
The goal of this blog is to motivate myself and others for further practice as well as provide details that might explain what's going on..

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Dream: new apartment

Dad had somehow gotten a new apartment, which looked rather similar. Sister and Mom were there as well. I didn't know where it was or how to get there .. I had always been summoned or teleported there.

After discussing something with some friends, I was about to open the door for them to leave, when I noticed that the door was sealed with wallpaper. Me: "WTF? Why?" Broke the wallpaper seal and still opened the door to let the guests out. Strangely enough, the balcony had also been sealed. Sister said it was for security considerations of some sort. I didn't get it, since paper or textile wouldn't protect much anyway.

Dad was pretty enthusiastic about this new apartment. He looked as if he had a lot of money to work on the interior and technology. I knew I didn't.

Since I had not been outside yet, I went for a stroll. Found a cheap grocery store close by. It was also rather close to some old town with a lot of amazing museums of various kind (several seemed mining-related). Pretty houses with flowers hanging from the balconies. Continued in some random direction. Higher and more plain-looking buildings. A small house with a garden and a fireplace or something .. a dark-skinned family lived there and a lot of children were playing in the garden. Continued walking. Figured I should probably go back, otherwise I might just become lost in this foreign place. Arrived at the garden with the kids playing.

I guess I recognized that the dark-skinned man next to the fireplace (he was chopping firewood) was interested in pk and yoga stuff. Walked past a little bit closer to look at what he was doing. It looked as if there was a lot of weird in his chopping of firewood (didn't quite make sense to my mind).

I had the impression that everyone has their own path and that they're experiencing what's needed for their lesson of life to be the most fruitful. Since everyone has their own path, then it would be logical to assume that everyone is learning different things for the whole.

He saw himself in me. He said he has been me, that he has experienced everything I have experienced. Not quite sure whether he was talking about himself or not (it was as if he spoke about himself but from a 3rd person perspective or something). Anyway, he said something along the lines of "I can dodge missiles and ... . How dedicated are you to your practices?"

Dream ended at 6 AM. Tried hard to continue dreaming .. didn't work.

While thinking about the dream at a lecture today, I found a blockage (a small root of fear) from the chest area. This is what has caused the lungs, throat and head to be malnourished with prana.

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