Happened to read a webpage on NSA and RNM. Remote Neural Monitoring and Manipulation seem a bit far-fetched, but who knows, what kind of tech they may have there. Anyway, the real pearl was the section "Conversations With Research Scientist Initiates: Brain and Technology Update" by "©1995-1997 Leading Edge International Research Group". It generated a lot of thought-material, stuff to meditate on and to experiment with. Thanks for the link!
While reading an article on EMP today, I found more and more hints at NSA's RNM. Perhaps it's not so far-fetched at all.. =/
Intended on remembering my dreams again, for change.
Dream 1: There was a bunch of young soldiers; we went jogging. The guys in front spread. Since it's not allowed to lag behind (the alignment needs to remain), I kept following the one in front of me (everyone has to align themselves by the others at right and at front). He ran through a bunch of people meditating on the grass. One of the people meditating stopped me and asked me why I was following him. For some unknown reason, I said: "It's the goal of my life". Totally neutral and calm, he asked: "Is this not a goal of your life?" Started leaking Bindu fluid and psi, couldn't stop it and woke up. It was cold and I had been sleeping crouched (makes it difficult to control the flow of psi in the body) on my left side.
Dream 2: This one was sort of OBE-ish (very real and detailed). I was sleeping in bed, just as if I were awake. Some people entered from the outside door. They were actively discussing something in the hallway. Couldn't make out any words or sentences though (as if too tired to comprehend). At some point I jumped down from the bed to take a look at who's there. Felt that someone's going to open the door and step in to visit me. It was one of the managers from the student satellite project. I was quite surprised and jumped back into bed. He disappeared / the dream ended.
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