
The goal of this blog is to motivate myself and others for further practice as well as provide details that might explain what's going on..

Tuesday, March 7, 2017


Picked up focusing on the top of the head at night again. A couple of nights with interesting dreams.

Found myself flying through an alley of trees. Stopped and figured that there's something which I had not tried yet. Laid down on the road, facing towards the sky. Tried to walk up into the sky .. interesting idea for a lucid dream but it didn't work. I wasn't moving, and the dream faded.

Woke into an intermediate state where I was aware of being in bed without body awareness. An image appeared before me: young moon and stars through a thin layer of cloudcover. Tried to focus on the image for trataka practice, but the image faded each time I tried to focus on it. After about 3 attempts, the image disappeared.

Found myself at the sea somewhere, at sunset. There was a building there, not sure if it was a lighthouse (again) or not. Enjoyed the scenery but wanted to take a photo of the building on the sunset background. Realized I had left my camera at home. Went to fetch it but when I came back, the situation had changed. The sun had set, and there was a group of foreign tourists at the site.

Last night I worked on reorganizing some unknown electronics in a fuse box, in some random cellar. Some other people tried to reorganize it but no matter what they tried, it looked like a mess to me. I knew that the electronics symbolized my own thought patterns.

Background info - I've been working on a course that I'm giving. In parallel, I'm taking a course about teaching. For the course, I prepared learner's autobiography which helped me realize the significance of my learning experiences so far. Found it amazing how many different learning and teaching methods I had experienced. But more importantly, it has somehow happened that I've received the best teachings without realizing it myself.

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