
The goal of this blog is to motivate myself and others for further practice as well as provide details that might explain what's going on..

Tuesday, July 29, 2014


Have been trying to keep the heart chakra open. That's what's been clogging the central channel.

Today I've been feeling warmth in the chest and throat. Breathing seems a bit different also. Due to not being used to it, I occasionally mistook it for phlegm and tried to cough it out .. only to realize there's nothing to cough out.

With the heart chakra open enough, sometimes some cold fluid spreads around.

But still every now and then, that old stress (perhaps could even be called panic) appears out of nowhere.

Monday, July 28, 2014

Way too much sleep

In the previous post, the "questions" weren't really questions, because I know the answers.

On Saturday and Sunday, I saw golden-white energy forms float around and vanish with a flash. For a brief moment, I also saw my aura yesterday. Slept a bit too much during the weekend.

During one of these naps, I started hearing a sound that reminded me of soft rain. This stimulated my mind to visualize a cloudy and rainy day. Actually, the sky was clear, sun was shining and there was no source for the sound. So, it must've been an OBE sound.

Couldn't sleep last night .. until 4 AM or something (woke at 8 AM). In the meanwhile, I practised concentration a bit .. or attempted to fall asleep.

Felt a bit tired today. Became stressed by the end of the day. However, some random encounters cheered me up a lot. I was amazed at how my mind instantly cleared up, analyzed the situation and everything felt in full control. To me, the actions seemed well optimized for the learning experience of others (minimal manipulation, while still ensuring safety). It was also interesting to observe the curtain of rainfall coming closer and closer, then continuing at an angle of around 50 degrees or more.

Thursday, July 24, 2014


I'm disappointed.

Back at work I practised releasing the old stress. A lot of energy was released. The point of focus almost felt solid.

Then I come home, take a nap and I leak all the energy out with a wet dream. What did I spend the month gathering energy for? What use is a month of energy cultivation if energy is not cultivated? What do I have to do then to conserve energy? Why have several years of experimentation been fruitless? Why do I always leak energy right when I step towards feeling compassion and love towards myself? What's wrong in feeling compassion and love towards oneself? Why do I leak energy, then? What use is wisdom if there's no energy to apply it? Why do I even bother?

Also, the great book I mentioned in the last post. It's great and all but it didn't have anything on wet dreams.

Seriously, I suck at spirituality if I don't even have the dedication and willpower to maintain celibacy for more than 20 days (about 1/5 of the 100 days minimum).

I'm disappointed in my disappointment also, because there's no hatred in this post. I just feel sad. \me visualizes an attempt to kick a bucket but stumbles and falls due to a critical miss. Sigh, or something.

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Great change

Two dreams from last night:

Dream 1: Choir decoding

There was an old man with a vertical white-black-white gradient beard. The man was a great composer for choir music, who also directed the choirs. However, he was not well known because he only manifested a body when his mission needed it.

We were enjoying the choir music. At some moment, I realized that all of the songs had an encoded message (occasionally the pitch changed a little, sometimes there were unconventional transitions from one note to another and so on).

When the concert ended, the bearded man disappeared again (undid his physical form). He had conveyed the message and all of us had received it.

The message was about a great change.

Dream 2: Conspiracy

I guess I observed some people again (not in their physical form). There was a guy and a girl, who were working to reveal a corruption scheme. A lot of phasing, levitation, time manipulation, mind reading, etc. Fun to observe, but I must have associated myself with the guy, for I felt fear. However, he didn't. He just aced it all.

I wonder what's going on with all the butterflies. Before the vacation, a butterfly leaped into an empty dessert bowl right when I put it on the table. During the 1.5 weeks that I spent on Saaremaa, I got a butterfly and a moth stuck to my pants. Also, one night when I closed the laptop lid, I accidentally squished a clothes moth between the display and speaker grill.

A couple of days ago I practised being humble while not feeling sad or depressed. Felt sorry for myself. Anyway, while coming back at the table with something from the fridge, the plate made a loud sound (as if it had fallen to the floor and become fractured). However, the plate was still on the table and seemed okay .. with the exception of a fracture, which I hadn't noticed before.

Thanks to synchronicity, got hold of "Your body's telling you: Love yourself!" by Lise Bourbeau while on my way back to Tartu. A really good book. It describes various diseases as well as their physical, emotional and spiritual causes.

Back in Tartu, dad told an interesting story:

A couple of days ago he leaned against the edge of the kitchen sink and somehow dozed off. He visualized himself standing next to the gas stove (about a meter away from the sink), touching the ignition button. The ignition fired, he startled awake while still leaning against the edge of the sink.

He also told about a dream he had, in which he read a foreign newspaper (Swedish? Finnish?). Apparently, Andi had somehow become famous in Denmark. Someone had shot a documentary about country life or something and Andi just happened to be on it. Let's see .. shall keep my eyes open.

Monday, July 21, 2014

Ear damage

Practised some levitation yesterday evening. Occasionally managed to reproduce the sensation of becoming lighter. No lift, though.

Opened up psi blockages before sleep. Had some awkward dreams again. In one of them, I was on my way for a hike. Had a large and heavy backpack and arrived with a car. A bunch of girls (looked like Bieber fans or somesuch) started bullying me because of my hat. I didn't take them too seriously. Then they wanted me to drive them somewhere with the car. The dream ended.

Damaged my ears with the dB of a dull buzzsaw (too loud noise). Have to practise psi healing.

Kaspar is still ill.

Sunday, July 20, 2014

Weird animal

Have been painting planks for several days. Went swimming yesterday.

Kaspar didn't feel too well today. Neither did I.

Had an awkward dream today morning:

Somehow we had recovered a bunch of stuff that was at least a few thousand years old, if not tens of thousands of years (and frozen, too). There was a box with an animal inside. We thought it was dead but as I observed it, it started moving around. It looked similar to squirrel (brown and red) but with hexagonal scales (similar to a fish). It sometimes spread out long tentacles from the scales, grabbed stuff and moved around. I tried to keep the distance to these tentacles, since this animal seemed dangerous. Gradually it transformed into a turtle. As the turtle gained form, some reddish black oily liquid poured out of its shell.

Someone came, took the turtle (which then transformed back into its squirrel-like form) and started poking me with it. Oh well. Can't remember what happened right after, but I think eventually the animal died. It transformed into a small elephant statue with a spooky grin. Silver-white liquid started pouring out of its right ear. Looked at the liquid and wondered why it was a liquid and not a gas or aerosol. Then some white vapour was released from the liquid.

I guess in my mind the animal somehow associated with power. Maybe that's why I wondered what the vapour smelled like. Smelled it. It had no smell to it.

The next moment, I'm observing a person possessed with this thousands of years old mind. He declared an ultimatum to leave the solar system. He took control over animals, revived a lot of youngsters from the dead as a display of power.

Then I observed a cop, who investigated the issue. The cop also got "infected" with the consciousness of that "ancient man".

Weird. Painted a few more planks and got a headache.

Friday, July 18, 2014

Kaspar sleep-teleported

Focus on the left channel + upward flow of psi has improved empathy. It has become a lot easier to feel the surroundings again.

Have been feeling tired, tho. Have slept a lot.

Watched a few pk music videos with Kaspar. He disappeared several times today. Whistled a signal to which he responded, thanks to which I found him easily.

The first time I found him on top of a tree, gazing at the sunset. Also climbed the tree, not very happy about the tree. It's one of the most dangerous trees and not very easy to climb. It barely has enough branches to grab or hang from and it grows out from a stone wall.

The pasture land and field are separated with a stone wall. The next time I found him laying on the stone wall. Walked past him, to find a spot to also lay down and stare at the sky .. just like he was doing. Thought I had found the spot. Laid down but it made me grunt - a lot of rocks pushing against me, which made it uncomfortable. Walked back to Kaspar and told him that sleeping on the stone wall requires skill. Sought for another spot, found a better one this time. Laid down, observed the sky. A bird or a bat flew over, with a whoosh. Eventually mosquitoes started bugging me. Tried visualizing a shield to keep them off. I think it almost worked. When I heard other children coming, I stood up and walked past them, back to Kaspar.

I thought Kaspar had switched places on the stone wall or something. He was in another place, like 30 meters from the previous location. It turned out he had simply fallen asleep and I woke him up. He thought he had always been at the location he was now.

Next to the stone wall, there's an electrified fence. At some places, the wire has worn out and there's a periodic arcing.

His new location was on the stone wall, right next to one of the corners of the electrified fence that was arcing. Thus, I suspect he might've dozed off while focused on the arcing sound. With his consciousness moved to another place, his body must have followed somehow. Is teleportation really that simple?

Wow, Kaspar never ceases to amaze me. He wasn't too enthusiastic about it, tho. He was cold.

Monday, July 14, 2014

Water on flames

Went to bed at 0:00 AM. Woke at 4 AM, due to the feet being too energized. Had spent the 4 hours in a half-sleep state without dreams. Took a meditation pose and focused the energy up the spine, into the head. Mind became a lot clearer, yawned a lot and went back to bed. With the energy up in the higher chakras, I started feeling hunger (barely ate anything at all yesterday).

Before the milk-fetching alarm at 8 AM, I had 2 dreams.

Dream 1:

There was a strange boiler with mysterious pipework that supplied the bathroom, toilet and sauna with water. It was ancient, it leaked water and looked slightly spooky for some reason. Spent time fixing it so that I could take sauna. Sister wanted to make a bonfire. She piled up wood in the front yard and started spraying water on it with a garden hose. Water burst into flames around the logs. There were 2 other people around the bonfire, who thought that she had piled up too much firewood and that the flames were too great (dangerous, even). I just observed it, somewhat disagreed with the 2 other guys but had nothing against removing a few logs. Sister did so. She took a few glowing logs and piled them behind the corner of the sauna building.

The dream must have been for me to observe without interaction. Because when I decided to take the logs for the boiler that sister had removed from the bonfire, the dream became unstable. The boiler started changing its shape, losing important components and so on.

Dream 2:

There was some sort of a competition. During a break, we were treated for a feast at a fancy restaurant. I had something to do and arrived a bit late. Chose a table at the back. When I was about to sit down, the two other people at the table suggested me not to sit there, because the table was missing one leg. Chose another seat, which would keep the table in balance. But I couldn't drag the chair from underneath the table because a bed was in the way. Couldn't move the bed enough because it was at the wall already. Asked the waiter for advice. Well, then the competition resumed.

Enjoyed a jog and a short meditation with Kaspar. He played with the wind .. a strong gust of wind from the left, then from the right. Told him that I've seen several dreams where he has taught me levitation.

He told me about an attempt to move fire some time ago. He had been sitting at the bonfire when his mother put more wood into the fire. It became too hot for Kaspar to sit there. So he focused on pushing the fire away from him. Eventually, the flames were reduced. The bonfire was no longer burning. However, his parents noticed a round spot of grass burning, quite a distance from the bonfire. Puzzled, they quickly took a bucket of water and extinguished it.

Kaspar also told how he had been practising phasing. He wanted to glue two small pieces of wood together but they didn't stick together. He became anxious and just pushed the two pieces of wood together .. they phased into each-other of about 5 mm.

So awesome =D

Seat 35 of 29

While writing an e-mail yesterday, we lost the internet connection when I typed the sentence: "Though, I can't guarantee that I have an internet access." Saw the network provider service car - probably some maintenance going on.

Asked if there were still a few free seats on the bus to Saaremaa. Bought a ticket, got seat no. 35. The number made me wonder if there were that many seats on the bus. As it turned out, the bus featured 29 seats. A lot of people but somehow we managed to fit on the bus.

There was barely any air to breathe on the bus, which made me sleepy. Tried to teleport a horse fly out of the window. No good .. all attempts failed (none of the methods worked).

On departure, the sound from the bus motor made me wonder if the bus could handle that many people. 20 km from the harbour, the transmission belt gave up. A replacement bus arrived in an hour or so. It barely made it on time for the next ferry.

While waiting for the other bus, I felt the urge to speak to someone, out of boredom. A heavy-man had caught my attention. But then thought, perhaps should pick a girl to chat with. *The heavy-man walks to a girl and starts a chat*
Apparently had already shared consciousness with the heavy-man.

On the bus I started reading the "Bible of the Undead", which I found fascinating. Thanks a lot, pewep!

Sunday, July 13, 2014

Loud pop

On the pk forum, shy's age reversal blew my mind and inspired me for doing more spiritual practises.

Have been maintaining focus on the left channel. Due to boredom, I meditated yesterday. With the left channel open for most of the time, it has been easier to route sexual energy up to higher chakras. Spent about 30 min before falling asleep on moving the energy, to avoid wasting it on wet dreams. Very vivid dreams, remembered pretty much all of them the next morning.

Yesterday as well as today I've been frequently experiencing ringing in the left ear. Not sure but the same might've happened to the right ear also, for a couple of times. While at a department store today, a mild headache appeared. This lasted for a minute or two and ended with a very loud pop at the center of the brain. I thought a blood vessel had exploded or something, but I guess a chakra opened up. Afterwards, experienced a couple of moments when I felt weightless.

While taking a shower, I heard a pop in the left hemisphere.

Friday, July 11, 2014

Black butterfly

A few days ago I remembered that before I had started focusing on the crown, I used to focus on the prana channels so that I could open and close them on will. Started with focus on the left channel. Opened the channel and chakras each night, with the help of pranayama. The first night I woke up to practise pranayama again after falling asleep .. to re-open the channel. Heart and throat chakras popped open again. Woke up after 3 hours of sleep, feeling energized.

By maintaining focus on the left channel, the left half of the 3rd eye region also feels energized.

The next night I slept 6 hours and woke up tired. I remember having experienced something important but can't remember it. Perhaps white light. I think I saw a spider also or something.

Today I encountered a jolt of consciousness.

After eating dessert at lunch, I put the bowl on the table and about a second later, a large butterfly flew into the bowl. A large black butterfly with an incredibly long tongue (almost as long as itself). It licked the dessert a little, then flew away again.

My friend Hyena is a fan of Castaneda's material on astral travels. To me, some of the material seems a bit fishy. When I've commented on a sentence or two, that to me doesn't seem right, my friend has blamed my arrogance and ego. In other words, to me it seems as if his preconceptions have prevented him from seeing the depth of what I've wanted to express.

To me it seems that Castaneda occasionally prefers to approach things with brute force and when it repels, he becomes afraid. Previously, I've gotten the same impression of Hyena. Well, sometimes I act the same myself.

Realized something the moment I opened the front door at home. Remembered the importance of paying attention to all the details while interacting with the environment. With proper attention, no room is left for arrogance or ignorance.

Remembered that while walking home, I saw dark cars in the parking lot, with tree seeds on the car hoods. Had a flashback of standing next to a building, which was to my left. To my right, there were trees shedding their autumn leaves, which slowly descended on me. I think there was also a black or dark car parking on the right.

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Multi-layered mind

Nice synchronicity while walking around the capital, buying stuff that I needed. Visited one shop .. spent 30 minutes in the queue, then it turned out they don't sell Nokia data cables there. They directed me to another shop nearby. Went there .. the sales assistant told me they didn't sell anything like that, and directed me back to the previous shop. Somehow I managed to convince her to check if they did have the cable in stock. She checked and with a surprise, she found that it was indeed there on one of the shelves. Uhm .. very different from Morocco, where they actually try to sell stuff. Here in Estonia it sometimes seems that they would rather have the clients leave the shopkeepers alone without buying anything. =/

Well .. back to work for a week and hopefully after that there's still a little bit of vacation left.

Thought of taking a morning bus. Nope, visited the Tallinn sprat museum. Took an evening bus. Remembered the dream from the Dropping forks post, where I was on a nightly bus. Back in the dream, I remembered some of my work colleagues sitting to my right. The dream was somewhat confusing .. I thought I had been sitting next to the girl I fell in love with. Actually, now from the memory it seemed the girl sat on the seat in front of me, instead. Also, I did not sit at the window.

In any case, while buying the bus ticket, the machine proposed a window seat. Missed it, as it turned out the seat had been taken before I managed to select it. Took the seat next to it, then. Met Finnish colleagues, who were also buying their bus tickets to Tartu. Went into the bus, sat next to a pretty girl who looked too young and different from the one in the dream. The Finns occupied the seats to my right and one seat behind me. The seat in front of me had been reserved but nobody took it. The girl from the dream did not arrive.

Interesting, how back when I saw the dream, I considered it absurd that I would be taking a bus to work .. since I'm on vacation.

Ah, also, I remember that the dream seemed a bit strange .. as if multiple realms had fused together into one experience (space-time was seriously warped and the dream did not seem realistic).

While on the bus, I watched Thor: The Dark World. One of the key ideas of the movie was realms, which had fused together .. a lot of space-time warps due to gravity effects from the alignment of different "worlds".

I find the multi-layered structure of the mind pretty fascinating.

Sunday, July 6, 2014

Song festival

Visited the song festival.

People released a lot of balloons, which I targeted for pk practice. Picked a few, slowed them down, moved them against the wind for a few meters, made them jump, etc. However, I didn't manage to stasis-lock them in place nor to have them continuously flying against the wind. Although successful, it was slightly disappointing as well. Ah, also tried to pop them, which also didn't work.

Tried to pulse the song festival fire. Due to the wind, I couldn't tell the difference - don't know if it worked or not.

There were 3 flags in a row. Targeted one of them, tried to stasis it and make it flap in the opposite direction when compared to the other 2. Stasis and reversals affected all of the flags. Although the targeted one acted a bit different, the effect was rather small.

The first day I was sweaty and afraid that I would smell like a bum or something. Realized the fear .. aw cr*p, something materialized while writing this. Anyway, realized the fear and changed it. Instead of smelling like a bum, I chose to focus on the smell of eucalyptus (since I wore an eucalyptus necklace from Morocco). Sometimes the smell of eucalyptus became pretty strong. Couldn't maintain the focus for 6 hours, tho (the song festival marching lasted that long).

The first day I burned in the sun. The second day I wore a Kaftan from Morocco, hoping I wouldn't be treated as if I was religious. While on my way to the festival on the second day, a lady walked past me, said "dear Lord" and probably made the sign of a cross. Decided to shield myself. Used two shields, one with the intent and visualization to make myself invisible (so that people would see through me) and another shield to scatter attention and focus. The second shield I have used several years ago, in the Russian language classes, to make sure the teacher wouldn't ask me. The shields seemed to have worked, to some extent.

Walked past a woman and a little girl. The girl turned around, looked at me (I was dressed in Kaftan), turned to the woman and said: "Mom, I want to learn magic. Also, I want to get my magic stick." The woman replied: "Ask your teacher at school, perhaps they'll teach you." This inspired me to practice psychokinesis some more.

Targeted those helium balloons again, the flags, the fire. Also practised empathy.

Friday, July 4, 2014

Mages vs mages

Yesterday while entering the kitchen for supper, I had a flashback: A sunrise, I'm in the field when an UFO descends onto the grass.

Last night I had a dream of a video game about mages vs. mages during the medieval times. There was a fortified town with a castle. Somewhere in the castle, there was a room with some sort of a cube (looked like a crystal), which we had to obtain. The cube was protected by other genius wizards. The game was all about outwitting other players by inventing advanced constructs and using them in inventive ways. -- the dream seems very similar to the Gaia comics.

The three of us had planned the attack to details. The plan was to infiltrate the castle to somehow get past a few shields and security installations. Once inside, we spread out to perform our individual tasks until some specific time when we would meet again. So far everything had gone as planned. I was waiting, the other two mages arrived. However, the master mage defending the castle had somehow exposed us and sent a bunch of mages to imprison us.

We had not anticipated this scenario and thus, my preparations for stealing the cube were pretty much useless. Had to improvise real quick. Considered the freedom of the three of us a higher priority than the cube. Teleported the three of us to a safe room somewhere far enough. Then thought what I could still do with the preparations that I had done for stealing the cube.

The crystal cube was in a room where the temperature distribution of the room was being monitored. I had managed to prepare a few shields around the cube and got the idea to remotely try to create a portal between the cube and the floor (between the two surfaces, there didn't seem to be any alarm mechanisms). Managed to create a point of hi-density psi between the two surfaces and started to stretch it to the extents of the cube .. remotely (just by visualizing the room, the objects and spells). Teleported the cube, the other 2 mages were very impressed, however, the dream had become very faint already.

Psi explosions

Back in Morocco, I managed to express unconditional love and compassion, which I want to apply to Estonia as well. In Morocco, I acquired the sensation of love and compassion after I found myself inspired by the way Luis Carlos escaped from a couple of merchants. He put his hands together as if for a prayer, cleared his mind and with love and compassion, he bowed before the merchants. Then he left. Visualized hugging and kissing the ground, the trees, the people and suddenly gained the feeling.
Want to do the same for Estonia.

Btw, back in Ceuta when I glanced a sticker on their fridge door, I got a flashback. I was aware of my lack of empathy with Luis Carlos because you know .. he was with mother and all .. and father is still alone since the divorce. This flashback illustrated the events of what would happen if I didn't change my feelings. So, I tried hard to change the feelings and to develop strong empathy with him so that I would see him for who he is.

At the Malaga airport, before leaving Luis Carlos, I managed to express unconditional love in a way that I want to apply to people in Estonia as well. I think Luis Carlos must've felt the wave of heat and light radiating from me at that moment. Even with a weaker feeling of heat and light radiation, I've received comments from friends before.

I'm very grateful for having had the chance to meet Luis Carlos and to spiritually learn this much during my trips to Spain, Morocco and back.

Visited the plane harbour museum today. It made me nervous because I did not have enough time to see everything. Had to optimize a lot and make it back in time, without knowing how long it takes for me to walk back. It went well, +- a couple of minutes. However, want to visit it again to see the rest of the museum. Tried to focus on unconditional love and compassion on my way back.

Visited the national dance festival today. Haven't visited it for 20 years or so. I was fascinated. Psi explosions with goosebumps occurred very often. Psi explosions were accompanied by gusts of wind. Between the explosions, I focused on unconditional love and compassion towards Estonia, which resulted
in blistering sunlight that was interrupted by these psi explosions.

The largest psi explosion of unconditional love and peace I decided to spread all over the world. My attempt was interrupted when an old man sitting in front of me slowly leaned back on me. Didn't realize it at first, but he had fainted, probably due to dehydration. He woke up in a few seconds and was offered water. However, medics still took him away and although he had come from a foreign country all the way to Estonia to see the dance festival, he probably wasn't allowed to come back. Oh well.

Hmm .. CFL lamps flickering pretty heavily while writing this.

Ah, still warned grandma about sadness and mourning. Grandpa overheard it and did not appreciate me speaking such superstitious stuff. Oh well..

Thursday, July 3, 2014

In Tallinn

Had a dream of flying around and doing all sorts of stuff with pk again (hanging from the ceiling, walking on the walls, leaning on the air, etc.). Had a similar dream about 1.5 weeks ago. Back then, the goal had been to entertain someone. This time .. I don't know, I guess I had some tasks to perform.

Very vivid hypnagogic images. Also, empathy has improved remarkably. Practising unconditional love and compassion towards everyone and everything works wonders.

Ah, right, had a hypnagogic image from the Moon. It lasted for a few seconds, before I realized I was on the Moon .. and the excitement woke me up.

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

To Tallinn

Sigh. Vacation is a skill.

While waiting for the next plane, I did work for 4 hours, 4 stressful hours. With most of the colleagues on vacation, everything is a mess at work. A colleague bartered me to a workshop (3 days of extra-stressful work) that cuts the rest of the vacation into half (have to be at work, which means I can only visit the summerhouse for 1 or 1.3 weeks). He also wanted me to participate a video conference. No meetings with fellow psions this summer, sorry.

Hmm .. Deja vu while writing this.

Experienced very strong spontaneous happiness both when the departing plane took off from Estonia as well as when the returning plane touched the ground in Estonia.

Grandpa looked very sad and a little drunk. Asked him if Lembit had died, which was indeed the case. Wanted to warn grandpa about the way he handled himself, but eventually decided to pass the info in the non-physical realm (often more efficient because preconceptions are not that much of a hurdle). To me it seemed that Lembit had achieved everything he had desired to experience in this life. He had died happy, which is no reason for anyone the feel sad or miserable. One won't live long by clinging to the deaths of others.

I was tired and psi had piled up in the lower chakras, which made me feel very uncomfortable. At the same time, others made a lot of noise and often asked me to come somewhere, try something and do something which I did not feel like doing. In this condition, it's very easy to become angry. So I tried to maintain focus on unconditional love and compassion while interacting with others. This was not easy but it paid off very quickly - psi entered the central channel and started moving upwards.

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

In Aracena

Had a chain of strange dreams (seemingly unrelated to the physical and spiritual realms).

In one of the dreams, I was a cloud of consciousness observing a bus full of people. Two guys at the back row stood out. While the bus was driving, they enjoyed stabbing each other with knives. Soon they became "generous" and started stabbing other people also. They did it in such a way that the targets wouldn't die but would "enjoy" the experience like they do. Though, one of them also offered a service to kill people who would want to die. Experienced the masochism of these two criminals as well as the panic and confusion of the victims and other people in the bus. Not a happy dream. Made me confused because I haven't watched any movies, haven't read any books, haven't played video games for about a month or so. The dream came by surprise.

In another dream I observed a group of people, who were occasionally attacked by invisible beings. They could, however, hit the invisible beings back if they were lucky. I guess it seemed that the invisible beings were at an advantage or something .. for some reason, chose the side against the invisible creatures. Occupied or manifested a body, which could see the invisible beings (faint dark-red disturbances in the energy field - IR?). Also hit some of those invisible beings, feeling proud that I could see them, which helped to hit them more

Later in the morning, I felt embarrassed and disappointed because not once had I questioned the reason why the invisible beings were attacking the people there. Felt the same because I had difficulties forgiving the criminals for what they did. Tried to fix the problem by focusing on unconditional love and compassion during the day later.

On our way back to Malaga, we stopped in a random village for eating in the park. It was very hot even in the shadows and there was no wind. While in the park, I made a quick attempt at feeling the air. Within a minute, a strong wind picked up, which made the weather more compatible to my body. Tried to calm the wind down, tried to stasis it but couldn't.

In order to avoid falling asleep due to heat and oxygen deprivation, I tried focusing on the crown. It didn't work. Also tried visualizing an antenna tower at the top of my head -- a method for focusing psi, which occurred to me spontaneously in the hypnagogic state. Realized that to maintain fine focus on a tiny spot, it's not enough to just brute-force psi into the form. The psi must have a high frequency component (must be transformed before use). So, focus is the sharpest when all the chakras are open.

Have been practising taking photos from the car. It's a skill to get the timing right, so that trees, cars, people wouldn't obstruct the view. Tried to take a photo of a park and a statue through the gate ribs. It was a little bit too dark already and I miscalculated the exposure time .. the result was a coincidence which I hoped wouldn't happen because of a rather low probability.

Here's another attempt from outside the car.

Missed a night - straight onto a plane, then another one.
Hmm .. remembered that when the plane took off, someone targeted it with a green laser and blinded my window for a split-second.