Came back from Saaremaa. Built a phone-controlled robot with the kids there. Arduino really makes things easy .. it took just 1 day to get it driving. Then 0.5 d more to add structural elements and improve on it.
Checked O12's post on the nature of space-time by HoverBrothers (youtube video). While the idea seems very good, the video does not convey it that well, in my opinion. Although I liked the hints Stephen Wolfram's blog post does a better job. Intuition indicates that he's pretty close. Got really psyched.
Follow-up dreams
Having come from Saaremaa, my false-awakenings defaulted there.
With a colleague, we designed some kind of a device for a client. The next morning, the colleague handed me his prototype. Tested it, and found an unexpected side-effect - it had anti-gravitic properties and shifted around in space. It consisted of a couple of powerful coherent RF transmitters and some kind of a resonant tube between them.
Woke in a bed (not mine). There was a beautiful piece of art on the floor, and a girl sitting next to the bed. The picture on the floor had a dark space background, full of distant galaxies and nebulae. In the foreground, there was a pretty girl with a cigarette. The smoke of the cigarette faded into the distant nebulae. Something about that smoke did not seem right, but at first I tried not to let it disturb my sleep. I think there was a computer screen right next to the bed, and the girl sitting next to the bed, was watching something there (so I thought). Anyway, laid back to bed but the smoke from the picture on the floor rose all the way to my nose, and irritated the nasal hair or something. In other words, not good. WTH .. stood up, looked at the picture, and mentioned my peculiar observation to the girl. The girl covered the picture with her palm, and started erasing it psychically. Tried doing the same, but soon realized that I had become too rusty in pk. Instead of helping, I made it more difficult for her. So, I let go and soon after she had erased the smoke, the ciggarette and the girl from the picture. It was now just a picture of space with distant galaxies and nebulae (not a shadow left of the erased girl).
Embarrassing .. couldn't even take care of myself by wiping the picture myself.