
The goal of this blog is to motivate myself and others for further practice as well as provide details that might explain what's going on..

Monday, November 23, 2015

Fake responsibilities

Couldn't sleep last night (too much sleep during the weekend). Some sort of a stomach ache slipped past my adblock as well. Healing attempt didn't do any good, but drinking water made me feel better.

Tension increased further, until at some moment  I started to wonder about it. I know stress is a dead-end, so I'm going the wrong way again. It doesn't matter if I have too many responsibilities to properly fulfil them. Should keep in mind that most of my responsibilities are not really mine anyway. I have taken them because nobody else has. So, there would be nothing wrong if I simply fulfilled as much as I could and leave the rest for others to pick up. Especially since this would reduce the stress aka "friction" and increase my productivity. This train of thought made me happy, though, not without sacrifices. Those cutlets and potato peels were already turning black on the frying pan.

While discussing some law and investment stuff, I was playing with a toy seal. Then, at some moment I started laughing and had to put it away. Suddenly I had the impression of it being alive.

iMm0rTa1 suggested "Ghost Hound" (lucid dreams, OBE, hypnosis and probably more). Watched the first episode and found it really good.

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