
The goal of this blog is to motivate myself and others for further practice as well as provide details that might explain what's going on..

Monday, November 19, 2012

Zapper-based pulsed system

Had an interesting dream last night.

Like in many other dreams, the environment was a slightly modified version of the summerhouse.

We were in the old farmhouse, cleaning up. Or rather, a person was doing that, with some acquaintances. He / she (shall assume the former one) felt like a spiritual teacher or guru of sorts.

I was observing, knowing not what to do. Feeling empty and lacking a purpose, due to the last night's ponderings.

The teacher asked me if I could help him out with something. He wanted me to build an object for him .. he then continued to describe what it had to be like. Said ok and left for drawing it down, even though this task seemed as pointless as building a ladder out of bread. Respect it, but sometimes I would have difficulties realizing just how something like this would answer any of those questions. Perhaps the problem is that I tend to learn best from self-experience..?

Anyway, the object he wanted was a modified zapper. Pretty much an electrolytic capacitor that can be plugged into the mains to charge and can then be shorted to weld something together (or zap someone). Though, he put a lot of emphasis on the orientation and the placement of the wires.

Having gone to the other building to sketch it down and hatch some ideas, the words of the teacher faded away. There was a TV on, with a really awkward show (freaky mutants attempting to stimulate the sexual energy of people watching TV). Tried not to watch it and focus on the schematics instead. A moment later, the show transformed and got my attention .. it had started showing electromagnetic principles.

Suddenly it clicked together. That capacitor, those metal plates, spirals and wires .. realized the working principle of a ZPE active pulsed system.

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