
The goal of this blog is to motivate myself and others for further practice as well as provide details that might explain what's going on..

Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Hmm .. upgrades?

"Consciousness Beyond the Body" by Alexander De Foe has been a great inspiration. In addition, I'm still inspired by the Superman Project that I read 1.5 years ago.

I want to achieve at least 1 OBE per night, and use that to upgrade the body, mind and spirit. The idea is to optimize all the tools to performing any tasks or situations that may come up. This is very similar to setting off for a hike - packing all that's needed, and ensuring that they are quick and easy to access.

A few potential upgrades I'm looking forward to:
  • Unearthly concentration skills.
  • Some awsum presentation skills.
  • Very high agility. Body that doesn't run out of breath.
  • Reducing sleep time to a few hours of time-compressed OBE.
Probably a lot more.

Sunday, July 24, 2016


After an inspiring, enlightening, exhausting summer school experience in the Alps, I realized that mankind still lacks common goals. How can we work together if there are no goals to motivate and unite us?

First thoughts on this.

Scientific minds might enjoy the following goal for the mankind:
  • Figure out how the universe works.
    [Would actually need an infinite task, the infinity of which would be obvious. However, our universe might be finite. I believe the task needs to be infinite because mankind is able to tackle challenges dealing infinity.]
In order to achieve this, the following must hold:
  • The goal is achieved when it is possible to predict all occurring phenomena with absolute accuracy.
    [Hmm .. but this makes it possible for people to become ignorant of phenomena that cannot be predicted yet.]
  • New findings must spread throughout mankind as quickly as possible.
    [Freedom of information]
  • Mankind is diverse (multiple races, multiple religions, multiple patterns of thought, multiple fields of research, etc.). The diversity must be maintained, since it enables us to efficiently observe and interpret phenomena from many perspectives simultaneously.
    [The whole diversity working for one goal]

But first of all, the mankind needs to maintain its existence, since only then would global goals make any sense. Maintaining existence can be divided into the following (bullet-)points:
  • Mankind must be aware of its existence as mankind.
    [One civilization on a small planet within the vast cosmos.]
  • Mankind must maintain its environment, which is vital for its existence.
    [Air, water, plants, animals..]
I would urge anyone to come up with other possible objectives for mankind, together with the requirements that must be fulfilled to reach the objectives.

Monday, July 11, 2016

Graveyard festivity

On the weekend I joined grandparents for a visit to the graveyard in another town (about 2 hours of driving). Met Mom, too. We then left the graveyard to participate at a commemoration event. It rained and flashed lightning ::lightning flash and a clash of thunder while typing this::. It only rained during the event. Once the event had finished, the sky cleared up again.

Noticed a watermill (or something similar) at a distance. Played with that, rotating it in one direction, then in the opposite direction and so on. There was also a candle that flickered, so I played with the candle, too. Made it flicker a lot, then made it become so quiet that I couldn't see it anymore. I don't think it was extinguished, it just wasn't visible from that angle.

We heard that there had been a hail storm at the capital (grandparents' place). Bean-sized hail drops and a serious flood. Although I don't feel like being responsible for the weather, it is kind of strange. There has been rain and thunder wherever I've gone .. for at least a month (same issue in the Netherlands).

I'm writing this from Austria and guess what - it's lightning and rain. The hosts asked if we had brought rainy weather with us.

On a different note, the rain at commemoration event might have been engineered from a semi-subconscious state. The night before I was in a very deep state of sleep. At some moment I felt a sudden jolt in energetics and woke up to determine what I had done wrong. There was an argument between sister and grandfather about sister playing violin at the event. The rain next day sort of eased the tension there.

Monday, July 4, 2016


Yesterday I started to replay Life Is Strange. Then suddenly an awesome storm broke loose. Haven't seen such a storm for years.

Owltwelve committed an inspiring post about a tulpa that he uses to enhance his awareness and OBE. Imagined creating something similar. A creature that would "watchdog" my awareness and gently remind it to me when I fall asleep too deep.

Spiritually tired. In other words, so tired that the mind and body default to a meditative state.

Saturday, July 2, 2016

Mystery girl

The previous post lacked space for this detail. Noticed a peculiar young couple while waiting for the nightly bus from home town to the capital airport. A young guy in his 20s with a young girl. The guy seemed normal, perhaps a bit "experienced" for his age. The girl did not seem normal:
  • Very shy or afraid of other people surrounding them.
  • Albinism?
  • I couldn't determine her age.
  • I couldn't determine their language (they only whispered silently).
  • Fairly fresh tattoo on her left thigh.
  • Inhumanly attractive.
  • Couldn't pick up any emotions or thoughts from the girl (psychic?).
Moreover, the girl seemed to have reacted to my attempts at detecting emotions or thoughts. It could be that she seemed alien due to me being unable to read her. Typically humans have a set of common memories or characteristics from growing in the community. She either didn't or I failed to sense it. This got me exceptionally curious.

I've probably read too much fiction with conspiracy theories but I started to wonder if the girl has escaped from some underground lab from somewhere .. or if she has been treated as a slave or somesuch. Or maybe an alien human hybrid of sorts. Fun to wonder about but most likely too far-fetched.