One day I missed a bus back home from work. That's because the bus went the other way - in the opposite direction from home and then turned around after a large circle. Then one day I took the bus to see where it goes. All sorts of interesting places with amazing scenery. Even though I still had urgent work to do, I really enjoyed just sitting there and letting the bus take me to random places. Lakes, valleys, a field with ostriches, nice houses. Then in the meantime I figured out the bugs in the code. Work done as well, yay.
That day I also realized that I had been trying to focus on the wrong chakras (heart or crown, both of which had "run dry"). It matters which one of them is blocking the most (has the most tension). I had semi-subconsciously piled up tension in my stomach. Focusing there for even just a moment suddenly released a sense of compassion, warmth and love. Psi then moved up to the next chakra, so that continued focus in the stomach no longer helped again.
One other day I missed the last bus back home. Apparently the last bus also goes the opposite way. Went back to work, then came back and tried hitchhiking. There were hardly any cars going towards the town that late. In any case, none of them stopped. A beautiful evening actually .. a clear sky and warm air. Felt almost like walking in a witch's forest. Tried visualizing myself home, then back some times though nothing happened yet. So I camped on the office floor again. Second time already, so it felt comfortable enough to actually sleep.
Must've fallen asleep in a strange position, blocking a vein or something. At least that's what I suspect for causing a very awkward dream. I'm somewhere random when a couple of aliens appear. Everything about them seems funny. They look like soft toys, their movements are cartoonish and they take everything through love and humour. Or rather, from their perspective, the universe itself isn't very serious. They are not afraid of anything and take things the way they are, or perhaps even less seriously. Just a second after their arrival something is released and I feel my head flowing full of blood. They give me an octopus-like hat that relieves the blood pressure spike in the head. They then ask me to come with them. They go upstairs where I spot a sink. I take the octopus hat off and pour it empty into the sink. They ask me to come with them into the other room. The room is dark, can't see much in there. Almost like an attic of some sort. These two funny fellows point at a strange creature in the corner. To me, the creature seems dangerous. However, then I realize that it's no more dangerous than the octopus hat anyway. The funny fellows say something along the lines of "a cow needs personal treatment". Random, eh? Not for me.
At that moment I realized a few things:
- In my dreams, the symbol cow = body.
- By letting cattle into the pasture and expecting them to do their job is ignorant of their traits, personalities. Now, that's exactly how I've treated this body for most of the time. In fact, that's how most people do it. They don't care about the body for as long as it does its job. And when it no longer does, they run for a doctor to see which screws need to be tightened.
- Like any domesticated animals, cows need taming before they can be reliably subjected to man's will. Same holds true for the body. Walking, talking, etiquettes, etc. This has a side-effect, though - it severs the connection between the body and the mind. It makes it very difficult to notice any signals that the body might be sending about its status, needs and desires. A bit sad.
- Each body has its own personality and traits. Almost like training a dragon or practising out with a new sword - the master must learn to know their weapon like themselves. Or the other way around.
- A lot of what we think are bodily urges or feelings, are constructs of the mind, materialized in the body. The body can be thought of as a live scaffolding on which the mind imprints programs. Perhaps human soul is not native to human body? Perhaps the human body is designed to be hosted by a human soul, designed to have barely any functionality without it?
All in all, body is not a tool. A tool is a well-tamed body. Over-taming and lack of compassion lead to cruelty. Cruelty, not asketicism.