
The goal of this blog is to motivate myself and others for further practice as well as provide details that might explain what's going on..

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

What is it?

Yesterday morning, there was an exam that I knew would go wrong. A few days before the exam, a choice popped up in my mind: whether to have a normal exam, skipping the educational value or to have it turn out as a real killer .. which would prove the current school system outdated. Agreed that I wouldn't care about my grades and a failure for a greater purpose is totally worth it.

Haven't seen such an exam yet. Would've been impossible for me to do it all on time. Still, it had its effect on me. Ego and consciousness got withdrawn. It's been a long while, since there's been such a concentration of consciousness in the body. Everything seems so much easier when the consciousness is not smeared all over the place (within a lot of objects and people). Pk and geisting leaped a lot, every other thought. Practised the feeling of levitation and got the feeling of a coherent body pretty much without effort.

Sent a facebook friend request to Michael Grubb. My friend Hyena has been recommending a lot of posts and I haven't been able to read them. Knowing, just how inactive I am on facebook, I found this post:
Got rid of some un-needed weight.

The way I look at it, if you're on my friend's list, but NEVER communicate...then its just as good as if you were never on my friend's list to begin with.

Friends are people that I interact with and have contact with on a semi-regular basis. That may not be the way that others look at it, but, it certainly is the way that I do. Having tons of numbers of inactive friends means virtually nothing to me.
Well .. and then Hyena mentions how he had told Grubb to accept my friend request and stuff. WTF? A lot of posts with the same content have been popping up now. Old friends commenting that their number of friends has exceeded 2^8 so that they need to start removing them, etc.

Love and respect to Michael Grubb, Hyena, psychokinesis activeboard and mankind in general. If any of them would need some air to breathe, I would be the first one to volunteer to go away, because I know I can live without it.

Sometimes it hurts to see, what people have to go through, in order for me to get what I want. Blablablab .. continues on April 13th, here. Amazingly addictive wheel of karma .. what is this.

On another note, while browsing facebook .. sigh .., I suddenly found consciousness out of body (spanning from the body to the right of it). Within perhaps 10 seconds, consciousness slid through the body and to its left. Then gradually concentrated into the body again.

That's one of the most intense and the longest of these glitches, so far.

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