
The goal of this blog is to motivate myself and others for further practice as well as provide details that might explain what's going on..

Tuesday, December 17, 2019


Remembered an interesting class of entities which I think I encountered sometime last week while attempting remote-healing on a depressed person on the Discord server. A dark bug-like thing which carried a specific kind of negative emotions. I think I forgot the emotion by the end of the healing attempt. When I focused on the bug, it started crawling around rather quickly, trying to escape from my mind's eye. The longer I managed to maintain my focus on the bug, the smaller it became along with the emotion which it carried. The person had two of these pestering them, both roughly the size of my palm. Chasing the bugs without letting the mind wander was a good concentration practice.

During the weekend I stumbled upon a video clip with the symbols of transformation.

Went to bed and experienced waves of heat rising "up" (actually sideways) the spine. Guided these waves with a bit of focus. Eventually started to see hypnagogic imagery of my mummified body tissues gradually becoming more and more alive again. At first it seemed a bit gross to see my body as a mummy.

Dream: Rewind

I was in the middle of a city of some sort. Looked like present time, with some skyscrapers and with most buildings made out of glass walls.

I wondered if my concentration was enough for a history lesson. Started rewinding time. The familiar "sound", or rather the feeling of accelerated flow through me which has been common to all prior similar experiences.

Skyscrapers disappeared, buildings changed, to eventually reveal a low mountain range in the distance. While I did get a little farther (volcanic rocks, volcanic activity, then something about some kind of "winds"), the experience deterioriated rather quickly.

As expected, my concentration was still not sufficient.

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