
The goal of this blog is to motivate myself and others for further practice as well as provide details that might explain what's going on..

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Artillery base

Have been tracing all doubty thoughts that pop up in my mind, hacking in and replacing them with what I intend to achieve instead.

That broken button '2' has recently been coming off more frequently. Broke my trodden thought-patterns and attempted to fix it with pk yesterday. I was amazed that the button then stayed in place for a lot longer than before. When already the vibrations of the rest of the keyboard made the button jump off, then now I could even press on it for about 5-6 times before it flew.

Before I woke up at 6 AM today morning, an alarm went off in my dreams. I couldn't find the source of the alarm - mobile phone didn't show any signs of an alarm being set, nothing on the laptop. The alarm stopped and a real alarm went off .. it was 6 AM .. off for an excursion to an artillery base.

I took a seat and projected the intent that noone would sit next to me so that I could practice some pk while on the way. A friend walked past me. Another buddy came and thought about sitting next to me for some seconds, but then changed his mind and took a seat further back.

Stared at a mini-bus on the same parking lot. I attempted to move it slightly forward, backward and press the chassis down on different springs. Although I could feel it moving, I think I could also see it moving a little. Though, I can't be sure .. it's the same with pk on a table; I see it moving and I feel it moving, but I can't hear it moving and probably others can't see it moving either. Anyway, it had handbrake on and it seemed to stop moving past some certain distance.

Well, I couldn't help but fall asleep in the bus. I was home, solving problems for Thermodynamics and Statistical Physics when I heard a strange sqeaky noise and poofed back into the bus with my consciousness. Funny how I now (back at home) easily solved the rest of the problems that I had been messing with for already a week or so.

Tried to avoid using a jacket even though it was windy and maybe 7*C or something. Practiced stasis field on wind when it was getting cold. Almost everyone else were wearing hats and jackets, even soldiers, who are probably more used to the wind.

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