Focus on the left channel + upward flow of psi has improved empathy. It has become a lot easier to feel the surroundings again.
Have been feeling tired, tho. Have slept a lot.
Watched a few pk music videos with Kaspar. He disappeared several times today. Whistled a signal to which he responded, thanks to which I found him easily.
The first time I found him on top of a tree, gazing at the sunset. Also climbed the tree, not very happy about the tree. It's one of the most dangerous trees and not very easy to climb. It barely has enough branches to grab or hang from and it grows out from a stone wall.
The pasture land and field are separated with a stone wall. The next time I found him laying on the stone wall. Walked past him, to find a spot to also lay down and stare at the sky .. just like he was doing. Thought I had found the spot. Laid down but it made me grunt - a lot of rocks pushing against me, which made it uncomfortable. Walked back to Kaspar and told him that sleeping on the stone wall requires skill. Sought for another spot, found a better one this time. Laid down, observed the sky. A bird or a bat flew over, with a whoosh. Eventually mosquitoes started bugging me. Tried visualizing a shield to keep them off. I think it almost worked. When I heard other children coming, I stood up and walked past them, back to Kaspar.
I thought Kaspar had switched places on the stone wall or something. He was in another place, like 30 meters from the previous location. It turned out he had simply fallen asleep and I woke him up. He thought he had always been at the location he was now.
Next to the stone wall, there's an electrified fence. At some places, the wire has worn out and there's a periodic arcing.
His new location was on the stone wall, right next to one of the corners of the electrified fence that was arcing. Thus, I suspect he might've dozed off while focused on the arcing sound. With his consciousness moved to another place, his body must have followed somehow. Is teleportation really that simple?
Wow, Kaspar never ceases to amaze me. He wasn't too enthusiastic about it, tho. He was cold.
Kaspar himself thinks he probably sleepwalked (which wouldn't be the first time), instead of teleporting.