
The goal of this blog is to motivate myself and others for further practice as well as provide details that might explain what's going on..

Tuesday, October 30, 2018

Sleeping spirits

Pondered about the golden veil and the sensation of longing and feeling at home in hyperspace (as described by Billy Meier). Might it be that we're like pieces / filaments / protuberances of the golden mist (our home) exploring the world beyond the veil. This would explain feeling out-of-place and longing for what's beyond the golden veil. Moreover, this raises the curiosity of what would lie beyond the next veil after the golden one. Might these veils be related to chakras in any way? No, perhaps not - chakras are a property of this body but the body (probably even the astral body) would lose its meaning in the golden mist. While there probably is structure within the golden mist (I've seen different kinds of gold in the astral), it's way less stable. Perhaps the idea is to explore the lower veil as a means to extrapolate the path to the higher veil? Since already the realm of the golden mist / light is beyond this physical realm, entering the next realm after the golden mist would probably mean no coming back to this physical realm. Exciting stuff. Perhaps it would be a good idea to live the rest of this life right next to the golden veil and then fly through once the mission is concluded.

Edit: Oh, one more thing that I wanted to post. The lack of motivation when overwhelmed by bliss - I think this basically shows that the reason why I do anything at all is to become happy. I've gotten it all wrong, as this is not the correct reason for pursuing anything. Happiness should be a nice side-effect to doing things in the right way, but happiness itself should not become a blocker to further progress. Instead, I should do things because I can help mankind in doing so. This way becoming happy or enjoying the bliss would only serve to assist me in my work.

Recently I've had dreams full of all sorts of unknown symbols, as well as info that has been meant to be taken literally the way it's conveyed. Like at the end of a dream, an entity said: "Time's up" :::alarm rings:::

Hypnagogic: Sell AMD, NVDA

A couple of weeks ago, an entity popped up and told me to sell my AMD, NVDA stocks. Me: nope, too low .. long AMD & NVDA. Me now: would have been a very good deal.

The message couldn't have been any more clear, and yet I chose not to act because of my previous decision to not pursue short-term fluctuations. However, after 2 years of passive long-term, I think it should actually be about time to start looking at occasional trading as well.

Dream: Daisy-chaining concentration

Having played Styx quite a bit, the dream probably followed from the inspiration. I was in a straight corridor with a plain wall in front of me. All walls were gray and insignificant, except for the wall in front. I knew that there had to be something hidden in the wall in front, but first I had to get to it. For the rational mind it seemed straightforward (a straight corridor, after all). Instead, I went with the flow and looked at my right arm. Concentration pulled me into the arm, focusing on smaller and smaller objects within each-other. Having shrunk the field of consciousness enough, the wall in front revealed picture frames with symbols. Unknown symbols that looked similar to something from a book on the occult or somesuch.

Dream: Colleague asleep in a room full of sleeping spirits

This colleague has been looking for a room. I haven't offered mine, because I haven't had / taken the time to clean everything, install new lamp and lamp shades and stuff like that. Lousy excuse.

The dream clearly indicated that he would get along well with the spirits. It's not like the apartment is haunted or anything, but I take such a dream as a signal because it's the first time for me to see a non-family member that deep in my own mind-space.

Anyway, I tried to wake him up and ask him to come out of the room .. without me waking the spirits. I noticed that there were about 2-3 spirits in the room, all asleep. One of them was grandpa, as humble as possible (sleeping on an old mattress on the floor, without sheets and a blanket). While I did recognize the other(s), I think none of them were familiar from this lifetime.

This dream helped me realize the meaning of an old dream, which I suspect would be a bit difficult to find from the blog. Anyway, in that dream I visited a witchy friend of a friend and I was somewhat freaked about all the strange people and creatures roaming about his house. He was weird but all the creatures in his house were way beyond that. I suspect that he was one of the last people in his family tree and all the past relatives had gathered up at his house. He carefully let us in one by one, and made sure that the spirits accepted all of us before inviting us any further. Dangerous business.

Wednesday, October 17, 2018

Golden Veil

Wanted to post this, as a follow-up of the Dark Veil, however, I haven't investigated the Golden Veil that much yet.

I guess that people could be born between the two veils, but sometimes cross the dark veil and become lost. If that's the case, then it would be quite difficult for them to even consider anything on the other side of the veil, including the golden veil. One would first need to penetrate the dark veil, and then gradually shift their consciousness towards the golden veil.

I've gotten the impression that the closer one gets to the golden veil, the more pleasure and happiness they would feel. They would start seeing more and more of the golden light that permeates everything and shines through matter. Material objects would seem like merely temporary facades, as if made of cardboard that has been manifested by the mind, and is empty of actual presence. Space itself would start to seem dimensionless, with large and small objects being no different.

Based on the former observations (which happen to be somewhat scattered across this blog), I would conclude that the golden veil / mist is related to manifesting matter or forming space (or space-time). Perhaps matter is simply interwoven vorticular patterns of the golden and dark mists?

As opposed to the dark mist, maybe the golden mist likes to stick together, pulling on anything that has had contact with it. At least when moving away from it, there seems to always be this longing that pulls back towards it even from beyond the dark veil.

Both veils can be seen with the mind's eye, maybe they're also directly visible, don't know. Similarly to how people who have penetrated the dark veil have difficulties living this life in this world, I got the impression that people who have penetrated the golden veil would have difficulties living in this world. Which is why I held my horses before deciding to penetrate the veil. It seems very easy to become attracted to either of these veils.

Lot of symbols

Had a dream full of new symbols last night.

Recently the dreams have become a bit more interesting. More levitation dreams again, some very bright and chill, some slightly gloomier. Psi-work has also become more interesting.

I started visualizing female energy and adding it to the mix. Hadn't done that for years. It makes it easier to be calm and it provides a significant improvement in the sharpness of focus as well. Many of the blockages within the body can only be resolved with a balance of both. I'm not sure if I have it correct (yin or female is supposed to be dark and cold and yang or male the opposite) but I've referred to it differently.

On Monday I surprised myself and others around me with my sharpness of focus. Yesterday I noticed that whenever I stepped in the leaves, leaves blew away from me. It looked as if a gust of wind was produced by my foot as I stepped. Right when I started wondering about it, the phenomena disappeared.

I've been feeling quite tired, though. Concentration and blockages, perhaps? And lack of meditation.

Dream: Dangerous grounds

I was flying around with two other people. I was the one providing lift, whereas the others fulfilled the jobs of eyes and brains.

We wanted to reach a boat smith while touching the ground as little as possible. Within the dream, all surfaces oozed of a slightly ominous aura and when looking at surfaces, they crawled with bugs and worms. Harmless but still not very inviting. The dream ended when we circled around and landed at the boat smith.

Dream: Those symbols, man

Me, aunt and mom were in the kitchen. I looked out of the window and saw lady on a horse hopping from roof to roof. She hopped onto our roof and disappeared, probably from the other side of the building.

I pointed it out so that aunt and mom wouldn't miss it. Even though it caused the building to vibrate or shake a little, they wouldn't have noticed because it was not meant for them. Even the shaking was a manifestation of my mind. I found it interesting that I pointed at the roof on level with our floor and said it was our roof, whereas the roof on top of us was not ours. Dream logic FTW.

Left to the other side of the building, looking for horse foot prints on my balcony. However, while I was on my way there, I came across an animated stuffed animal that was trying to climb onto a chair. I referred to it as a bull but it looked more like a stuffed bear or somesuch. With a "WTF" expression, I helped it onto the chair and it told me telepathically that it's all a manifestation of my own mind. I wanted to tell someone about what I had just seen - an animated stuffed animal, but there was nobody there.

Continued towards the balcony. Tried to find my camera to gather evidence of these strange phenomena. It took a lot of time and eventually I still failed to find it. Went onto the balcony, which transformed into the floor of a medium-sized hall. Left by flying through the wall. Behind the building, there was a nice small patch of greenery.

Hmm .. there was something about sister as well, but I forgot.

First time symbols: horse, animated stuffed animal.

Friday, October 12, 2018

Dark Veil

Today morning I pondered about the feelings of loneliness, sadness, separation and what causes these. Obviously these feelings arise from an illusion, a bitter-sweet illusion. Though, it occurred to me that this illusion is caused by the dark veil.

Based on this, the dark veil (dark blue haze) might have the following fundamental properties: it absorbs and isolates (disintegrates).

It fits rather well with my astral travel / out-of-body experiences. The dark veil can be used to cut space-time, making it possible to be partially in one realm and partially in another. Or perhaps the dark veil is simply the lack of space-time in the first place?

In general this seems to fit well with the guides and stories from Steve Richards' book on invisibility. I think that the main method was wrapping oneself in the dark veil, which would then grant invisibility.

I suspect that presence is only really presence if it's bidirectional - one is aware of others, and others are aware of the one. That is, presence is based on empathy. Now if one isolates themselves from the surroundings with the help of this dark veil, their presence is diminished. It would seem as if the dark veil is absorbing or eating away the energy of the person. So, probably a good anchor would be needed to circumvent this.

Ever noticed how depending on emotions, everything seems brighter or darker? Perhaps we experience this veil differently on the different astral layers of our bodies? On one layer it looks like loneliness, sadness, depression, whereas on another layer it just looks like a dark cloud or mist?

What if people struggling with depression are simply overwhelmed by the veil?

I've also thought that perhaps magicians love to mimick the dark veil with black cloth in their tricks where they cut people in half, make them disappear and so on.

All in all, the dark veil is a powerful tool if it's used with care.

Monday, October 8, 2018

Ego splash

Although I passed the exam with the highest grade, in my eyes it was a failure. While the written exam went alright (I've sat through a lot of written exams), I became way too nervous for the oral exam that followed right after. Very embarrassing and although I felt sorry for my existence for the rest of the week, I learned a lot about my psychology (and a bit of physics as well). I'm thankful for the lesson.

I did not meditate nor sleep enough before the exam. However, I relaxed too much .. which caused a wet dream, which in turn caused me to catch a little cold together with some sleep deprivation. Not the perfect combination for an exam. The wet dream caught me off-guard, I was so tired that it happened in the deep sleep state without even seeing any sexy integrals.

Amazing how everything around me reorganized in such a way that I could take the time and study. It's also amazing how two seemingly mutually exclusive outcomes were manifested. The universe works in mysterious ways, and the mystery sure is way beyond the physics nowadays. I have a lot to learn about physics as well as about the way that the universe works.

Finally got 1.5 d of vacation on Saaremaa. Fixed a couple of computer issues for aunt, helped with installing a pump and helped to plant bushes.

Yesterday uncle got 50 and he encouraged me to follow my ambitions. Today a NASA astronaut visited us at work and gave a very inspiring speech about on following one's ambitions.

Unrelated, except for symbolics. Had to reconfigure the networking of my RPi today evening but I only had a display and a mouse. Apparently Raspbian doesn't come with a virtual keyboard. Stopped whining, reconfigured networking and then installed the matchbox-keyboard. All by copy-pasting together commands from letters which I could find from different files on the system. Such a small thing but it felt at least as good as jumping into puddles (couldn't resist during my 1.5 d vacation).