
The goal of this blog is to motivate myself and others for further practice as well as provide details that might explain what's going on..

Sunday, February 12, 2023

The Sin

Dear Diary,

Today I sinned.

For a while, I had been having a thought which I tried not to finish. Eventually I decided to let the thought finish without cutting it off all the time. The moment it was born, I felt a significant change in energy and saw a shadow dart across the road from my left to my right. It seemed as if the shadow had tried to get the energy, and once it finally got it, it fled with it.

I hope that the damage which I did with it, can somehow be reversed or healed.

Edit: Also worth noting that I had watched xxxHOLiC episode 14 recently. This was about waves, and the power of words.

A summary

Just a summary of recent observations.

Sometimes while laying down onto the bed with my eyes closed, I've noticed a white glow around the pillow. One night I removed the pillow and laid down on my back, instead, but the white glow was still there. So, the glow lingers.

I think it might've been on Tuesday or Wednesday morning that the sky was cloudy but I saw the light shining through everything. The light was not yellow nor golden but orange.

Last week I read Tarot cards for myself, and it indicated a lot of self-issues in love-life. Also, just as I picked up the Tarot deck before the reading, I suddenly had a strong tingling in both legs up to knees. Anyway, since that reading I had been feeling distant and struggled with letting go.

Yesterday a cousin came for a visit, and somehow the timing of everything was perfect regardless of the fact that I did not know any of it beforehand.

Friday, February 3, 2023


The rising of energy happened for a few consecutive days and nights. By now it has subsided and I feel drained. A bit of inspiring news and listening to music has helped, though.

During a call on Tuesday, the connection dropped a couple of times, and lights flickered a lot, at times. The flickers were short and the UPSes were not triggered.

I think it might've been on Thursday that I tried to blow-dry my hair but realized that usually I switch on the heating slightly before the fan. I thought I should've done it the other way around, for improved safety. It was then that I noticed that the heater did not switch on even though I had flicked the switch. I tried again but it still didn't. After switching off both the heater and the fan and switching them both on again did it start working again. Sighed at the power of a mere stray thought.