
The goal of this blog is to motivate myself and others for further practice as well as provide details that might explain what's going on..

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Sometimes it's good to be wrong

Not by the non-performance of actions does man reach actionlessness, nor by mere renunciation does he attain to perfection. 
Comment: Even if a man abandons action, his mind may be active. One cannot
reach perfection or freedom from action or knowledge of the Self, merely by renouncing action. He must possess knowledge of the Self.
This one answers one of the questions that has been always bugging me about the path of enlightenment. With detachment, I would start to question the point behind life. I would get the impression that none of what I'm doing or have been doing holds any meaning.

A stable-minded person will neither hug nor hate the world, he will take things as they come.
That's not what I used to believe. I came to believe that hating nothing and hugging everything was the path I would want to walk. After all, it seemed to help me surmount the obstacles easily. Well, I guess it quickly leads back to attachment.

The same dream sequel continued today morning.

It was raining when I woke up. Intended for it to stop raining when I would have to go out. Couldn't find a free umbrella. Went out (not raining) and about 20 minutes into walking, it started raining with increasing intensity.

Semi-successful attempts at rain shielding, but in the end, the sweater still got wet. T-shirt remained dry, though.

Since the sweater was wet, I intended for sun to start shining when I would be walking back home. Sun was shining until I got home.

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