A series of dreams, surrounding some recent events. Basically, about a year ago I happened to a Discord server with people unable to control their energies. I had difficulties trying to fit in. Between D1 and D3, some friends left.
Between D3 and D4, I heard a bizarre rumor. The rumor disturbed me, but somehow it triggered memories which I couldn't trace. Just after hearing the rumor, I started to remember conversations and posts on Discord, which I could not have seen. I ended up being very confused about what had actually been posted or said, and what I had just remembered. At that point, it seemed as if the puzzle clicked together and I knew what I had to do.
Asked about the rumor from the person involved, while refusing to reveal the source of the rumor. Somehow this seemed to have caused the person to panic and publicly post the rumor in the server. Anyway, I got what I had wanted, and got banned. After that, the memories about the conversations started to fade away again.
D6 I just found odd.
D1. Wolf-man
There was some kind of a wolf-man or somesuch, terrorizing a village somewhere. Me and someone else observed how a hero went to fight the creature. This wolf-man was almost impossible to kill, and very difficult to even cripple or disable. At some point I was being taught how to deal with it, then it was me fighting this creature.
I'd happily skip all the gore and gruesome details, but I think that a few details / symbols were still important.
Just before I landed my first hit with an axe, the wolf-man looked like a lamb. In order to disable it, I had to sever all the nerves at a specific spot in its spine, and separate them such that its regeneration would no longer function. I could not, however, bring myself to kill it. I felt too sad for it, and I felt bad for what I had done, regardless of it having been necessary for the village. At the end of the dream, I puked out my guts and cut them off.
Then woke in cold sweat and couldn't sleep anymore that night. Since that dream, my mind was disturbed for a few days.
D2. Sad dog
Me and sister were at home. At some point, a dog came in, looking sad. I pet and hugged the dog.
D3. Happy fox
Me and sister were at the summerhouse. At some point, something ran in, went through the kitchen and eventually reached the living room. There it sat down and looked at me with a smile. Sister called it a dog, whereas I called it a cat. It totally looked like a fox, though. I was confused about why I was referring to it as a cat when it was so obviously a fox. Moreover, how or why had it even entered the house. It had not asked anyone's permission.
D4. Terrified fox
Since the previous dream, I must have kicked the fox out because it did not follow the protocol of asking before entering my personal space.
On a cloudy morning, I'm walking from the dry closet back towards the summerhouse. The field to my right is flooded. The fox is there, sleeping in the water. It had shed an impressive amount of fur on the surface of the water, in an attempt to make sleeping there feel at least a little bit more comfortable.
I felt sad for the little fox, and wanted to take it somewhere dry and warm. However, as I approached, the fox woke in terror, and fled into a pile of dirt, in which the fox probably had a cave.
D5. Another sad dog
In a dream today morning I found another sad dog waiting behind the door. I let it in. It drank some water, and then went on its way again.
D6. Couple
After the last dog visit today morning, I tried to close and lock the door properly again. Finally managed to, but then I heard someone cutting the lock bolt. I was a bit confused because we had our lights on, and the burglars should've seen and heard that there's people home. Quickly got dressed and since I didn't have any other weapons, I took a knife. Got to the door in time to greet the people who had spent all that effort of breaking my lock.
There was a couple who had just gotten married, I guess. They treated us as good old friends, even though none of us could remember having met them before. Me and mom shook the hand with the golden ring with a blue gem, wishing the couple a long and lasting relationship. Oh, I think he handed the ring to mom or me and then asked it back, which I found strange.
Both of them looked a bit drunk and tired. While both were young (maybe in their early 30s), the skin on the blonde man's face looked clean and parched / cracked at the same time.
Mom asked how much it would cost to repair the door. I said I don't know but probably not much. Anyway, the man was curious about how the door's locking mechanism worked because it had given him a lot of trouble to cut through. So I took the lock and tried to show him. He explained that he was making tools for the police and emergency services to open doors but none of his tools worked on our door.