
The goal of this blog is to motivate myself and others for further practice as well as provide details that might explain what's going on..

Wednesday, November 15, 2017

Quick OBE

Focused on relaxing the stomach. Peeled off layer after layer of tension, some of the knots I moved up to the crown. Felt the effects propagate throughout the nerve system. Started feeling pretty lightweight and floaty eventually.

Started seeing the ceiling through closed eyelids. At some moment I noticed the pulsation of a high pitched sound - as if two sounds of different frequencies were been added together. Focused on a particular point on the ceiling, observing the sound. I guess a standing wave of psi was formed, and the amplitude kept increasing. One of the audible frequencies appeared to be modulated by psi density so that the pulsation frequency increased as well. Continued building up psi density until I realized that I didn't have a good idea what to create or manifest. Instead of releasing it I decided to gradually decompress the psi until it was easier to manage and pull it back. Ended up being pulled from the body. Looked back as I flew out - didn't look like my body. Looked around as well - although very similar, it didn't look like my room. It had two walls covered in bookshelves. Seems like a good idea, so I might eventually redesign my room like that. Downside is dust, tho. Books love dust, I don't. Anyway, ended up shifting through the wall. Skidded and turned back towards the body again. Orbital dynamics FTW.

After that I couldn't sleep for a couple of hours. Heard the cat play with the water bowl again. Decided to remove the bowl for the next day (he / it prefers drinking from the toilet anyway). Then had regular dreams.

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