Experienced several flashbacks yesterday.
Went to bed, closed the eyes, felt love and saw light. After a while, I could see the central channel glowing and shining on the lungs. First time I've seen it this clear and detailed. From the feeling of the psi in there, countless figures and images formed. These were mostly mirrored along the axis of the central channel, balancing out from a broader perspective.
Then, suddenly a black cloud entered the room through the balcony. It flew over, through and into me. Now it was all dark, couldn't see any light. Tried to fight it with visualization at first, but didn't succeed. Gave way and grabbed the feeling of love that was still there in the heart chakra, engulfed in this dark veil.
I guess I started to see something, eventually. Though, couldn't sleep very well and felt rather cold today. Throat and heart chakras shrunk, too.
Uncle is having an operation again. So, another uncle came by and we had interesting discussions. He had read Ernst Muldashev "Where do we come from". In the book, Muldashev describes his expedition to the Himalayas, where he had the honour to visit a cave with Lemurians, Atlanteans and other predecessors. It was interesting how uncle described his impression, as if we gradually evolved from astral beings to a more dense form (sounded similar to attuning to a world from an OBE). Pretty awesome, though, the book's already sold out at pretty much all of the local bookstores.
Still have 2 other books on my shelf, waiting for me to return.
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