
The goal of this blog is to motivate myself and others for further practice as well as provide details that might explain what's going on..

Saturday, April 16, 2011

New friend .. in dreams

Became friends with someone in a dream. We had met before, but for some reason, I hadn't shaken hands with him yet. He was a musician (I think I had listened to a few songs of his) and a hobby artist. He gave me one of his art journals, a book with tiny pieces of art that he had made (manipulated photos, ink illustrations, logos and stuff). So, I was browsing it at home one morning.

Sought for a nice pencil. Found a red one .. it was a weird one, because it wiggled, didn't draw very well and it seemed to be permanent or something. Tattooed "I'm successful" on my left arm to boost my self-confidence construct.

Oh man, I feel even more empty of psi than I would after a wet dream. And I'm real clumsy today. I feel like detaching from everything and meditating a lot.

There's a forum discussion on seeing bright little dots moving around in the sky. Meditated some and stared at the sky. Some dots that I saw were floaters, but some seemed to have distance to them and it didn't matter how I looked at them (via direct or peripheral vision). There were a few larger bright transparent blurbs flying over a building. Then 3 dark blurbs flew over the building in the same direction. At first I thought they were birds, but they didn't have physical bodies .. just blurbs.

Another offensive e-mail. It seems that she didn't get as much as she wanted. Well, I no longer care. This caught me off guard, but now I'm better prepared.

The other table just snapped 3-4 times in a row.

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