
The goal of this blog is to motivate myself and others for further practice as well as provide details that might explain what's going on..

Sunday, October 30, 2022

A bit of healing


I think it was on Monday evening that I "saw" a cloud of light near me. Brought my attention to it and enjoyed it for a bit.

Recently I've been feeling a bit more in the dark again.

Yesterday had a dream with a lot of scrambled ice on the streets.

Today morning I had a dream with violent protests on the streets. One of them threw a bottle to the ground. I closed my eyes but felt some of the shards hit my eyelids. This sort of negligence made me a bit angry.


In addition to dreams, something interesting has happened in the waking life.

Recently I think my kidneys have been under a lot of pressure for some reason. For years I used to struggle with phlegm and difficulties breathing at home. I thought it was some sort of dust which I was allergic to. However, it appears that I have suddenly somehow magically recovered from this. While at some point I tried to actively heal it, the last time was perhaps a couple of weeks ago or so.

Went through the store while on my way back home on Wednesday evening. It was raining, so I thoroughly wiped my boots dry on the carpet to make sure I wouldn't slip later. Almost bumped into a lady shortly after, as both of us kept stepping aside in mirrored directions. So I leaped away but slipped and still almost fell on her.

Later when I got home, everything was covered in a thick layer of dust. There's construction works going on in the neighbor's apartment. An interesting occurrence.

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