Wow, it seems I've been running at a really low frequency. The splenic? chakra I guess opened up .. at an at least hundreds of times higher frequency than what I had thought to be its natural frequency. Today I've been focusing on the light, even though it's still very subtle.
Yesterday I went jogging, because I hadn't done so in months. Intended to jog to the place where I could do pull-ups (the respective muscles are still quite weak). I was amazed at what the body could do after just one month of gym. Instead of jogging, I ended up sprinting the whole way. Couldn't find the bars for pull-ups, though. There were two places in the woods where they were supposed to be, but in both places they had removed the bars. Improvised and managed to get quite a few muscles sore (slightly more so than what I've usually got at the gym). While jogging back, I found another place of power in the woods. A slightly elevated area with a pine tree that has the trunk split into three trees. It forms something like a chair. Compared to the rest of the place, this area felt really nice.
Relaxed a great deal last night, applied detachment too. While at it, there was some heavy snapping, crackling going on all around the apartment. Woke up with an occasional pain in the left side of the head (with all the swimming in the past days, water had gotten into the ear and it seems it has caught cold before I've managed to get the water out of there).
Today a colleague said he possibly has a brain tumor. Oh well .. not very surprising, though. As he's not into alternative stuff (yoga, meditation, alternative medicine), the least I can do is use his condition for inspiration in my own spiritual practices.
Actually I find it a bit strange, because he seems like the type who has quite a lot of experience in meditation, perhaps more than I do (awesome concentration skills) .. and yet he's not interested. There's one more guy in the team, who's as "skeptical". A very inspiring dude from high-school with a lot of experience in dreaming .. but thinks it's all the hallucinations caused by brain chemistry. Since both of them are very rational, it's very interesting to discuss these things with them - even though they're not interested, they are at least able to consider the possibility. Then again, I'm an engineer and perhaps a researcher in my own way, but I'm no preacher. I can not change another person against their own will. Also, I don't quite agree with what the sorcerers in Castaneda's books are doing (to me it seems that they're forcing their own will on others). Everyone is on their spiritual journey alone.
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