
The goal of this blog is to motivate myself and others for further practice as well as provide details that might explain what's going on..

Sunday, September 11, 2016

Puzzle bits self-assembling

Continued reading Steve Richards' "Levitation". Reinitializing some old exercises that I used to do .. which are coincidentally also considered important for levitation practises. Some jolts of consciousness. Re-realized the simplicity of the principle behind siddhis and concentration.

Broke some equipment at work, a couple of days ago. Something that's not supposed to happen in such a way. Though, I was amazed at how much I could conclude from the observations. Noticed how there were signals that it would break but some info was missing and the whole puzzle didn't fit together until it did. Thus, it had to break.

Strange dreams. Two uncles, with whom we discussed things. One of them was an idol for me when I was little. The other uncle was little .. I was confused if it was his son or if it was him .. reincarnation? They did something with one of the tractors. Then they piled firewood on the rear end of the tractor and lit it. I was very confused about this - an unexpected extra-witchy ritual or whatnot.

One day I just popped up at the VR lab, looked around, acting all familiar and asked people what they were working on. I like to act as if everyone were an old friend of mine (as it often turns out that's the case - Estonia is small). Met the guy who was researching lucid dreaming and VR. Mentioned OBEs and VR. He showed remote interest, but much like the other people there .. seemed to be confused about why the hell I'm there at such a random time, for no apparent reason (meh just had time to spend). Well met. Met him again today at the ESA public discussion event. Nice :). Well, met a lot of other interesting people there.

Apparently I also had a fan at the event, who managed to convince me that spacetech and gamedev would start to merge sometime soon. So that eventually I wouldn't have to leave one to work on the other. This left me wondering about the third, tho - ZPE. Well, the third one I think I saw on the list of proposed answers to the ESA questions. Ambiguously stated, just like it would have to be, but it was there.:3

Moreover, the discussion event seemed to have reflected the thoughts that popped up on a plane right after returning from the Alpbach summer school. The thoughts that mankind should come up with a list of potential goals for the mankind. It was very good to see ESA working towards the same thing in roughly the same way I had also envisioned it.

Hmm .. just after the event some kind of a girl made a facebook friend request. Unrelated, it seems, as she asked whether I would like make acquaintance. Figured she's probably one of those clicking on random accounts hoping for a date. With slight disgust, I said NO, but then realized I'm clearly biased in that regard. Why not a friend? I wouldn't treat friends like that, would I? For one, the girl did not seem like a typical bot. Based on her profile pic, she looked as if from a rough family. Even worse for me to treat her like scum. Sorry and thank you for the lesson.

Ah, remembered that yesterday I tried trataka on the mirror again for a minute or less. For a second, I saw a white orb floating about 2-3 cm above the head in reflection. While seeing that, I also heard a low-frequency humming. Didn't hear that before nor after the sight.

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