
The goal of this blog is to motivate myself and others for further practice as well as provide details that might explain what's going on..

Sunday, July 26, 2015

Short OBE nap

A nice video about the last waves of incarnations on Earth, aliens and such.
I found Dolores a bit creepy, though. Hypnosis is not safe and one might never know what the hypnotherapist has programmed into their mind.

Took a couple of naps during the day. One of them led to an OBE. Spontaneously whispered something, which worked as a signal that got the vibrations going. The vibrations were of low frequency and as they originated from the chest, it felt as if heart had started pounding really fast, followed by pectoral muscle spasms. Then gradually breathing stopped and I crawled / levitated / moved towards the mirror next to the bed. Looked at myself and at the body, then sat next to the bed. Looked around the room and tried to maintain focus on it. That didn't work for very long, as I realized I had started breathing (in the body) again.

Oh, one more thing. While watching the video, I realized that my time for enlightenment and leaving this place is .. well, not very near. This made me feel a bit more happy, because it provides time for psychokinesis and self-mastery practices. This also means that the challenges of dealing with people and worldly issues are not going to be over anytime soon.

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