Sometimes it seems as if I'm climbing the impossible. It almost seems hopeless, which I know is an artificial construct. Good .. found more internal conflicts that I can resolve. If it seems impossible, it means I just have a lot to learn and improve upon.
Focused on my observation of the conflict, while chatting with father. I didn't always pay attention at what I was saying or what father was responding. Eventually the discussion reached an area of great interest for me. With simple thought experiments and a new foundation of assumptions, we had somehow managed to "prove" microcosm and its connection / equality to the macrocosm. From that point onwards, psychokinesis and all the rest unfolded with a trivial syllogism. Very cool .. shall digest it a little and perhaps there will be a post about the theory.
I was inspired from the upcoming UK Moon mission and had a dream related to that.
I studied the Moon and I was shown different things about it. Not all of it made sense, though - it was all pretty abstract (a lot of symbolism) and not very lucid.
Anyway, I was shown different races, the regions that were under their control and management. A planar mapping of the Moon was before me, with tiled icons. The icons represented different races. The design of each icon gave off a distinct feeling of the behavioural pattern of the race.
I arrived at a crater somehow. Looked over the edge (I was very large or the Moon model was very small) and saw two crystals floating above the surface. One of the crystals was bluish white (more distant) and the other ruby red (closer to me). Both of the crystals were huge and floated by means of waving golden wings of sorts and both of them dated back to the Egyptian era, still present and operational. Two red laser beams connected the red crystal and the ground (there were probably some sort of structures there). As I tried to peek at what was on the ground there, the crystal noticed me and started moving one of the beams towards me .. I hid.
I was orbiting the Moon model (or slightly unrealistic looking Moon). I sort of wondered if it was possible to descend to the surface with a spiral orbit (approaching "the bright side" of the moon with very slow orbital maneuvres). The response was that it's possible but there are two peaks on the dark side of the moon, which are higher than the rest of the relief. The Moon model changed so that the two peaks became very obvious (protruded more than what would be physically possible - then again, probably most of the dream was presented in exaggerated visuals and feelings).
I want to perform a remote-viewing session on our current satellite. After that, I want to perform a pk session to release the "stuck experiment". There have been at least 3 different people hinting that this should be done. I, however, have doubts if I'm capable of pulling it off. Another good thing to learn and improve upon.
Just some friendly advice from someone who happened to stumble upon your blog. Some of the posts I've read here are perhaps the most creative and well-written stories I've seen. Though, I won't say your beliefs/theories are wrong, cause at the end of the day there is no definitive "right", just an accumulation of beliefs people adapt to suit their own lives. I won't say your crazy either, since the only difference between a madman and a genius is how well they can convince others, and you seem to write quite fluently.
ReplyDeleteRegardless of any of this, it doesn't seem like anyone is following this blog which is a huge shame in itself. Have you ever considered showing off your ideas/stories through another medium such at books, video logs, or even video games? I personally feel such creativity would be appreciated if more people knew about it.
Just something to think about...
Hi, thank you for the comment.
DeleteQuite frankly, the only reason I'm blogging is self-referencing. It often happens that only weeks, months or years later do I understand what it was that I experienced and why. That's also why I try to keep the posts as open-minded as possible .. never know when a seemingly unimportant detail turns out to be a vital piece in the big puzzle.
I'm sort of glad that there are barely any people following. This provides more freedom by making it less ego-centric for me.
Video games would definitely be nice. Fairly recently some pretty good game design ideas popped up while in a half-dream state of sorts.
Go for it dude, I'm sure it'll be quite the experience.