Performed a ZPE test that wasn't successful. I was fascinated by dad's idea. Aromatic ring can be considered an oscillating circuit. Pour coke on aluminium foil, the rings stick to the foil (one plate of high-voltage capacitor) and form a sort of diode there. This should gather high-frequency oscillations and charge the capacitor. Though, it seems it might not be that simple.
Felt tired and went to bed early.
A handful of dreams:
There's a conference on cosmology, which, for some odd reason is taking place down in the electronics lab. Two experts had shown up for this miniature conference. One of them had a low self-esteem and seemed pretty nervous. I think he was the one to present his work first.
First couple of sentences. Bam, I realize something and out of excitement, I poof away immediately. Woke up so that I would remember the information. The presenter drew a connection between the self-sustainability of typhoons, storms, cloud movement and the motion of the galaxy.
I'm walking through high grass in someone's backyard. I think I had a piece of white bread or something, which was covered in little green spiders and ants. Blew the spiders and ants off. They got stuck in the high grass. Tried to avoid stepping on them. I had some sort of an issue with the stomach. Didn't know what I should do to resolve the issue. Found an arc ladder, walked over it. At some moment I realized I was carrying a straight ladder, so I put it aside.
A couple of people came and greeted me. There was no high grass where they were. One of them was an old lady, the other one was an entity (a lady, I guess). The old lady said her old man (she meant husband) was a great yogi. I could tell that she was at least as great a yogi as her husband had been (if she even had had a husband who had been a yogi in the first place - she might've referred to herself through a third person perspective). Anyway, she showed me one of the techniques her old man had been practising (one of her favourite techniques, I could tell).
The arc ladder was good for practising that technique, but I was not all too eager to try that exercise. Although I took the pose and tried, I said for several times: "I don't know. Probably I'm not capable of performing the exercise. I haven't practised." It's as if she was deaf to these words. Tried, but my body didn't stretch enough (the technique was at least as difficult as the scorpion pose, which I have not even tried). Anyway, what little did I try, it helped a little.
The entity asked me how my pinky was doing. I replied: "Fine," then looked at my right hand, wondering what she had meant by that (my pinky has always been alright). The finger next to the pinky was deformed in a weird way. Analyzed it and didn't find any explanation, other than I was dreaming (which means I'm capable of doing anything, provided that I put my mind to it).
The old lady (close to her 90s) was earning her living by knitting socks, scarfs, etc. and selling those. Had a look around her house .. very very cool. A lot of respect.
At some moment during the night I woke up into an OBE. Bored, I just practised psychokinesis in the bed. Remotely dragged the pillow (white) from underneath the head of the body. Gradually moved away so that I could see the head and the pillow twitching, shifting under the weight of the head. Quite fun for a while. Then looked at the experiment (two leyden jars) I had left for the night. Shot a Kamehameha-like blow at one of the jars. Flew around a little, before I woke up again.
My pillow is dark blue.
I'm next to the summerhouse. Caspar is out there, climbing a tree.
I go behind a bush and start peeing, which takes forever (indicates that I need to wake up and visit the bathroom). After I stopped, the sun came out and everywhere I had peed, pretty flowers spawned. A part of me felt bad for peeing in the yard. That part went into the house, mumbling to itself. I remained outdoors and looked around, enchanted by the beauty. Caspar had built a treehouse on top of the tree.
Woke up and visited the bathroom.
Right .. forgot to post it here, but a few days after setting up the experiment, I threw a little baking soda into the coca-cola jar (assuming it was too acidic or something). I was surprised that there was no reaction, so perhaps coca-cola is not as acidic as I used to think.
ReplyDeleteThen, a week later I was about to pour it all away and throw it away (fungus was growing in the cola). Stopped before doing so, and asked in my mind: "Every experiment has a meaning, what was the meaning of this one?" The answer was: "Take a look, before throwing it away."
It looked as if this fungus was growing on the foil and had eaten holes into it. Might be that it wasn't the fungus that was eating the foil, but a chemical reaction and the fungus was just there. However, it did look like a fungus tearing pieces from aluminium foil.
That's weird IMHO.