Sigh. Vacation is a skill.
While waiting for the next plane, I did work for 4 hours, 4 stressful hours. With most of the colleagues on vacation, everything is a mess at work. A colleague bartered me to a workshop (3 days of extra-stressful work) that cuts the rest of the vacation into half (have to be at work, which means I can only visit the summerhouse for 1 or 1.3 weeks). He also wanted me to participate a video conference. No meetings with fellow psions this summer, sorry.
Hmm .. Deja vu while writing this.
Experienced very strong spontaneous happiness both when the departing plane took off from Estonia as well as when the returning plane touched the ground in Estonia.
Grandpa looked very sad and a little drunk. Asked him if Lembit had died, which was indeed the case. Wanted to warn grandpa about the way he handled himself, but eventually decided to pass the info in the non-physical realm (often more efficient because preconceptions are not that much of a hurdle). To me it seemed that Lembit had achieved everything he had desired to experience in this life. He had died happy, which is no reason for anyone the feel sad or miserable. One won't live long by clinging to the deaths of others.
I was tired and psi had piled up in the lower chakras, which made me feel very uncomfortable. At the same time, others made a lot of noise and often asked me to come somewhere, try something and do something which I did not feel like doing. In this condition, it's very easy to become angry. So I tried to maintain focus on unconditional love and compassion while interacting with others. This was not easy but it paid off very quickly - psi entered the central channel and started moving upwards.
The funeral took place the next day.