
The goal of this blog is to motivate myself and others for further practice as well as provide details that might explain what's going on..

Sunday, April 20, 2014

Flying over the town

Watched the first three videos from The Tibetan Book of the Dead last night:

Several OBE-ish lucid dreams. A lot of flying around through the town, while trying hard to maintain the sharpness of focus. Kept designing the town from memory as I flew around (providing detail to blurry regions). Changed the shape of consciousness .. made it larger, touched buildings as I took off towards the sky, then smaller again as I landed down on the street.

Eventually the focus dissolved. Forced it back with willpower and got to fly around some more. It still fell apart .. emptiness until the next hypnagogic image. Grabbed it and continued practising focus. It became more vivid.

There was a wooden table with a small circular glass plate. I guess there was some sort of white dust on the table as well .. as if in a workshop or something. I think there was a window to the right. Remembered I had wanted to say my name while in astral / OBE. Before I managed to, however, focus dropped and everything dissolved. Woke up.

Ah, yesterday I tried dowsing (as suggested by MasterWoo). From a presentation last week, I got a symmetrical pen that hangs on a string. Used that as a pendulum. It took a few minutes to acquire a connection and establish the protocol (back and forth for "yes", left and right for "no"). Asked a few work-related questions, followed by a few political questions. For most of these, I already knew the answer from intuition. The session confirmed that. Asked a couple of questions twice, to test against random. It seems dowsing does work for me too :). With some more practice, can perhaps use it to recover a lost password.
  • Work related
    • Is the mission going to be fulfilled successfully? - Yes
    • Are we able to resolve the issue with the magnetic field? - No
  • Politics
    • Will there be a World War III? - No
    • Will Russia invade Estonia again? - No
One of the links that MasterWoo shared on dowsing:

Also, now that I think back on it, it seems that in addition to what the pendulum did, there was actually more info transferred. I recall faint descriptions and reasoning for those answers as well.

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