While reading about the doubles, I thought it seemed similar to what I've read on scalar fields. Whenever a specific pattern is generated at a spot, then somewhere its opposite appears. Or rather, when pulling energy from one spot, one has to dump it somewhere else. Also, when the pattern and its opposite meet, then local balance is restored and the effect disappears. Based on what don Juan said, there's a similarity there.
Discussed theory with father again. I think I realized something that I previously hadn't.
For one, more connections between a star, black holes and spiritual development. While I had thought consciousness to be truly fundamental, pretty much equating it with energy, father considered consciousness as a pattern in energy. Pattern does seem more logical, although it implies some strange qualities .. like consciousness should be different, depending on the environment.
Father also thought that perhaps when the opposites (aka a man and his double) meet, annihilation does not take place. The argument was derived from the fact that particles have spin and even if opposing charges meet, spin should stop them from merging completely (they would become a binary system with an infinitely small distance or somesuch). Well, to me this seemed suspicious. But it might just be so.
Anyway, as a side-effect to my reaction, something in my room cracked and I felt a presence.
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