largest shopping mall in town. Took the chance to buy new shoes. The first candidate often still ends up being the best. Went outside to wait for a free bus to town centre. A nice chilly and windy evening. Noticed some glass shards on the ground (dangerous) and tried to steer clear of these, especially with the new shoes and all. 15+ min into waiting, a dude showed up and introduced himself. Being strongly religious, he started telling about Free Will and Adam's & Eve's temptation (which is what I read yesterday evening). He had a very young son with him, who did not enjoy his dad's preaching much. Anyway, the man held my hand and prayed for me (felt some kind of a vibration move through his palm). He also wished for me to find a girlfriend this month. I'm not sure I would want that (his son also started crying on that). When he saw that my bus arrived, he asked me to visit their Facebook page and perhaps continue the chat. In order to make room for the people rushing on the bus, I took a step back .. onto the glass shards. Thanks for the symbol, won't visit the Facebook page (dangerous). These kinds of people are very sticky, so it's wiser to just thank him and send energy astrally.

On a different level, I had read the first few chapters of the thought yoga book. It went into great detail on how to influence people and push one's agenda on them. I saw that the religious man has some serious issues himself. While he means well, he's partially blinded by the tension in his own mind. I wish him all the best.

Singing bowls

A few days ago I tried the singing bowls again and realized something obvious. Probably the correct way to use a singing bowl is to visualize it being one of your chakras, and then make it vibrate. One of those bowls on the heart chakra caused a few flashes of light and boosted the internal flame quite a bit (cleared some of the soot off the psi channels). Flashes of yellowish white light I've seen several times per day recently.

Sunday, September 3, 2017

Blown chance

A very good read on the broader perspective:


Before 2012, there were a lot of people and entities helping me. I took a long time to decide, then decided to stay (especially after seeing how biased I had become of the spiritual level of people around). I became ill (perhaps due to the uncertainty and doubt in my decision) and recovered later. A chance of leaving together with old friends .. while leaving this body behind. Then at some moment, I felt really happy for the progress in something that I had also helped in. At that point, I couldn't wrap my mind around it. Seemed totally random.

Then I guess it became more silent, in addition to the constant feeling of having lost a great part of myself. Left alone. It seems that in the daily life everything fractally reflects on that. On one hand, I love being left alone (makes it easier to recover and evolve at unnatural rates), on the other hand I also feel disgusted about it. But then again, I've been circling the same karmic cycle throughout this life. Got to overcome loneliness and become enlightened together with the body.

Actually, even before 2012 I felt like having been born too late (a lot of old friends already gone).

Wednesday, August 30, 2017


A couple of dreams that I wanted to note down here.
But before that, an incident with bugs.


Having spent a couple of months on debugging firmware (and the software for testing it), yesterday evening I walked home and thought that the left shoe sure is buggy. It's been hurting the little toe on my left foot for years. The right foot is so much stronger that instead of the shoe hurting any toes, the foot hurts the shoe (has torn it open from the side). Got home and casually mentioned to sister that I really need to start looking around for new shoes cause the old ones are buggy. Showed her the bugs. Noticed that the cat was also a bit more interested in the shoes than before.

Today morning I put the shoes on, walked some, and suddenly something appeared in the left shoe. It was so large that I wondered how it even got there without me noticing it in the morning. Went to the first beach bench, took the shoe off, tapped against it a few times and put it back on. Strangely though, I only noticed emptiness fall out of the shoe. Expected to see something occupying the space, instead. A few more steps and realized that now this something is in the rear of the shoe (though, I didn't see anything there after tapping the shoe). Went back to the bench, took the shoe off again and saw a huge bug in the shoe. It was as big as a cockchafer (May bug) but had a yellow-black pattern on its wingshields. Amazingly though, the bug looked perfectly healthy, except for having another (tiny) bug on its back. For me it's a puzzle how my foot and such a large bug could coexist in such a small shoe without crashing into each-other.

Literally from debugging software to debugging shoes.

Charred house

Those classic dreams where things catch fire and I'm extinguishing them. Had one a couple of nights ago. The whole summerhouse was charred from inside out. Not really fire but the walls and everything covered in small pieces of glowing charcoal. Cleaned the exterior walls, then went to the attic. There was a bookshelf with books, all of which had their four corners glowing. This caused the wallpaper to burn.

There have been similar posts here in this blog before. Things burning, melting, arcing is a common theme for dreams related to spirituality, I think. I wish I realized the meaning of the dream while dreaming it. This way I could perhaps minimize the damage while optimizing for spiritual progress.


I don't think I've posted about helicopters before, but it's also a recurring theme. I used to have these dreams more often 10+ years ago.

Anyway, I'm having a chat with Mom (I guess) when suddenly a helicopter flies up to the living room windows. In these dreams I'm always expecting the helicopter to just fly over the building but it never does. It flies up to the window, pointing its missiles / minigun at me. This time it was a minigun. Me: "This is not good," then makes an attempt at hiding from the windows. Didn't have a proper body in the dream, which made my maneuvering slow and cumbersome. There's something special about the helicopters, though. They never fire (at least, so far they haven't), they just fly to the next window to get a good look at you and "poke you with their crosshair". It's as if the helicopter was to deliver a message: "We're watching you. You cannot escape and you cannot hide." Hid to sister's room, shrunk and curled up behind some furniture.

Woke up on the sound of the helicopter flying away. My logic says it's not very common to encounter a helicopter in the town during the night. It probably just flew past the building and in the dream it seemed to have lingered around for longer (time in shallow dreams).

The closest match to the dream seems to be the unkillable helicopters in Half-Life. Though, wasn't an apache this time.

Few techs ..

.. I wanted to write about.

Sour mouth

For a while now, I've been waking up with a sour taste in the mouth. Also, occasionally quite a bit of phlegm is produced. Grandma's advice (this I've read from some sources as well): clean the mouth with baking oil. Me: nope nope nope. In any case, tried that and it seemed to have helped just a little. But then it occurred to me that I already know how to resolve the issue: khecari mudra.

So, for a few days I've been practising khecari mudra on and off (sometimes between sleeping and waking up, sometimes while walking). Already a few minutes help against the sour mouth. Today morning I woke up and just thinking about performing the mudra already remarkably reduced the bad taste in my mouth.


Panic attacks or pain in the chest? Practice correct breathing. Breathe in quickly (or normally), then breathe out very slowly. This way the body is able to extract more oxygen. No sighs (sighs are the reverse).

I guess that blemishes are perhaps yet another symptom of low amounts of oxygen in the blood.

Wizard tower

Another technique that I've performed recently. I visualize myself meditating in a tall white wizard tower. The room is all white without any shadows, but perhaps a single brighter dot at eye-height on the wall in front of me. Inspiration from Durlag's Tower in Baldur's Gate, Lord of The Rings and Naruto.

Obvious but .. well ..

A couple of days ago while walking home, I noticed that it had become cold (summer's over, what a bummer). Haven't even had a vacation (except for those couple of weekends when I did not sit in the office). These thoughts caused the classical reaction in my mind to my surroundings: "No, don't turn into autumn yet! I haven't even had the chance to properly enjoy the summer yet."

This was going on in the subconscious mind, without thoughts. Somehow noticed it and thought it through. What's the point of trying to hold onto the summer when I don't even enjoy the moment? A summer without enjoying the moment is still not a summer to enjoy. The exact same goes for autumn as well. So, instead of pushing the autumn away (and starting to feel colder from the inside), I decided to take a fresh look at the emotions of the season floating around the town. The old and familiar autumn with people excited about getting back to school / work.

Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Weird grandma


Sweet. All muscles aching from the active holiday last weekend. Moved rocks and dug pits indoors. Found some "ancient" artifacts from there. By ancient artifacts, I mean a couple of springs, beer cans and grandma's old grade sheet from school.

Also got stung by a bee under the right eye so that it swelled a bit. Enough for it to be slightly uncomfortable but not enough for people to notice it easily.


Enjoyed a discussion with grandma on her 85th birthday. She had become convinced that the most recent family member is a reincarnation of my passed uncle. Having witnessed uncle's perks as a toddler, grandma just couldn't ignore all the similarities. I think sister was the first to notify me about the reincarnation (clickbait).

With all the secret talks with grandma about these things, it's starting to feel like becoming a village shaman or somesuch (with the knowledge passed on). Grandma knows a lot about herbs and different recipes for potions and ointments.

Wished for her to live beyond 120 years, only to realize that I need to do that myself. In any case, I do hope she'll focus more on her own health from now on as well. She's been always healing others without thinking about her own well-being. She said she had two quests left: helping me get rid of my blemishes, and chatting with uncle's reincarnate once he's able to speak again. I would think grandma were bonkers, if I were not at least as weird as her.

Actually, this reminds me that while she described how her son and her husband's mom both appeared at her bed one night. That night grandma asked her son to leave and take the old lady with him. In any case, I think I have seen my grandpa's mother in the hypnagogic state. At least, grandma's description of her matches the images very well. One mystery solved.

Thursday, August 17, 2017

Upward flow

Lazy. Feel like meditating instead of working after the official workhours.

Yesterday morning I focused on the upward flow of psi as well as the feeling of weightlessness. Felt energized. Leaped over a construction tape. Surprised myself with how easily I rose over the tape. Once I hit the ground on the other side, it dawned on me that I had a heavy backpack. Did not crash but the landing was not that smooth. At work, a colleague commented that I looked at least 5 years younger.

It seems that regular focus on an upward flow of psi is important. Pranayama also seems to be much more effective with a visualization of the upward flow.

Today I felt the opposite. A lot of rain, even though according to the weather report and weather radar it should've been clear.

Two different days, two different job offers with opposite auras.

Apparently there has been a terrorist van attack again. It's not very polite to run over people. Mom is in Barcelona, I think. I have the feeling that she's fine.

Sunday, August 13, 2017


A summary of insignificant events.


On Thursday, there was a sauna night at work. Enjoyed 3 rounds of sauna + lake. There's a careful balance: with enough heat the experience is energizing, however, just a little too much and it drains all the energy. Hit near the balance point and became bored. Went outside, sat on the grass and enjoyed the sunset for an hour or two. Noticed that while there were some mosquitoes flying around me, they did not land for a bite. Occasionally other people came to ask what was up. They left soon due to all the mosquitoes and due to it being chilly outside.

Registered on a car that was about to leave. We ended up watching the stars, and instead of leaving we turned the car around and visited the large telescope instead. A very nice night.

Almost no sleep that night. Throughout the night, I simulated a work project that will start soon. The project did not finish well. Rewound and started again, changing some parameters. The project crashed again. Crashed for tens or hundreds of times before I woke up. In my mind I gave up on the project in the morning.

Next nights

Short sleep with an odd dream (too much Baldur's Gate, probably). There was someone in one of those old stone cellars. The roof was about to collapse, so I kept it from falling and started repairing the wooden beams that held it up. Managed to fix things, which caused a change in the dream. An old treasure chest popped up, with an entity that described the reward. "Most people either take the money or the book (wisdom)," the entity said. Figured that my closet was running out of pants, I opted for pants. The entity pointed out that there were two kinds of pants in the chest. Took the beginner's pants of levitation, since I was not interested in becoming overwhelmed with power. Noticed that in addition to being weightless, the pants were alive - a thought-form.


Confirmed for myself that dogs often act as thought police. While I had suspected that's how it works, I hadn't produced such a contrast before. Watched Split on the bus back to the hometown. Instead of walking, decided to take another bus home. A lady with a dog came to the bus. My thoughts were neutral for the 15+ minutes or so. Both of us left the bus at the same bus stop. I simply walked past the dog and at about 30 m from the dog, I produced a dangerous thought. The dog started barking at that exact moment, and kept barking in my direction even after I had disappeared between the buildings. That's an excellent indicator with immediate feedback.

Thursday, August 3, 2017

Relaxing the brain

Slept for a couple of hours yesterday evening. Went to bed late, and planned on waking early. Didn't fall asleep normally, so I took a pose to lay in motionlessly. Relaxed the muscles and the mind. Relaxed the brain more thoroughly than I've done for a long time. No dreams, just a nice state of relaxation. Woke feeling more refreshed. Quite productive workday and even felt like doing some sports.

Edit: I found two methods that seemed effective for relaxing the brain. At first I imagined a carefree brain of a toddler that isn't required to remember anything, doesn't have to calculate anything, nor does it have anything to worry about. While this worked, I also tried humming in my mind. Used syllables from the Aum mantra: "AaaAAa" and "MmmMMMm". This was a bit more difficult to use for relaxation because of a preconception that I had - doing something in the mind means effort, and thus, tension.

There was supposed to be a sauna this evening. At first I said I wasn't going. Then I suddenly felt like I would still have to go (an image of a nice evening with sunset popped in my mind). Went through a shop, bought stuff (snacks and drinks). It cost 7. No, thanks to a customer card I got a discount so that the price dropped to 6.66. Started paying more attention to what's going on around me, hoping to spot something of significance. Lost a bit of chocolate from the ice cream. Later an old lady walked past, eating ice cream like a pro. For all these years, I've been eating ice cream wrong =D. A nice walk through the parks, with a nice sunset view. No sauna because it wasn't booked properly. Lovely evening, definitely worth it.

Tuesday, August 1, 2017

Dream Training

Holy cow. A very interesting read:

Pretty cool ideas, especially with the virtual clones, unifying the consciousness of mankind and so on. Although it should be taken with a grain of salt, at least some of it seems plausible.

Also, it might elegantly explain the dreams that I used to have many years ago. Recurring dreams of being locked up in a box with no way out, with false memories. Whenever I figured out it was all planted and fake, they became angry at me, sighed and quickly fabricated another dream environment with different false memories. Their dreams became more and more sloppy and at some point I stopped having these dreams. They then found that it was easier to keep me in dreams with content that I found interesting (pieces of electronics, schematics, working principles of fictional technology). Though, soon after I was also recognizing those in just seconds into the dream. Stopped having those dreams as well.

I also recall one night when I suddenly became lucid straight from the deep sleep state. I realized that there was someone speaking in my mind, attempting to brainwash while I was unconscious.

Apparently I've been mistaken in thinking that I have achieved some spiritual success on my own. Perhaps I owe a lot to these guys for training me in lucid dreaming, willpower, dealing with critical situations, etc. =)

Last night I visualized myself as a warrior, with the powerful tools: the mind, and the body. Took a pose, focused on just being there, and felt energy building up and flowing up the spine.

Monday, July 31, 2017

Time bubble


A few days ago I saw a shadow fly across the living room silently, in peripheral vision. "How did the cat get over there already?" Turned my head back and found the cat still laying to my right. There was nobody else home. Had also seen the shadow before, but always thought it was the curtain or the cat playing shadow bunnies or something. The shadow has always stayed outside my door, I think (has peeked over the doorway a few times).

Time bubble

That previous post. Thought of trying the time bubble idea before falling asleep. Realized that it wasn't exactly a brilliant idea, for the following reasons:
  1. The bubble would isolate my room from its surroundings.
  2. My room is like Swiss Cheese, full of portals to various worlds. The bubble would eventually break all the portals.
  3. The best time for building the bubble is from deep sleep. Deep sleep is when I need the room to be as connected to the surroundings as possible. This provides the freedom to relax and become refreshed.
  4. Gradually it would deprive the room of fresh energy and it would be increasingly difficult to refresh it.
  5. The surface of the bubble could turn out pretty dangerous (high gradient in time).
Decided to integrate a flip-switch. Left it "on" for the night, to improve the skills and to see if there are any advantages. Switched it "off" in the morning. Woke exhausted. So - no, not a viable way of increasing productivity.

Back to square one, I guess:
  1. Accept productivity the way it is.
    No point in pushing it. People don't understand it anyway. They would just increase the workload when they saw an increase in your productivity. They would keep increasing the load until something cracks, then figure out how to cover it up and keep going.
  2. Deadlines don't mean anything.
    Based on experience they keep shifting beyond rational explanations. Thus, they cannot be taken seriously.
  3. Do things the way you enjoy doing them.That's the way to maintain enthusiasm. That's the way to stay alive. Seek for challenges. Make tasks fun.
  4. Don't care what others say.
    They may say it's the most important thing in the world, just before they leave you working on it and go on their long awaited vacation. People don't mean what they say so it's meaningless anyway.
  5. Keep politics and work apart.
    It is not worth doing anything for the reason that it would ensure good relationship with corporation X or countries Ys.
This even propagates back to the realization that "I'm alone in this universe. It's just me and my attitude towards the universe." I have to care about myself because there is nobody else to do so. It might make sense to picture it like this: there are entities out there, trying to crush you and take your energy. It's your job to develop to such a degree that they no longer can.

Mining establishment

Today morning I caught myself asleep, observing an odd scene. Violet sunset (or starset, whatever) on a pretty landscape. There was a large craft hovering above the landscape in the distance. The large craft had just a single dot of light on it, somewhere in the middle, towards the right (or maybe an AOL). There was a small craft periodically flying between the large craft and the ground. I assumed it was transporting material to the large craft that then refined it. With the sun setting, it gradually became darker, making it more difficult to tell the outlines but easier to see the single dot of light on the larger craft.

When I realized I was asleep, I had been mindlessly observing the scene for a long time already (it was meditative). After that realization it seemed as if I was observing it from a small shadowless white room with a large window in front of the white bed. Sunset was from the right, and I guess there was a window there as well. Or perhaps even the whole wall was transparent. Not sure, didn't turn my head .. always just a blank stare forward. I did sense, however, that in addition to the perfectly lit room there was light from the right as well.

While at first I had thought of taking the camera for a photo of this mining establishment. Then I realized that I could record it as well. With the analytical mind booting up, the window turned into a computer screen. Realized that I could just as well enable screen capture. So, did that. However, by then I had reduced first-hand experience to a mere 480p video stream on a computer (c'mon why no HD?).

Man I should find the time to improve my digital painting skills. Would want to bring my subpar splatting & scribbling to near photorealistic levels (anime level would already be neat as well, though). This would allow me to convey the mind-imagery visually.

Saturday, July 29, 2017

In-body stasis and overclocking

While relaxing the body before sleep last night, I thought about what causes the issues. Some years ago when I used to regularly practise stasis field on the Crookes Radiometer, I feared I might semi-accidentally produce stasis within the body. One reason for the fear was that back then I realized I couldn't dispel the stasis field well enough (the radiometer still hasn't recovered). I'm pretty sure the fear has materialized over the years during which I haven't enjoyed regular pk practice. Although it has both pros as well as cons, I discourage applying stasis field on the body. Probably would have less cons without work stress.

Short-term effects (a few hours):
  • Decoupling of bodily needs from work with the mind.
    • Reduced food consumption.
    • Reduced need for doing sports.
    • Reduced oxygen consumption.
  •  Control over performance.
    • By applying stasis on everything down from the navel and overclocking the heart and everything above it, it is possible to temporarily boost performance several fold.
Mid-term effects (a few days):
  • Maldigestion.
    • Food in the body exceeds its expiry date before the body is able to fully process it.
    • Increased food consumption, the body tries to get rid of the toxic leftovers from the previous cycle. 
    • Malnutrition.
  • Exhaustion.
    • Body can't sleep properly due to maldigestion issues. 
    • Loss of enthusiasm (anger and willpower converted into enthusiasm is still a way to boost it).
  • Decoupling from empathy.
Long-term effects (a few weeks):
  • Loss of performance.
    • Exhaustion with sleep deprivation.
    • Depression.
  • Tension or pain at the heart chakra.
  • Tension or pain at navel. 
  • Lack of body heat.
Even longer term effects (a few years):
  • Cutting pain at the heart chakra.
    • As if there were an ice crystal cutting the body from the inside.
    • Taste of blood.
  • Panic attacks.
    • Occurring randomly.
    • Occurring while talking to other people.
    • Very difficult to calm the body.
Since the beginning of 2017, I'm back between the mid-term and short-term effects.

Not a very good way of boosting performance, as it has adverse side-effects. Perhaps a space-time bubble would be a better candidate?

Expressed with ignorance, satire, disappointment, anger and willpower:
"Work must be done. There must be a way."

No, seriously, there should be a way to improve performance so that time and manpower would no longer be an issue. There must be a way to become so good at everything that everything gets done fast (10 year work of 5 people, by a single person in 2 years with enough time for hobbies). I know that since work is infinite, this means endless improvement. This is precisely why there must be no side-effects.

I think that so far the following preconceptions have been keeping me back:
  • This is not normal, I have to teach people that this is not the way to go (being an example).
  • There is a saying "One can dump an infinite amount of work on a man. Work cannot kill a man." <- I have to prove it wrong.
  • But I want to do other things as well, not just work all the time (disappointment).
  • There is a lot of work that needs to be done (semi-subconsciously causing more work).
  • There is not enough time to do things well (which most often ends up in lost efficiency due to re-doing things so that they would be well).
  • Edit: And seeing everyone else have the luxury of free time, vacations or holidays makes me jealous.
BS. I wonder where I even got those ideas.

When done correctly, work is a concentration practice and there is a careful balance between work and rest. With a correct attitude, life is meditation.

Revised preconceptions that I use to push myself forward:
  • Things are the way they are, I'm simply offered ways to improve them.
  • Every problem has a solution.
  • No matter what the problem, the solution will be revealed once I'm ready to comprehend it.
  • Do or do not, there is no try.
  • Superhuman or not, just clear the mind and do it.

Friday, July 28, 2017


Forgot to relax properly before bed. Didn't sleep too well (or just woke tired).

A few hours later I semi-accidentally recalled one of the dreams:
There's a lot of us (colleagues, students, friends) around a playfield. The playfield is simple - rectangular floor with a smooth surface. Not sure what the game was about but at some point I was invited to try it. Had to throw a small ball into a tube. Did that, I think. I then decided to play something similar to billiard on the floor, I guess. Threw the "cue ball" against the wall so that it bounced off and hit the tube (or go into the tube, not sure). After trying it for a couple of hours without much success, somebody woke and commented on it: "You throw it too hard, it's like 200 km/h when it reaches the tube". Well that explained why the tube shattered on each attempt. Though, I did not put much effort into throwing, so it would've been pretty difficult to aim for lower velocities.

Did not make much sense.

Anyway, an evening with sauna. I love the team, especially those random discussions on quantum mechanics, the structure of the universe, or other physicsy or mathsy subjects. Occasionally one of us has a moment of ingenuity and tries to prove their theory. A lot of fun with quality discussions spiced with quality humour. Students and trainees are a lot more open-minded than any of the old colleagues.

Wednesday, July 26, 2017


Saw a shiny object move across the sky while on my way back home. It moved from right to left, and then faded within a second or two. It looked oval-shaped, moved quite fast (assuming it was quite far) and there was no sound. It flew along the abandoned air base. Regardless, I was pretty sure it was a plane .. until it faded. Might've still been a plane, making a sudden turn towards the abandoned base (away from me). There are aviation school students flying around at times.

Tuesday, July 25, 2017


Happened to read about the Sansevero Chapel. Plenty of occult symbolism, statues that are impossible to sculpt and other bizarre stuff.

Started to wonder about the statues. Thanks to synchronicity, found a site (Google Translate from Russian) describing different methods of petrification (converting things into stone). Original link for native Russian readers. This also clears up a lot of confusion that I had regarding some granite megaliths in America with handprints in them.

Logical but just didn't occur to me in this context before. It's possible for one element to carry the essence of another and re-manifest it.

Today I realized that I've been using time to separate and categorize my experiences. Shouldn't do that. Shouldn't tie them to time.


One of them: walked outside, through the apartment wall. It's snowing. "What the, snowing in late July? Pff .. Estonian Summer (TM)"

Another: woke up somewhere else. Knew I was somewhere else before opening the eyes. Couldn't remember where, though. Red rubber flooring, cheap bed, barely any furniture. Moved the blanket aside, stood up and went looking for the bathroom. Had travelled a lot with Mom and arrived late last night. An acquaintance of an acquaintance offered a place to stay for the night. The host came and greeted me. An indie .. they're very rare around here. Felt a bit embarrassed at first, as I didn't have any daily clothes on. He didn't even pay attention to such a minor detail. Anyway, some time later Mom also woke up and we left. Astral - no hassle with any doors, as all of them are open or there are no doors. Also, the sunlight and the buildings - everything was far brighter and more vibrant than in this realm. Yup, definitely astral. We were going downhill. ..::WeEEeeE::.. Hopped to the ground, tummy first, to bounce into the air and fly around. Note that I don't have a beer belly, but still .. seemed like a fun thing to do. Mom was a bit more grumpy.