
The goal of this blog is to motivate myself and others for further practice as well as provide details that might explain what's going on..

Saturday, June 28, 2014

In Chaouen

Left hand has become bloated due to having been stung by the bee.

Merchants were pissed at me because of my low bartering skills. Mom and Luis were probably annoyed because I trusted everyone and ended up "donating" all the money just to be able to leave the merchants. Also, if I had to buy something to be able to leave, I couldn't choose anything because I did not have any desires, I did not prefer one thing to another .. just couldn't. All things are good for one purpose or another and thus can't be compared. Also, for me, lying doesn't exist .. they use it for money. For example, I ask them what is that over
there .. they say what it is and ask which color I prefer (assuming that I immediately want to buy it). If I ask how much that thing over there costs, they either want me to name a price (which I don't know) or they tell the_actual_cost * 100 or something similar (which is the amount of money they desire, not the actual cost). To me it would seem logical that if they have made it, then they know the cost of raw materials and their number of workhours the best - because how would I know that? And asking for a price less than the cost of raw materials + workhours would mean disrespect. How can one make a merchant happy with no desires and no money?

In other words, ego hurt. Added some fuel into the ego flames, then tried to see it for what it is and tried to forgive it. Like if they care so much about the money, then let them have it .. because I'm not addicted to it. Mom later went to replace the thing I had "bought" because of how sh*tty it was. This added even more fuel
to the ego flames. Ego wanted to ignore all merchants (no eye contact, a few hundred meters of safety distance) from this point onwards. Oh well .. this would only mean that in the future I would practise bartering without the ego (since ego is away at a far distance). Then ego wasn't happy with that either. Mixed feelings :):

Other than feeling bad about being poor and without desires, Morocco really touched the heart and did so more than Ceuta.
  • Mom: You should come to Morocco for shopping groceries, it's a lot cheaper than in Estonia.
  • Me: Transportation costs more than what I would save anyway.
  • Mom: It's high-time you learned to teleport already ;).

I started thinking that the two layers from the dream the previous night might've been the physical and the first non-physical layer above that. Judging by this interpretation, the symbol of toilet might indicate the physical realm. Because toilets are only relevant in the physical realm.

After telling Mom about the dream as well as the comparison of merchants to bees, she remembered an experience of hers from a long time ago. Mom said she left the old job in Estonia after she became ill. Once well again, she had gone to work, where she suddenly saw colleagues from a different perspective. Suddenly, all the researchers seemed like white lab rats wandering about aimlessly, always confused about what is going on. These researchers in white robes performed
experiments on white lab rats.

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