
The goal of this blog is to motivate myself and others for further practice as well as provide details that might explain what's going on..

Monday, November 24, 2014

Interleaved consciousness


Dreams last night:

I guess there was a dream where I was at the summerhouse. Can't remember much about it, though .. other dreams shadowed the memory.

I associated myself with someone, whose uncle had stuck his nose where he shouldn't have. One evening he's in a blank-looking room, when a man with a revolver appears and shoots him dead. I popped into his apartment, to look for details as to who, what, why. Looked through the drawers and formed a pile of stuff that seemed of interest. Took the top-most (a dictophone), which then turned into a video camera where I saw the event with what was going on in his mind before the event. He knew the man was coming, most probably with a gun to eliminate him. Realized I wasn't alone in uncle's apartment. Looked around and found an old woman dusting the floor. An embarrassing moment, since I knew she wouldn't have seen me in the apartment before. However, she recognized me and accepted me as an old acquaintance. Both of us were without physical form. Anyway, as soon as I realized that uncle had been conscious about what was going to happen and accepted it as fate, I lost interest in the subject.

I woke up in a sleeping body on the bed. I was experiencing astral wind / OBE vibrations / something similar to "Dream research on conspiracy theories". Verified that the blanket was not twitching (this was the case in the aforementioned experience). Looked around in the dark room, no objects were twitching. Knowing I was detached from the body, I stood up next to the bed. Looked around and remembered what I had planned for the next time I would have an OBE. First I would try to determine what went wrong with the satellite experiment. When I thought of that, I noticed some boards on top of the o-scope. Semi-flew, semi-walked there and picked one of the boards. Heard father walking through the living room, towards the corridor. He was headed to a performance. Planned on waving and saying "bye", so I flew through the doorway into the living room and into the corridor. Waved but he didn't notice it. Tried to say "bye" but no sound was produced. Though, he somehow became aware of me and understood that I intended to wave and say "bye". So, I flew back into my room. Tried the satellite thing for a moment .. nothing. Figured I could unlock multiple achievements at once. So, I picked the next objective from my "to-do on obe" list. Attempted to take a full lotus pose while levitating, meditating and holding the board in my right hand. Couldn't do lotus pose while levitating very well. Took the farthest corner of the bed and tried to sit on the bed, while still trying to meditate while in OBE. As soon as I sat down on the bed, I guess I sort of woke up.

Father was still there. Anyway, I walked around the room and observed some objects. There was a camera that I was rather proud of having. Looked at it and it seemed complex and strange - it looked non-physical. I put it aside and the dream ended there.

I realized I was in a classroom and there were children singing. I did not know the lyrics. Attempted to sing, while reading the lips of a boy in front of me. Apparently he also didn't know the lyrics .. when the teacher questioned him, he pointed at me. The teacher looked at me. Feeling embarrassed, I apologized and said I didn't know the lyrics, nor did I even expect myself to be able to sing (it's more than 10 years since I participated in a choir). In the dream I was amazed at my voice while singing, but when I had to speak, I had trouble finding the proper note to speak in. The dream ended there, since I was out of time.

The next dream I'm on the bus back home. It's the bus where everyone is asleep, being transported back to their every-day awareness. There was a lady on the bus, checking the tickets. An old classmate was sitting in front of me. In a half-sleep state he complained it was too humid. The lady directed him to the back of the bus, where it was supposed to be better. I had been a regular customer and both I and the lady knew I had the ticket. However, I was unable to find it in time. There were a lot of old tickets ::alarm::

I wake up, feeling awkward. This is not the place I came from. Comparing to the memories of this body, I had quite different preferences (eating, timing, route to work, the way I thought, the way I spoke). I even wondered why the paper napkin was smaller than it used to be, why the phone was in the other pocket. The only music band that this body had in memory and that seemed close to my music taste was Soulfly, which I had listened to .. like in the 90's. This feeling awkward lasted for about 10 hours, then while walking back home, suddenly everything clicked in place again. A part of the consciousness is still mixed, but now at least I feel a lot more at home.

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