
The goal of this blog is to motivate myself and others for further practice as well as provide details that might explain what's going on..

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Delocalized levitation

Last night I took another old exercise. Relaxed and spread the consciousness throughout the room. At first this released some of the tension in the body, produced vortices of the "dark smoke" as well as flashes of light (might have been light in the astral or something). then at some moment I realized I was delocalized without a sense of body. I could hear sounds from other rooms, apartments very well. Noticed that there was no astral noise. No vibrations or sounds from leaving the body, no detectable singularities or memory-holes (didn't fall asleep), either. In addition, I felt weightless. As I slowly gathered together into the body again, gradually the weight came back.

There are a couple of things about this that I want to determine with further experiments:
  1. Does the body also dematerialize when I become delocalized?
  2. Does the body levitate while I'm feeling weightless and descending back into the bed?
Well, this
  1. sounds quite improbable,
  2. sounds as stupid as in Castaneda's book,
  3. would be awesome if it really did work like that,
  4. wouldn't matter any if it really did.
Anyway, couldn't sleep too well again last night. Cat wanted to play at 3 AM, at 4 AM, 6 AM and at 7 AM (alarm, so I woke up). Although it doesn't help with my sleep, but I find it kind of cool that the cat has almost figured out how the doors work. At night he pulls the door handle. He's still a bit too young and light to actually open the door, but it's still rather annoying at night =3.

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