Inspired by Shirak's street lamp pulsing, I took an attempt to turn on my ceiling lamp with it switched off yesterday evening. Well, it didn't happen yet.
While staring at the lamp, my mobile phone gave the signal of an empty battery. It's been a while since I last charged it and plugged it in. It said "battery full". I tried it a few more times and it always said its battery was full. Haven't seen this kind of behavior before - although that battery has been working for more than 10 years already, it should still be in good shape (stays full for more than a week).
Observed the street lamps and that particular lamp that I once practiced pulsing on is no longer pulsing. They have fixed it.
It seems that the deeper into subconscious I go, the better I remember my dreams when I wake up. Almost can't remember anything today .. didn't practice self-hypnosis yesterday night.
Ok, this might be a long one. Had a fun day and it's not over yet =P.
Click on Read More or read past the line if interested.
While walking to school, my mind was busy with random stuff again. I thought of asking Michio Kushi to show me his levitation, perhaps I could then learn it faster just like in Keith Varnum's article. He answered in my mind: "Show me your levitation first". My mind had a jawdrop and was simply speechless, unable to reply anything. I felt helpless, like an old man with a white beard stuck in a kindergarten. I really wanted to step out.
Then it popped into my mind that I have messed up with my self-hypnosis goals. I wished for control, but I haven't defined control for myself yet.
In the morning I looked at my psi-wheel that was in a closed plastic box. Tried to spin it a little, because I hadn't done that for long again. Whenever it started to spin, I subconsciously stopped it again. Like a psi-wheel moving in a closed container could be considered unstable and out of control.
I realized that my definition for control was twoistic (a hint to BoC song Twoism). Tried to define the "control" that I had wanted, but I couldn't find any way to put it into words correctly. Unless I can get the feeling of that "control", I'll have to work at my goals in an "around the corner" way.
The sky was quite clear in the morning and it wasn't very windy. On my way to school, I saw a couple of guys kiteskiing on the channel. There was barely any wind. I hadn't seen it in action before and wanted to help with the wind. Wind started to pick up in the direction I had intended. Though, it wasn't intense enough and a few minutes later when I could no longer see them, the direction of the wind changed.
Handed over my homework and there was another "thermodynamics & statistics" lecture so boring that I was becoming slightly depressed. Sought for pk targets. There were these strings for lowering the curtains (so far I've been practicing on these when it's become boring). I could slightly swing them around towards my intended directions, but it wasn't fun enough. It had become cloudy outside.
A girl-physicist asked me to close the window as she was freezing again. So, I closed the window and wind rose. Snow started falling. This made the lecture a lot more interesting .. we were staring at the snow falling outside. I enjoyed practicing pk on the snow, as it neatly visualizes wind. (While writing this, a blizzard started outside again).
Snowflakes grew bigger and I practiced tapping the window with them gently. It looked cool, though the snowflakes fell down too quick. I moved them horizontally so that the same flakes would fly past all windows before falling down. I also applied a stasis field on the snow so that it wouldn't fall down so fast. This looked pretty awesome. Occasionally I took some snowflakes and flew around with them, while the others were flying horizontally from one window to another. Sometimes I looked if the lecturer was still reading his conspectus word-to-word. I realized that I changed the size of the flakes each time I looked away and back again. When I looked out of the window, the flakes grew in size and snowfall slowed down. When I looked away from the windows, snowfall sped up and snowflakes became smaller.
Played with stasis field on the flakes, trying to get them to hang in mid-air without falling down. They slowed down considerably, but gravity was still in effect. I visualized the feeling of levitation and applied it on the flakes close to the building. The downward pull felt pretty strong at first, but then as I was amplifying the feeling of upward pull, it gradually became easier. Snow was now falling up towards the sky near the building and falling really slowly a hundred meters away. That was awesome to watch. Since we were on the highest floor, these flakes probably flew up to the roof.
Well, it still became boring after a while. I jokingly said the lecture was even more boring than a game of solitaire. To make it more humorous, I started a virtual machine with Windows XP from Ubuntu and started playing solitaire on it (even though there are card games in Ubuntu as well). It was more fun than I had expected. Though, as I was losing for like the 3rd time already, I decided to "cheat" a little. Manifested a red 10 for the next card from the deck. 10 of diamonds appeared .. Crap .. I needed a red Jack instead. Took a new game, wishing for a convenient row of cards from the deck. I was amazed at the cards I got from the deck. I could use all of them on some other cards.
Asked for a key to the lab at the reception. The receptionist handed us the key. Everything was seemingly alright, but I felt that something was bugging her and it was related to this key. I didn't know what to say, so I asked if I had to sign anything for taking the key (even though I know there's no need to sign anything). She started talking and her mind was no longer troubled.
Finally had success with I2C through a long cable (a nice and well shielded USB cable). The previous cable was such that every thought and emotion messed up the connection. Yesterday that cable suddenly stopped working completely. Noise level had grown up to +-2 V with a 3.3 V signal =/.
I'm usually pretty nervous around measurement equipment. In physics practicals, I really tried to avoid looking at the measurement results while measurement was going on, because stuff often went crazy when I did. Also, when a supervisor turned up, the measurements went pollocks (hint to the paintings of Jackson Pollock) and he would think that the devices were broken.
This time everything worked like a charm .. my friend only had to restart his laptop twice.
Just when we finished the measurements, the sky went clear and sun came out. There was also no wind. Reached home, sky went cloudy, another sudden blizzard broke out (while I was writing this blog post). So, I set up my filming gear and decided to practice pk on the snow again. Well, right when I applied stasis field on the snow and snowfall slowed down, the intensity decreased rapidly, wind disappeared and sun came out again.
Practiced pk on an incense stick, trying to light it. Started seeing a lot of that transparent smoke moving around it .. as if hot air were rising. Although I didn't put much effort into it, more like simply stared at it, my head became really hot. Can't smell much of an incense in the air yet. Lit it manually with the match that I had been practicing pk on as well. It lit on the first strike, but then glowed for a few seconds before it burst into flames.
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