
The goal of this blog is to motivate myself and others for further practice as well as provide details that might explain what's going on..

Friday, May 11, 2018

Hands-free touchpad

A geisting event today. I'm not very good at touchpads. A student's laptop .. tried to open the VSCode window in the background to double-check one of his functions. Having done so, I let go of the touchpad. For about a minute, the mouse cursor moved around the screen in complex patterns, clicking in random places, selecting text and then finally slowing down to a halt in the middle of the screen. The anomaly lasted so long that I could say "WTF", the student turned around and both of us witnessed the laptop .. alive. He even got to show it to another student - "Look, Sussch is moving the mouse without even touching the laptop". It did look quite responsive even though I did not think it was me doing it - maybe some static electricity, confusing multi-finger gestures or whatever.

After another 14h workday, took a long walk home. The lovely sunset and the sweet fragrance of the trees blooming. Awesome. Noticed that I could feel the trees slightly flexing around me. Walked slow but had a green wave for most of the way.

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