Recently I haven't been very active at forcing chi up the central channel .. with the exception of yesterday evening and today morning. Today I got a headache, the likes of which I've previously called short-circuits. Luckily, it hurts quite rarely. Anyway, I'm not sure whether the headache has been caused by moving more chi or by the surprisingly hot weather today.
Edit: The headache from hot weather was different: dull and originating from the back of the head. The short-circuits are sharp and very localized, but in a seemingly random spot within the brain.
In the past week or so, the chain-reaction of consequences from my actions throughout the past year have started to become visible. I'm glad and I hope people find it helpful and inspiring.
This also reminded me that I had been planning to leave (or at least stop frequenting these places), and that perhaps I would be met with less resistance this time.
While there have been a few situations and dreams which I had wanted to post, I guess I've forgotten most of them.
8 days ago, I had a chat with someone on Discord. While nowadays this is hardly a surprise, there was an interesting synchronicity. In this chat I happened to mention a friend (A) and his brother (B). We also discussed walking on foot vs. driving and driving licenses.
The next day, (B) messaged me and asked if I had bought myself a car. Apparently (A) thought he saw me driving around. Well, I don't have a car, nor have I had a driving license for years.
Dream: Blindfold
Last night I had a dream of a competition of some sort. I was observing the event, cheering for a random nice guy. Somehow, after he was awarded, I was asked to step forward. I was also given an award of sorts - a hug and the blindfold which the winner had used during the competition.
As I put on the blindfold, I couldn't see very well. I guess it meant that it worked. I willed for myself to see, and started to see as if there were no blindfold. Since then, I saw everything, regardless of the blindfold. I started to doubt whether the blindfold had really been working at all. Had I broken it somehow, or was it broken when I received it?
According to Dream Moods dictionary, this could mean that I'm trying to deceive myself or trying to cut myself off from the world. But I think that has been obvious anyway.