
The goal of this blog is to motivate myself and others for further practice as well as provide details that might explain what's going on..

Sunday, July 24, 2016


After an inspiring, enlightening, exhausting summer school experience in the Alps, I realized that mankind still lacks common goals. How can we work together if there are no goals to motivate and unite us?

First thoughts on this.

Scientific minds might enjoy the following goal for the mankind:
  • Figure out how the universe works.
    [Would actually need an infinite task, the infinity of which would be obvious. However, our universe might be finite. I believe the task needs to be infinite because mankind is able to tackle challenges dealing infinity.]
In order to achieve this, the following must hold:
  • The goal is achieved when it is possible to predict all occurring phenomena with absolute accuracy.
    [Hmm .. but this makes it possible for people to become ignorant of phenomena that cannot be predicted yet.]
  • New findings must spread throughout mankind as quickly as possible.
    [Freedom of information]
  • Mankind is diverse (multiple races, multiple religions, multiple patterns of thought, multiple fields of research, etc.). The diversity must be maintained, since it enables us to efficiently observe and interpret phenomena from many perspectives simultaneously.
    [The whole diversity working for one goal]

But first of all, the mankind needs to maintain its existence, since only then would global goals make any sense. Maintaining existence can be divided into the following (bullet-)points:
  • Mankind must be aware of its existence as mankind.
    [One civilization on a small planet within the vast cosmos.]
  • Mankind must maintain its environment, which is vital for its existence.
    [Air, water, plants, animals..]
I would urge anyone to come up with other possible objectives for mankind, together with the requirements that must be fulfilled to reach the objectives.

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