
The goal of this blog is to motivate myself and others for further practice as well as provide details that might explain what's going on..

Monday, November 30, 2009

Cushion of psi

Before going to sleep, I practiced levitation again and it felt as if I was being
slightly pushed upwards by a cushion of psi underneath.

After a few seconds, I realized that I couldn't keep focused on the pull against gravity anymore. Almost at the same moment, I heard my sister coughing (without being sick or anything) next door.

I paused the practice, thought that it couldn't have been me and restarted focusing on the pull. Then I heard my neighbour coughing (she's healthy aswell). Ok, I stopped the practice again. When I tried it the third time, I noticed that muscles on my hand were twitching. I didn't care, I just practiced for a few seconds longer and muscles on my neck started twitching.

It ocurred to me that this probably means that I'm too tired or something. When I stopped practicing, the twitching immediately went away. Went to bed late and couldn't sleep much (I constantly found myself trying to solve some mathematical problems in the dreams).

Note: See post "Suffocaton".

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Snapping and crackling sounds around me

Watched a few psionics videos again. Practiced PK and levitation for maybe half an hour before going to sleep. While practicing, all kinds of sudden snapping and crackling sounds keep startling me. Most of the time it's the laptop that is cooling down after use. However, sometimes it's the furniture or something else that usually doesn't make any sound except for when my balcony door's open - but this isn't always the case.

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Great urge to practice

Felt a great urge to practice, watched some videos and read some psipog articles.  Some meditation, PK and levitation practice for 2 hours.

Before going to sleep, I meditated and when I dropped into a somewhat deeper state, I saw an old woman with wrinkles looking at the sky. The sky was almost clear, with a few clouds only. The woman was dressed in light grey or white and had a low hat on her head. I stopped the meditation and wrote down what I had seen. Didn't get anything after that though.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009


Note: Not sure of the date, so I picked it pretty much randomly.

I was just a few footsteps from home when I saw a kid walking by. The kid looked at me once and I suddenly felt that there was something blocking my throat and I bursted out coughing (I wasn't sick or anything and the last time I coughed was probably months ago). The kid stopped and looked at me like he felt responsible for this or something.

Monday, November 2, 2009

A gift: the treasure chest

Note: The date could be wrong, but should be quite close to the actual experience.

I was meditating and wished for being able to do PK again. Someone gave me a gift - a finely crafted chest.

I visualized a room with 2 bookshelves and put it in the middle. I can't exactly recognize the room I visualized - It's somewhat foreign to me. I know that there's this window left to the first bookshelf and outside there's a city. It's on a relatively high floor.

Anyway, I couldn't wait - I wanted to see what's inside the chest already. Opened it and there was nothing particularly interesting - some empty papers and nothing more.

But then suddenly, the chest closed by itself and I realized that it was not the inside of the chest that was important, but rather the box itself. Tried to PK it open a number of times and at first it got worse, but then I started getting a bit better at it. Then PK-ed it open, moved around it and found positions and angles, where I still lost it. Practiced them some more and I could already keep it open for as long as my focus lasted.