
The goal of this blog is to motivate myself and others for further practice as well as provide details that might explain what's going on..

Monday, September 29, 2014

Meltingpoint of focus

Took a lot of naps and attempted OBE during the weekend. Went outside once or twice and became entrained to the surroundings. Uninstalled XCOM and installed Civ V yesterday. I was enchanted. Played it till 0 AM.

Went to bed with the intention of practising focus to blank my mind before falling asleep. Picked up pranayama again. Haven't practised it for quite a while again .. it was awesome. Several times I witnessed breath cessation with a blank mind. Then focused on top of the head. Something happened with my focus, a breath cessation again and the psi density on top of the head increased dramatically. The psi density caused the feeling of a wobbly space-time, a strong heat and the feeling of being more awake than I've been during the past couple of years. I barely fell asleep - I was lucid for most of the time.

Woke up with a pk hangover, though. But the ability to concentrate has increased remarkably.

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