
The goal of this blog is to motivate myself and others for further practice as well as provide details that might explain what's going on..

Sunday, August 30, 2015

A portal of some sort

Recently I've found it rather difficult to maintain constant focus on pranayama and vajrayana. So I've been bouncing between stress and strong internal heat. There have been some familiar breakthroughs, though. Realized that the depressive mood was an old mind-pattern being released. It dissolved once I let it go. It was then that the sun came out, gradually clouds crumbled and the sky cleared up. This happened while I was waiting for the chicken that I had put in the oven. With the new energy that was released with the mind-pattern, I played with some water droplets on the oven window. Moved them left, right or stopped them from running down the glass.

Dreams have been quite interesting for about a week or so. A couple of nights ago I appeared in a town in a foreign country. The town was on a mountain side. A bit higher on the mountain, there was a large Midas-like gateway that looked really exciting. Wandered around the town restaurants and found some stone stoves and ovens interesting .. crawled around in them & stuff. Air chutes, chimneys become really puzzling while without a proper body. Once the sun had set, a group of us gathered somewhere in the town and left through a gate. I think I thought it was a normal gate leading onto a bridge, until I paid more attention to the surroundings. It was quite dark and somehow I had to look in one direction for quite a while in order to see what's there. We were walking above an infinitude of some sort of white ... (reminded of mountain ridges or a corral reef-like structure of salt). At first I thought the whole town stood at the top of a mountain with steep cliffs. Having previously explored the town a bit, I had not seen any sharp cliffs like that. Also, there was this sense of fractal infinitude in everything, which has been very rare in my dreams. After looking around at the white ... for some time, I started to wonder about those clusters of lights that I saw at a distance. Well, about the lights I only remember that they were not what I had thought they were. I had thought they were other towns, or houses or something. Woke up.

On second thought, La Gruta de las Maravillas in Aracena might be the closest match to the structures beyond the gateway.

Last night I had a dream where a colleague was present, whom I've very rarely seen in dreams. He wanted to show me his friend's place. His friend worked on special effects, much like himself. Well .. it was a mansion with interesting solutions in architecture and interior design. They showed me some of the tech, which was amazing but was not real (noticed inconsistencies due to dreaming).

The next dream I had a big house, which was quite cluttered with boxes. Wanted to open the window to let some fresh air in.

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