
The goal of this blog is to motivate myself and others for further practice as well as provide details that might explain what's going on..

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Peaceful dreams

Two days ago, there was a thunderstorm right when I went to bed after my operator time late in the evening. Had been longing for the first lightning for quite a while already.

For the first time, I experienced lightning in a personified form. We made a deal not to play in the radius of a few kilometers from the ground-station antennas. Lightning as well as its personification felt like love, and just a bit different from animals or trees.

While playing with it / them / him / her / that / whatever, both of our excitement or emotions yielded flashes and lightning strikes. Noticed that I was still experiencing fear, worrying about electricity and electronics all over the town. That construct didn't like fear nor a busy mind, and lost interest in playing with me after a while. Apparently, quite a lot of electronics were damaged that night.. a lot of servers went down, a large-scale blackout the next morning. Luckily, the ground station was unharmed.

Last night I had an interesting dream. Spent most of the night at a marsh somewhere. An amazingly peaceful and beautiful place .. warm, too. I was fascinated .. a lot of tiny natural lights, a lot of grass and a moist atmosphere. I was alone there .. or close to being alone. I guess there might've been a friend, who brought me there.

Woke up in the morning, at "another home". Had memories of my previous home, knew it was at a distance and that I would go back there soon. I guess it might've been a building of stone. Did something on the computer there, perhaps some discussion with the family and left the building for going back to the "previous home". Leaped and half-flew out the town gates. Looked back .. had come from an old-town up on a mound. The buildings looked neatly renovated and it was really beautiful against the background of a blue sky with small white clouds swimming about. There was a slight wind, too. Another really amazing experience.

Before waking up, I had a tantra fail. Sighed. Woke up again later, to find that there had been no leak physically .. even though I felt it physically. So, tantra fail in another body? I did come from that "other home", alright.

Air conditioning was malfunct at school. Found it cold. A good russian psychic popped into mind, who hummed a sound and melted plastics in his hands. Had totally forgotten about him for several years. Anyway, tried something alike .. and it became warmer quickly.

Recently, empathy with animals, trees, people has leaped a lot.

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