
The goal of this blog is to motivate myself and others for further practice as well as provide details that might explain what's going on..

Monday, November 30, 2009

Cushion of psi

Before going to sleep, I practiced levitation again and it felt as if I was being
slightly pushed upwards by a cushion of psi underneath.

After a few seconds, I realized that I couldn't keep focused on the pull against gravity anymore. Almost at the same moment, I heard my sister coughing (without being sick or anything) next door.

I paused the practice, thought that it couldn't have been me and restarted focusing on the pull. Then I heard my neighbour coughing (she's healthy aswell). Ok, I stopped the practice again. When I tried it the third time, I noticed that muscles on my hand were twitching. I didn't care, I just practiced for a few seconds longer and muscles on my neck started twitching.

It ocurred to me that this probably means that I'm too tired or something. When I stopped practicing, the twitching immediately went away. Went to bed late and couldn't sleep much (I constantly found myself trying to solve some mathematical problems in the dreams).

Note: See post "Suffocaton".

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