
The goal of this blog is to motivate myself and others for further practice as well as provide details that might explain what's going on..

Monday, June 3, 2013


Operating the satellite provides an interesting time schedule. Several passes throughout the day (roughly 9 - 2 AM), with 1.5 hour intervals.

While waiting for the next pass, I figured I could study for an exam, sleep, eat, write code, meditate, read a book.

Listened to music (good for estimating time during meditation sessions) and meditated, focusing consciousness inwards. Tried to look for reasons why I enjoy certain tones in the music. Encountered interesting feelings and memories, places related to these feelings. Turning the focus inwards or outwards caused a nice shift (similar to leaving the body during an OBE). It seemed to have a longer-term effect on the central part of the brain (which started oscillating, due to the shift of consciousness, or something).

Started reading "Extraordinary powers in humans," by Andov Pane.

After going to bed, experienced several meditation sessions and OBE attempts throughout the dreams. The book had me wonder about the zooming sounds during Kundalini awakening. Thought I hadn't experienced those sounds. Experienced something of sorts in the dreams .. had always considered these sounds to be a side-effect to OBEs.

Woke up a lot during the night, to check the time. It was really hot in the morning, when sun started shining in through the balcony.

Yesterday .. now, was it? .. I tried some of the old exercises. Applied a pk push to the chest, to lift the body a little. The sensation was pretty solid. Though, I wasn't able to apply the same thing for the lower body. Gotta practice that again. Also, while at it, the back of the brain experienced a sort of pressure + a slight strike of pain, when I pushed it a bit too far. The same exercise can be used to morph the mattress or pillow, too.

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