
The goal of this blog is to motivate myself and others for further practice as well as provide details that might explain what's going on..

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Waking up

Recently I've noticed that my back is a lot warmer than other parts of the body. Washing with warm water makes the back feel the water being cold. The front of the body, on the other hand, feels the water being unbearably hot. This seems to back up one of the theories that popped up on energy propagation throughout the body a while ago. Need to draw it sometime when I get the time.

Felt a stronger gradient between the two halves of the body today. Kept it back and tried to ease it out so that it wouldn't damage the organs.

While walking home from work late today evening, the experience of the pedestrian bridge split in two. One - the way I've always thought and felt about it. The other - totally different, brighter, more pure and without my old preconceptions. The dark veil of many years had finally cracked.

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